The Dragon Evolve God

Bandit Chief, Lonard

Bandit Chief, Lonard

2Initially, Aria's father was badly injured, so even though he could walk, but it will be very slow and needed his daughter to support him. But thanks to Prime's saliva, Aria's father could now walk like a free man without any worries.      3

Also, Prime promised Aria's father that he will massacre everything except for the bandit chief, meaning that Aria's father will be the one to kill the bandit chief as a way to get his revenge for his village.     

The distance between them and the Wolf Clan Bandit's territory is not very far, probably only about 35KM away, at least according to what Aria and her father say.     

Although Prime could get there in just a few minutes, but Aria and her father were not that fast, so they needed a few hours to get there. Since Prime wasn't in a rush or anything, so he just runs the same speed as Aria and her father.     

Eventually two hours later, they finally arrived at the Wolf Clan Bandit's territory. At the moment, they're just outside the village's main gate or front gate. And at the top of the village gate, they could see a massive signboard saying "Welcome to Wolf Bandit Village,".     

"So this is the Wolf Clan Bandit place huh?" asked Prime.     

"That's right," said Aria's father.     

"Hmm, looks like a massive village to me," said Prime.     

"Haha, well it was originally one of the small villages that they burned down, but now they just rebuild it and make it larger," said Aria's father.     

"I see, so that's how it is,"     

Not long after that, sure enough, the bandit chief came out from the village main gate looking very angry. It seems like he already knew that Prime's party will be coming here, and he also knows that Prime was the one who killed 100 men of his men earlier when he sent them to investigate.     

The name of this bandit chief is called "Lonard," and he's known for being ruthless and enjoy raping women. If there's one word to describe Lonard, that will be evil or a devil because everything he does until now, is basically what a real Satan would do.     

When Aria and her father saw Lonard, they instantly became furious because they never forget that day when Lonard killed so many of their people, and also burned down their village. Also, Lonard was the one who personally raped and killed Aria's mother, and Aria and her father never forget that.     

"So that's Lonard huh? The guy that destroyed your village," said Prime.     

"Yes, he's the one who did it," said Aria's father.     

To be honest, Prime was a little surprised because he thought Lonard was a middle-age looking dude, but it turns out that Lonard was young and good looking.     

The more Geemo look at Lonard's face, the more pissed he is. If Lonard was a middle-aged looking man, then maybe Geemo wouldn't be so hateful, but young and handsome? F**k it! Geemo became even angrier.     

However, Geemo didn't make his move yet as he was waiting for his master's order.     

When Lonard saw Prime for the first time, he was surprised, 'What? A human boy? And he looks pretty young too,'     

It was at this moment, Lonard suddenly changed his mind and instead of killing Prime, he's going to suck Prime's blood dry. Lonard has always dreamed of drinking human blood because it's delicious, but sadly, there aren't many humans in the Vampire land.     

Although he could hunt humans in the BlueStar Kingdom, but he didn't do that because it's risky to cross the border to the human land as the human in general, have grudges against the Vampire race.     

And the reason is because in the past, the vampires have killed so many humans and even use them as livestock, which is why today, the human race doesn't like the vampire race.      

However, now that Prime is in the CrimsonStar Kingdom, so that's mean Lonard can do whatever he wants, and that makes him very excited.     

'Hehe! Yummy human blood, I can't wait to taste it,' Lonard thought to himself as he drools for Prime's blood.     

At the moment, Lonard has an army of 1000 bandits behind him, and they were all waiting for Lonard's command.     

If it's Aria and her father in the past, they would certainly be terrified to see such an army, but now with Sir Prime with them, they no longer have any fear and confidence that they can win 100%.     

"Prime-sama! Can we just kill them all already?!" said Geemo impatiently.     

"Hold on, we will in a minute. But for now, let's see what this bastard Lonard has to say first," said Prime.     

It was at this moment, Lonard on his horse began to speak and said:     

"Are you the one who killed 100 of my men earlier?" said Lonard as he stares at Prime.     

"That's right, I was the one, so what are you gonna do what about it?" said Prime arrogantly as he slowly walked up a few steps.     

Hearing Prime said that, the bandit army behind Lonard can't help but became angry and said:     

"Watch your tone little human boy! If you want a painless death, then you better show some respect to Lonard-sama,"     

"Sure bro, whatever you say because I don't a f**k since you all are going to die anyway," said Prime while picking his nose to annoy the bandit army even more.     

"Y-You! How dare you!" said the bandit army angrily.     

It was at this moment, a few bandits couldn't control their anger and decided to attack Prime, but then suddenly, Lonard shouted and said:     

"Get back! And stop acting on your own without my orders!"     

When they saw Lonard was angry, that's when they immediately stopped what they're doing, and get back to their original position.     

'Hmph! Just you wait human boy! You definitely won't get away with this!' some of the bandits thought to themselves furiously.     

It was at this time, Lonard looked at Prince again and said:     

"It has been such a long time since I've talked to a human, so how about joining the Wolf Clan Bandit?" said Lonard nicely.     

The reason why Lonard is inviting Prime to join him, is because he wants to use Prime to go to the BlueStar Kingdom to buy more human slaves. Obviously, those human slaves are going to be livestock for the Wolf Clan Bandit to eat.     

"Huh? You want me to join your Wolf Clan Bandit? For what reason?" Prime was a little confused as he couldn't figure out why Lonard is inviting him.     

"Haha, it's a long story, but I promise if you join us, I will definitely give you a good life. Meaning that you can have anything you want, such as beautiful women, a big house, money and so on," said Lonard.     

'What the hell wrong with this dude? I mean I just killed 100 of his men earlier, and now he wants me to join him?' Prime thought to himself as he finds Lonard to be a little weird.     

"So what do you think? Are you interested?" said Lonard.     

The moment Lonard said that, Aria and her father began to laugh secretly.     

'Hahaha! Idiot, do you think someone as powerful as Sir Prime would be interested in such an offer?' laughed Aria secretly.     

Since Lonard has never seen Prime fight before, so he doesn't know how powerful is Prime yet. Although Prime did manage to kill 100 of his men, but those are just low-level underlings, so it doesn't really matter to him.     

Eventually Prime replied and said, "I don't know what you are planning, but sorry to say this, I'm not interested because I've already made up my mind that I'm going to massacre all you today,"     

From the way Prime speak, it seems like he already determined and won't change his mind no matter what the offer is.     

It was at this time, Lonard sighed and said, "What a waste, looks like you want it the hard way after all,"     

"Bla bla bla whatever, are you done talking yet? If not, then we might as well start now," said Prime impatiently.     

With that being said, Lonard turned around and said to his men, "Alright boys, kill all of them except for the human boy over there, because we're going to feast on his body tonight,"     

"Oh! Human meat and blood for dinner?! Damn! I'm super hungry now!" said the bandit army droolingly.     

Without delay, the bandit army began to spread out, and surround Prime's party in a circle in order to make sure no one in Prime's party escapes.     

'Alright Geemo, you can kill 1/4 of them and as for the rest, don't touch it. Also, make sure to protect Aria and her father as well,' said Prime telepathically.     

'No problem, leave them to me,' said Geemo telepathically.     

Just like that, the battle began and:     


In just a few minutes, Prime slaughtered 750 of them and as for the remaining 250, Geemo killed it. So all that left is Lonard alone, which Prime is saving it for Aria's father to do it.     

Although there are still many people in the Wolf Bandit Village, but those are mostly slaves that the Wolf bandits captured from other villages. In another word, Lonard no longer has anyone left to protect him.     

Although he could force those slaves in the village to fight for him, but those slaves are mostly builders and farmers, so using them for battle is out of question.     

"Hahaha! You're f**cked now!" laughed Prime loudly at Lonard.     

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