The Dragon Evolve God

Cute Angry Geemo

Cute Angry Geemo

0"You! Who do you think you are?! You dare to threaten me to play games with you?!" said Prince Eraga furiously.     0

"Oh god! Looks like Prince Eraga is furious now," said one of the bystanders nervously.     

"Woohoo! That's what I want to see and I wonder who will win, Prince Eraga or Sir Prime?"     

"No one knows yet, but certainly it is going to be very interesting," said another bystander excitedly.     

When Prince Eraga didn't lower his tone and speak to Prime loudly, that's when Prime suddenly became pissed, and looked at Prince Eraga fiercely like a tiger and said:     

"Watch your tone! Otherwise, don't blame me for what I'm about to do,"     

The moment Prime was angered, Prince Eraga could feel the intense aura coming out from Prime. Due to the intense pressure emit from Prime, Prince Eraga ended up started hallucinating, and what he saw in his hallucination was a massive Black Dragon with Red eyes staring at him like a devil.     

Although Prince Eraga is a demon himself, but he was nowhere near as scary as Prime's dragon form. Probably because Prime's dragon form is massive, so as a result, it makes it looks a lot scarier.     

For the first time in his life other than his father, Prince Eraga felt fear and previously he was showing his anger toward Prime, but now he's very quiet and obedient. Almost as if he is submitting to Prime's dominance.     

Seeing the terrified Prince Eraga, Prime once again said:     

"Are you playing the game or not? Yes or no and don't waste my time,"     

"100% Yes!" said Prince Eraga fearfully.     

"Very good. If that's the case, then we will start the game tomorrow in the morning. In the meantime, take this with you and give it to your Royal Knights," said Prime as he took a plate from a nearby table, and spat some saliva on it.     

"Eww! What is Sir Prime doing," the crowd was confused.     

As for Prince Eraga, he was confused too and said, "May I know what is this for?"     

"Oh, this is just to treat your Royal Knights injuries,"     

"Eh? What?" Prince Eraga furrowed his eyebrows.     

"Here, give it to Olmoth and you will see what I mean," said Prime.     

Since Prince Eraga is scared of Prime, so naturally he would do whatever Prime told him to do.     

So without delay, he immediately took the plate from Prime and let Olmoth lick Prime's saliva. Of course, Olmoth was hesitating in the beginning, but because it was an order from his Prince, so he dare not to refuse.     

After drinking just a bit of Prime's saliva, sure enough, Olmoth body started to heal up and eventually, he could walk again.     

"What?! No way! My bones actually grew back!" Olmoth was surprised as he tried jumping and walking around to see if it's real or not.     

Even Prince Eraga was shocked too and when he realized that Prime's saliva actually works, that's when he quickly give it to the other Demon Royal Knights too. Then the same thing happened, and all the 7 Demon Royal Knights could walk again.     

"Holy shit! Is this for real?" said Jack who is one of the Demon Royal Knights.     

"This is amazing! I can't believe I can walk again, wow!" said Katherine amazedly.     

It was at this point, Prince Eraga and the 7 Demon Royal Knights finally realized just how powerful Prime is.     

Seeing that his 7 Demon Royal Knights have recovered and doing well, that's when Prince Eraga suddenly felt happy and began showing his gratitude to Prime. At this point, Prince Eraga already knew Prime's name from hearing what the crowd said earlier.     

"Sir Prime, thank you so much for treating their injuries, you have my utmost gratitude," said Prince Eraga as he bowed thankfully.     

However, it wasn't just Prince Eraga saying thank you to Prime, but the 7 Demon Royal Knights also did the same as well, and show their gratitude.     

"Hahaha! You guys welcome! And most importantly, don't forget about the game tomorrow," said Prime happily.     

"Yes Yes! No worries, we won't run away," said Prince Eraga respectfully.     

"Very good. Then I will inform King Raenor to organize the game tomorrow and of course, you guys will be fighting in a massive battle arena, so don't miss it,"     

Although Prime might seem happy on the outside, but deep down in his heart, he's laughing evilly as he knows Prince Eraga's group will soon cry tomorrow and beg for their life.     

Just like that, everyone went back to their normal day and continue what they're doing. And as for King Raenor, he's busy organizing the event tomorrow and of course, the Elf Prince and Princess Aelena also help out too.     

In fact, no one complains about what Prime wants to do because he's the boss, so whatever he wants, the Elf race will listen and won't refuse.     

As for Prince Eraga's group, they just stayed in their room and in fact, they are not sure what to do at the moment. Initially, they wanted to use their portal scrolls to escape, but sadly it didn't work because there's a barrier around this palace preventing them from doing so.     

Of course, Prime knew about the portal scroll can't be used inside this palace, which is why he's not worried about Prince Eraga's group escaping at all. And even if the portal scroll does work inside this palace, but Geemo was watching them this whole time, so there's nothing for Prime to worry about.     

"Eraga-sama, should we make our escape now?" said Olmoth worriedly.     

"Idiot! Did you not see how powerful that guy is?! If he caught us escaping now, then all of us will die for sure," said Prince Eraga frustratedly as he couldn't believe that he's living in fear right now.     

'F**k! Who the hell is this Prime guy? Just where did he comes from? Also, I've sent so many spies to the RedStar Kingdom, yet I've never heard of this guy before, just who exactly is he?' Prince Eraga feeling frustrated once more when he can't figure who Prime is.     

"Then what should we do now, Eraga-sama?"     

"Of course we'll fight, I mean I'm not sure how strong is this so-called "Pet," of his, but I guess we will find out tomorrow," said Prince Eraga.     

Then the next morning, finally it's time and everyone gathered around the massive battle arena in the GreenStar Kingdom, in order to watch the battle between Geemo and the Demon Prince.     

"Hahaha! This is fun," said King Raenor as he sat on his VIP seat.     

In fact, all the royal family members were there to watch the match. Even the Elf Elders, Elf Generals, the 10 Elf Royal Knights, and Prime were there too in the VIP seat area.     

Meanwhile, Prince Eraga was already on the stage waiting for his opponent and at the moment, Prince Eraga is looking very pissed.     

'F**k this! I can't believe I have to lower myself just to play this guy's game,' Prince Eraga thought to himself angrily.     

At the moment, Geemo is still with Prime chilling in the VIP seat area.     

"Alright Geemo, you know what to do right?"     

"Yes, Prime-sama," Geemo nodded his head cutely.     

"Very good, and if after eating Prince Eraga is still not enough for you to become Slime Emperor, then you can eat those 7 Demon Royal Knights too,"     

"Okay I will," said Geemo and after that, off he goes to the stage and meets up with Prince Eraga.     

When Prince Eraga saw Geemo arrived in front of him, he began to laugh and said:     

"Hahaha! What the f**K? Am I getting troll?"     

It wasn't just Prince Eraga who is laughing, but the 7 Demon Royal Knights laughed too as well.     

"Hahaha! What a cute Slime, I wonder how is this cute slime even able to stand a chance against our prince," laughed Katherine mockingly.     

"Welp, looks like we got worried for nothing all this time," said Rolan who is one of the Demon Royal Knights.     

Even the entire Elf race in the arena laughed at Geemo as well.     

"Man! I was so excited to watch the match, but it turns out that Sir Prime's pet is just a regular cute slime," said one of the spectators disappointingly.     

"Yeah, considering how powerful Sir Prime is, I thought his pet would be some kind of powerful wild dragon, but it looks like I was wrong after all," said another spectator disappointingly too.     

When Geemo was hearing everyone mocking and laughing at him, that's when he became pissed and said:     

"All of you motherf*cker! Shut the f**k up already!!"     

Despite Geemo's size, but his scream was so loud to the point that everyone almost went deaf for a moment. It sounds almost like a mighty dragon roaring in anger.     

It was at this time, everyone was shocked and dumbfounded as they couldn't believe Geemo's scream has such power.     

"No way! Holy shit! How can a small cute slime have so much power in his voice?" said one of the audience shockingly.     

"Yeah, dude! What the hell was that?"     

'Hahaha! Bunch of idiots, do you think I'm someone that would take in a weak pet as my companion?' laughed Prime inwardly.     

Initially, Geemo only wanted to fight with Prince Eraga, but now that he's pissed, so he changed his mind and said:     

"You know what! You the 7 Demon Royal Knights over there! You guys come fight too with your stupid demon prince," said Geemo tauntingly as he pointed at the 7 Demon Royal Knights to come.     

"Hahaha! You want to fight us all? Is this a joke?" laughed Rolan funnily.     

"No thanks, a low-level Slime like you is not worth of our time," laughed Katherine too as she mocked Geemo.     

At this time, Prime was starting to get bored, so he got up from his seat and yelled:     

"Prince Eraga! Stop wasting time and tell your Royal Knights to get onto the battle stage now!"     

"Yes, sir!" said Prince Eraga frightfully.     

After that, he stared at his Royal Knights angrily and said, "Stop wasting time you guys! Get onto the battle stage now and stop laughing idiot!"     

'Hahaha! Good job, Prime-sama!' Geemo thought to himself.     

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