The Dragon Evolve God

Eraga In Trouble

Eraga In Trouble

2'What the hell is going on?! Even Olmoth is badly injured too?' Prince Eraga was shocked.     

At first, Prince Eraga didn't know what was going on, but after scanning his surroundings, that's when he saw Prime for the first time. However, he was confused because he doesn't know which one is the real Prime, since he can't differentiate between the real Prime and the clone.     

'A dragon boy and his clone?' Prince Eraga was confused.     

"Eraga-sama! Please save me!" yelled Olmoth again desperately.     

That's when Prince Eraga snapped back into reality and quickly dashed toward Olmoth to assist him. As for Prime, he stood still where he is and smiled because he wants to make the situation more dramatic before killing them all.     

'Hehe! Enjoy your little reunion while you can, but sooner or later, you all still going to die anyway,' Prime laughed inwardly.     

"Olmoth, are you okay? And what just happened?" Prince Eraga asked.     

"It's this dragon boy in front of us, he's the one that wounded us," said Olmoth as he pointed at Prime with his index finger.     

"This dragon boy? That's impossible, he's just a kid, there's no way he could do that," said Prince Eraga in a disbelieving manner.     

Although Eraga is well aware of how powerful someone from the dragon race is, but Prime looked so young, so there's no way he could be that powerful. At least, that's what Eraga think and in fact, he believes they might even be someone else behind this, perhaps Prime's master/teacher or something.     

"Eraga-sama! Listen you need to get out of here quick, this boy is a monster and even if you can win, don't forget we're in the GreenStar Kingdom territory, so it's not safe here," said Olmoth as he was worried that if King Raenor joins the battle too, then 100% Prince Eraga will be doomed.     

If it's just Prime alone, maybe Eraga can survive or maybe even win, of course, that's what Olmoth believed. But little did he knows, that Prime hasn't even used his full power yet, so his entire speculation is totally wrong and he doesn't even realize that.     

"Olmoth! Stop joking and just tell me who it is?" said Prince Eraga as he still doesn't believe it.     

"I already told you, it is really this kid..... he's the one," said Olmoth once more.     

That's when Prime became impatient and interrupted them, and said:     

"He's right, I'm the one who harmed your Royal Knights, so what are you gonna do what about it?" said Prime tauntingly as he smiled at Prince Eraga.     

'This bastard! If only this is the DarkStar Kingdom, then without a doubt, you would have been dead 1000 times already,' Prince Eraga was extremely furious.     

Since this is the GreenStar Kingdom, therefore Prince Eraga didn't want to act so rashly. Because he's here to make Princess Aelena fall in love with him, so if he were to make a scene now, then certainly King Raenor would be very angry.     

However, that's not the only reason why Prince Eraga is hesitating, but also because of his 7 Demon Royal Knights are down, so he's pretty much alone at this point without any protection from his Royal Knights.     

It was at this time, Prince Eraga decided to put his anger aside and calmly said, "I'm not sure what's going on, but if my men did offend you or anything, then I would like to apologize on behalf of them,"     

"Oh? I thought you're just like Olmoth who likes to abuse his power and bully the weak, but surprisingly, you're not what I imagined you to be," Prime was a little surprised.     

In Prime's mind, he thought Prince Eraga is a violent and arrogant type of person, but it turns out that he was wrong.     

"Well, I don't blame you because that's what most people stereotype the demon race to be, but just like any other races, they are good and they are bad," said Prince Eraga as if he's trying to sound mature.     

'Hahaha! Some are good and some are bad huh? Well then, it looks like you're the bad one I guess,' laughed Prime inwardly.     

It was at this time, King Raenor, the Elf Prince and Princess Aelena came, and when they saw the 7 Demon Royal Knights were badly injured, they were surprised.     

"What just happened here?" asked King Raenor curiously to the people around him.     

"Yeah, what's going on here?" asked the Elf Prince curiously too.     

As for Aelena, she already kind of knew who did it because there's only one person who's capable of challenging the 7 Demon Royal Knights, and that's Prime.     

However, what surprised Aelena is that she didn't expect Prime to act so fast because initially, she thought Prime wanted to play around first for a few days before finishing off his enemies. But it turns out that, she's totally wrong about it.     

It was also at this moment, when the 10 Elf Royal Knights saw their majesty, that's when they quickly go up to their king and told their king everything about what was going on.     

After a while:     

"I see, so that's what happened huh," said King Raenor angrily when he heard that Olmoth tried to kill Dior previously, but was saved by Korak instead.     

"Alright, take Korak away and treat his wound," said King Raenor to the other 8 Elf Royal Knights.     

"And as for you Dior, good job in getting Prime fight for you," said King Raenor happily as he slapped Dior in the back hard.     

When King Raenor complimented Dior, Dior can't help but smile embarrassingly and said:     

"Haha thank you, your majesty,"     

It was at this time, the Elf Prince walked closer toward his father and whispered softly, and said:     

"Father, what do you think if we kill Prince Eraga now?"     

"Huh? What do you mean?" said King Raenor shockingly, as he didn't expect his son could think of something so bold.     

"Well since the 7 Demon Royal Knights are injured right now, so that's mean Prince Eraga is alone without anyone protecting him. In another word, we should use this opportunity and finish him off,"     

"What?! Are you crazy?! Our entire kingdom will be in great trouble if we do that," said King Raenor.     

"So what? We have Sir Prime with us, so there's nothing for us to fear. Also, even if the war starts, it's just between the Elf race and the Demon race anyways, and the dragon race is not involved," said the Elf Prince.     

"And you think the Elf race can win? I mean sure we have Sir Prime with us, but what if Sir Prime changed his mind and refuse to help us?" said King Raenor.     

"Well that's....." said the Elf Prince.     

"Exactly, we don't have the power to make our decision, so we can't act rashly without discussing with Sir Prime first," said King Raenor.     

"Nevermind, you're right we shouldn't act on our own," said the Elf Prince disappointingly.     

It was at this time, Prince Eraga carried Olmoth and decided to leave, but then suddenly something happened, and it was Prime standing in front of Eraga and said:     

"Did I say that you can leave yet?"     

When the Elf Prince and King Raenor saw Prime was confronting Eraga, that's when they became panicked as they didn't want Prime to kill Eraga in their kingdom. Because if Prince Eraga were to die in their land, then without a doubt, King Arroth who is Prince Eraga's father would be pissed, and would blame the Elf race for his son's death.     

"Father! Quickly go and stop Sir Prime now before it's too late," said the Elf Prince anxiously.     

"Wait, let's watch a little longer because we're not sure if Prime will kill him or not, so let's just wait out first," said King Raenor in order to calm his son down.     

"Hmph! What do you want now?! I already apologized to you," said Prince Eraga angrily.     

"Indeed you did, but did I say that I will forgive your men for trying to hurt my friend earlier?" said Prime stubbornly as he's not willing to let Prince Eraga go yet.     

"Well no..... so what do you want then?"     

"What do I want huh? Hmm, let me think," said Prime while stroking his chin.     

About 10 seconds later, Prime finally thought of an idea and said:     

"How about we play a game?"     

"A game?" Prince Eraga was confused.     

"That's right and the game is simple, and that is all you need to do is to defeat my pet. And if you win, then I will let you and your 7 Royal Knights go, but if you lose, then all of you will die here today," said Prime.     

Since Geemo is level 1000, so Prime was thinking of letting Geemo eat Prince Eraga and evolve and hopefully able to become a "Slime Emperor,". And if Prince Eraga's death is still not enough for Geemo to level up, then Prime wouldn't mind giving the 7 Demon Royal Knights to Geemo either.     

Although Prime initially wanted all the kill for himself, but Geemo becoming a Slime Emperor isn't too bad too, so just for this time, Prime is willing to give all his kills to Geemo.     

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