The Dragon Evolve God

Wolf Clan Bandit

Wolf Clan Bandit

1Following the sense of smell in front of him, he eventually arrived at a small house.     

"Weird, why is everything burned down except for this small house?" said Prime as he wonders.     

"Well, maybe this house was just built recently who knows,"     

"Yeah you're right maybe that," said Prime as he walked closer toward the small house's door and knocked on it.     

Knock! Knock! Knock!     

"Hello, is anyone inside there?" said Prime.     

Although Prime could sense there's someone inside, but he didn't want to just barge in without any manners, which is why he knocked first and asked.     

However, Prime received no reply, then suddenly out nowhere, a person in black cloak appeared behind Prime and place her sword on Prime's neck, and said:     

"Who are you! What do you want?!"     

'Prime-sama, do you want me to kick her ass?' said Geemo telepathically.     

'No, it's okay we're fine,'     

That's when Prime began to speak and said, "Calm down, I just happened to smell someone cooking food nearby, so that's why I came here. Also, I don't mean any harm, so could you please put down your sword already?"     

When the girl sense Prime doesn't have any killing intent, that's when she put her sword down and said:     

"Sorry, we don't have enough food to share with you right now, so please leave,"     

"That's fine as I'm not really hungry, but can I sleep here for the night? Because it's getting dark soon if don't mind," said Prime politely.     


Then suddenly, Prime heard another voice coming from inside the house saying, "Aria it's fine, just let them in,"     

"Father! You're awake?!" said Aria as she quickly opened the door and went in to check to see how her father is doing.     

Since Aria's father invited Prime to come in, so without delay, Prime entered the house and closed the door.     

At the moment, Aria's father is lying down on a bed looking very frail and weak, it seems like his wounds were so severe that he can't even get up to eat, and needed his daughter to feed him.     

When Aria's father saw Prime sitting at the corner and not eating anything, that's when he said, "Aria, please give our guest some food too,"     

Of course, Aria wasn't happy, but since she didn't want to upset her father, so in the end, she gave Prime some food. However, Prime rejected it and said:     

"I'm fine, don't worry about me and most importantly, do you mind telling me what happened to you guys?     

The moment Prime asked that question, suddenly out of nowhere, 10 men in red cloaks appeared outside and surround the house.     

"Hahaha! Come out now old man! It's useless to hide and run away now," said the bandit leader.     

"That's right! If you want to live, hand over your daughter and your dead wife's necklace now!" said one of the bandits evilly.     

When Prime heard that, he became annoyed, 'Bandits again huh? I swear in this world everywhere I go, there's always bandits attacking me and trying to steal my loot,'     

Unlike the modern world where you can call the police or "911" for help, but in this world, there's none of that, and the only protection you can ask for is by becoming strong yourself, or hire someone to protect you.     

But unfortunately, only people who are rich could afford to hire bodyguards to protect them, but for those who are poor, there's not much they can do.     

Although the kingdom itself does send some soldiers from the city to protect the villages, but they usually focus on protecting big villages only, but not so much for small villages.     

"Human boy! Make your run now! I will try my best to use my remaining power to hold them off," said Aria's father.     

"Father! No! Don't do it, you can't die yet and leave me," said Aria in tears.     

'What a good man, even at the verge of dying, he's still willing to risk his life and protect others,' Prime was touched by this man's kindness.     

It was at this time, Prime began to speak and said, "Worry not, as long as I'm here, no one can harm you and your daughter,"     

After that, Prime looked at Geemo and said, "Do it! Kill all of them and leave none alive,"     

"Yes, Prime-sama! Leave it to me," said Geemo.     

Without delay, Geemo exited the house and began killing and eating those 10 bandits one by one.     

"Aaaaaaaahhh!! Please stop! Let me go!" yelled one of the bandits in pain.     

"Nooo! What the hell is this Slime?! F**k!" yelled another bandit.     

"Argaaaahh!! My whole leg is gone! Aaaaaahhh!" yelled another bandit in pain.     

When the bandit leader saw his men are dying one by one, that's when he started becoming scared and tried to run away. But it was no use because Geemo was too fast and he could not escape in time, so ended up dying the same way as his men.     

Just like that, the screaming stops and everything quiet down. After a while, Geemo came back into the house again and jumped onto Prime's right shoulder and rest.     

"Good job," said Prime.     

"Hahaha! Easy peasy no problem," said Geemo proudly.     

As for Aria and her father, they were shocked and their mouth was wide open as they didn't know what to say. Because first of all, Prime is a human, so they never thought he could be so powerful. Secondly, Geemo looks like a low-level Slime, but yet he could defeat those A-Rank bandits like ants.     

Although they haven't seen Prime fighting yet, but the fact that Geemo is so strong, so naturally his master who is Prime must be even stronger.     

Looking at Aria and her father's shocked face, Prime smiled and said, "Haha, are you guys surprised?"     

However, they didn't speak and just nodded their heads.     

"Anyways, do you know who are those bandits just now? Also, are they the ones who destroyed this village?" asked Prime curiously.     

After a while, Aria and her father calmed down, and Aria began to speak and said:     

"Yes, they destroyed our village about 3 months ago, and the reason is because father refused to hand over them the "Skeleton Necklace,"     

"Skeleton Necklace? Hmm, what is that?" said Prime.     

"It's a necklace that allowed you to summon Skeleton Army to battle, which is why those bandits are desperate to steal it," said Aria.     

"Woah! A necklace that can summon Skeleton Army to battle? Damn, that's pretty cool," said Prime.     

"That's right," said Aria.     

"Such a valuable item, no wonder those bandits are crazy for it, but to burn down the entire village just because your father refused to hand over to them... That's just too cruel," said Prime.     

All of a sudden, Aria began to cry again because she suddenly remembered about the horror 3 months ago where her mother, her brother, and all the villagers were slain by the "Wolf Clan Bandit,". Which is the name of the bandit group earlier that Geemo killed.     

Since Aria is crying, so she stopped talking and let her father take over, and just like that, Aria's father began explaining everything to Prime about the Wolf Clan Bandit. After a while, Prime became pissed, even Geemo is angry too just by hearing what the Wolf Clan Bandit did to this village.     

Not only that the Wolf Clan Bandit destroyed this village, but according to Aria's father, other small villages too were destroyed by them. And this has been going on for 10 years already and because no one stops them, that's why they are still going out of control until today.     

"Damn! I'm so pissed off now!" said Prime as he tightens both of his fists furiously.     

"Yeah! Me too! Prime-sama, let's go and kill those motherf**ckers," said Geemo furiously too.     

"Don't worry, we will definitely go and kill them tomorrow morning," said Prime to Geemo firmly.     

After that, Prime looked at Aria and her father and said, "Worry not, Geemo and I will definitely massacre all of them tomorrow. Also if you don't mind, could you show us the way to the Wolf Clan Bandit's territory?"     

Hearing that Prime and Geemo was going to help them get their revenge, they can't help but jump for joy.     

"100% Of course! It's our pleasure," said Aria's father.     

"Okay good, hehe," Prime smirked as he can't wait to destroy the Wolf Clan Bandit tomorrow.     

Just like that, everyone went to sleep and when the next morning arrived, they immediately woke up and began their journey to the Wolf Clan Bandit.     

'Hehe. I hope the Wolf Clan Bandit has a lot of people because the more people they have, the better it is for me to gain more passive stacks,' Prime laughed inwardly.     

However, halfway through their journey, they were greeted by 100 Wolf Bandits and of course, Prime slaughtered all of them without mercy.     

[System Notification: You have just gained +100 INT & +100 DEX Stats!]     

'Hehe, gotta love this broken passive skill,' Prime thought to himself as he smiled.     

Then without delay, they continue their journey again to the Wolf Clan Bandit's territory.     

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