The Dragon Evolve God

Prince Eraga Furious

Prince Eraga Furious

1'What?! Someone from the dragon race?! That's impossible, how could I not sense his presence this whole time? Also, since when did he get here?' Olmoth was confused and shocked at the same time.     

If it's any other races, Olmoth is not scared at all, but when it is someone from the dragon race, that's when he feels it's time to take things seriously. That is because only someone from the dragon race can equally challenge the demon race, but as for other races, they don't stand a chance.     

"You! Who are you?!" said Olmoth in fear as he quickly back away.     

However, Prime ignored Olmoth and focused on Dior instead and said, "Dior, are you okay?".     

"Haha, I'm fine and sorry to get you involved," said Dior as he felt a little guilty for pretending to get himself in trouble.     

"No worries, you're my friend, so it's only natural to help each other," said Prime.     

When Prime said that, Dior felt touched in his heart due to how kind Prime is as a person.     

After making sure Dior is okay, that's when Prime turned around and faced Olmoth directly, and replied:     

"Who am I? Hmm, what makes you think you have the qualification to know?" said Prime arrogantly.     

"Idiot! Do you want to die? Even if you're a dragon but so what! Do you think you can fight us all at once," said Olmoth.     

Although Olmoth could sense that Prime is powerful, but he still doesn't believe that Prime is strong enough yet to take on 7 Demon Royal Knights at once. In another word, Olmoth is pretty confident that he can win his opponent by outnumbering them.     

"Oh? So you're threatening me now huh?" said Prime in a sarcastic manner.     

"Hahaha! Not really, I mean I've always hated someone from the dragon race, so regardlessly, you're still going to die no matter what. However, if you tell us who you are, then maybe I might change my mind,"     

As much as Olmoth wants to kill Prime, but if Prime happened to be someone important from the RedStar Kingdom, then taking Prime as a prisoner and questioning him will be much more beneficial. At least, that's what Olmoth believes.     

"Hahaha! Sure I can tell you who I am, that if only if you defeat me first. Well not really me, but my clone actually," said Prime.     

It was at this time, Prime summoned his clone and said:     

"There you go, what do you think of my clone?"     

When the crowd saw Prime's Clone for the first time, they became shocked as they've never seen someone from the dragon race have such clone skill before.     

"What? Is Sir Prime a dragon assassin class?" said one of the bystanders shockingly.     

"No idea, and this is actually my first time seeing someone from the dragon race able to clone themselves," said another bystander amazedly.     

Even the 9 Elf Royal Knights were shocked, of course, the same goes with Olmoth's group as well. As for Dior, he had seen Prime's Clone before, therefore he's not that impressed by it.     

"Is this a joke? Do you think your fake clone can fight us all?" said Olmoth angrily as he was upset that Prime did not take him seriously.     

"Yeah stop joking with us, do you really want to die? You should be happy that Olmoth-sama is giving you a chance to talk and now you're trolling us?" said one of the Demon Royal Knights unhappily.     

"Hahaha! Joke? Who said it's a joke? I mean if you want to think that way, then I can't stop you, but just don't regret later," Prime laughed.     

"Hmph! You know what, get him boys!" said Olmoth to his men.     

Without delay, the 6 Demon Royal Knights began charging at Prime. But for Prime, he just stood there and smiled because he knows his clone will take care of everything, so there's nothing for him to worry about.     

"Prime-sama, do you want me to kill them all or cripple them all?" said the clone.     

"Hmm, I guess cripple them first and let them suffer a bit before killing them later," said Prime.     

"Alright," the clone responded.     

Without delay, Prime back off a little and let his clone deal with everything, then "BAM!" in just a split second, all the 6 Demon Royal Knights were blown away by Prime's Clone attack.     

When those 6 Demon Royal Knights were blown away, some of them crashed into the walls, while some crash onto a nearby table, but regardlessly, the crashed did make a very loud sound. And just the sound alone, people could tell that the damage they took from Prime's Clone must be very high.     

"What?! How could a mere clone be so powerful?!" Olmoth was shocked.     

Even the crowd was impressed and shocked as well as they couldn't believe that a mere clone could be so powerful. As for Dior, he just smiles because he already knew what was going to happen and in fact, he finds it funny when he looked at everyone's dumbfounded expression.     

As for Sivia and Karok and the other Elf Royal Knights, they can't help but felt guilty for looking down on Prime earlier.     

In fact, they now know why their king was so respectful toward Prime this whole time, because it turns out that Prime's power is on another level as compared to most people they have known so far.     

"Shit, I didn't know this dragon boy is so powerful... no wonder King Raenor told us not to offend this kid no matter what," said Karok as he felt guilty.     

After a while, the 6 Demon Royal Knights tried to get up, but then something happened, they couldn't get up at all because their legs were completely crushed to powder form. And when they realized that, that's when all 6 of them scream in agony.     

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!! It hurt!! F**k!!"     

"What the f**k in this!?!" said one of them when they saw their legs was crushed starting from their toes, all the way to their femur bones at the top. In another word, half of their bodies are pretty much gone or crushed.     

If it's just broken bones, maybe they can regenerate back with their demon's power, but with crushed bone, it's harder and it will take a longer time to recover. In another word, they're pretty much crippled at least for a few months before they can walk again.     

"Hahaha! How's that?! You like it?" laughed Prime loudly as he stared at Olmoth tauntingly.     

It was at this moment, Olmoth finally realized how powerful Prime is and in fact, he thinks that Prime might even be stronger than Prince Eraga or at the same level.     

'What the f**k is this monster?! This power is definitely at least Dragon King's level or more,' Olmoth thought to himself fearfully.     

'F**k! It looks like Prince Eraga is in deep trouble this time,' Olmoth was worried.     

"Hahaha! Why are you not talking? Are you perhaps feeling scared like a puppy?" laughed Prime mockingly.     

"...." Olmoth didn't know what to say. In fact, Olmoth wanted to get down on both of his knees and start begging for mercy, but considering how prideful he is, therefore he won't do it.     

"So do you have anything to say? If not, then is your turn to get cripple too like those buddies of yours over there," said Prime with an evil smile on his face.     

'Shit! Should I beg for mercy? No no no, that would make me look like an idiot if I do that,' Olmoth was thinking.     

"Alright, time up! It's your turn to feel the pain of getting your leg crushed to powder form," said Prime.     

It was at this time, Prime looked at his clone and said, "Do it! Crush until there's nothing left, not just his bones, but his meat too,"     

"Yes, Prime-sama!" responded his clone and without delay, the clone began carrying out his task.     

The minutes Olmoth saw Prime's Clone coming at him, that's when he quickly tried to escape, but sadly, he wasn't fast enough and in the end, he too just like his buddies got his legs crushed completely.     

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!" Olmoth screams in agony.     

"F**k you!! You will pay for this and your entire dragon race will be wiped out soon by our king," Olmoth was furious and in pain at the same time.     

"Hahaha! Sure whatever you say buddy, but with me around, it will be the other way round, and that is your entire demon race will be wiped out soon by me," Prime laughed.     

"Idiot! I don't know how strong you are, and I'm not sure if Prince Eraga can challenge you or not, but one thing I know for sure is that you don't stand a chance against our mighty king," said Olmoth as he was referring to Prince Eraga's father, the supreme demon king.     

"Well well well, we'll see when the time comes, but sadly, you might not be able to see that because you're about to die soon," said Prime as he walked closer and closer toward Olmoth with killing intent.     

When Olmoth saw Prime approaching, that's when he started to feel extremely terrified, because he knew this time he is really going to die. So it was at this moment, he decided to let go of his pride and began begging for mercy, and said:     

"Please! I was wrong, please forgive me! I swear I won't do it again I promise!"     

"Hahaha! So now you're willing to let go of your pride and beg for mercy huh? Well, sorry to say this, it is too late," Prime smile evilly.     

"No! No! No! Please don't kill me! I beg you please!" yelled Olmoth desperately.     

Due to the commotion going on in the cafeteria, it ended up alerted many people to come to see what was going on. Eventually, Prince Eraga came as well and when he saw his 7 Demon Royal Knights were badly injured, that's when he became furious and yelled loudly:     

"Who! Who dare to harm my Royal Knights!?! Come out now!"     

It was also at this time, Olmoth saw Prince Eraga in the distance and yelled for help:     

"Eraga-sama! Eraga-sama! Over here! Please save me!"     

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