The Dragon Evolve God

The Vampire Prince

The Vampire Prince

3[System Notification: You have just gained +750 INT & +750 DEX Stats!]     

'Damn! That's a lot of stacks and I feel stronger than ever now, Hahaha!' Prime laughed inwardly.     


Battle power: 1402 >> 1702     

Name: PrimeDragon     

Race: Dragon     

Class: Moba Champion [Naragon]     

Level: 1005     

HP: 12600     

MP: 6300     

Physical Damage: 2450     

Magic Damage: 1414 >> 2164     

Defense: 2450     

Game Stat Points: 25 points left, [Gain 5 points per level]     

Strength - 2450 [Increase Physical Power & Defense]     

Intelligence - 1414 >> 2164 [Increase Magic Power & Regen Mana quicker]     

Dexterity - 2069 >> 2819 [Improve Overall Speed]     

Vitality - 1260 [Get HP, MP & Regenerate HP faster]     

Gear Equipment: Dragon Red Cape     

Skills: (Stage 5) - Level 10 Evolve [Able to evolve upon eating other creatures]     

Inventory: ArkCube, ExionSaga Map.     

Cash: [Gold: 2331 >> 3011 Silver: 56 Copper: 90]     


It was at this time, Lonard was so shocked to the point that he doesn't even know what to say. Because after all, he's just an A-Rank Vampire, and he never thought that someone as powerful as Prime would come here in this rural area.     

'F**K! Just what's going on here? Why is someone as powerful as him doing here?' Lonard couldn't believe it.     

Seeing the quiet Lonard, Prime once again said, "My little bandit chief, do you have any last words? If no, then be prepared to die,"     

Knowing that he can't win against a monster like Prime, that's when he gets down on both of his knees and began begging for his life.     

'Again?.... Why does everyone in this world always beg on their knees when they're about to die....,' Prime thought to himself.     

"Please forgive me! I didn't know you're so powerful, I promise from today onward, I won't do it aga....."     

However, before Lonard could finish his sentence, Prime immediately interrupted him and said:     

"Okay, you can shut up now because I don't want to hear the same thing over and over again,"     

"So does that mean you're letting me go?" said Lonard as he thought Prime was letting him go.     

"Let you go? Hell no! You're not going anywhere today," said Prime firmly.     

It was at this time, Lonard got up and began walking backward fearfully, and eventually make his escape.     

"Idiot! Trying to run away now is useless," said Prime as he cast his E-Skill at Lonard, which is shooting out Lightning Missile.     

When Prime casted his E-Skill, he specifically aimed at Lonard's right leg in order to cripple him, so that way he can't run away. After a while:     


The Lightning Missile struck Lonard's right leg and exploded, and before Lonard realized, his entire right leg is gone and completely destroyed.     

"Aaaaaaahhhhhh! F**k! Arggghhhhhh!" yelled Lonard in agony.     

After that, Prime looked at Aria and her father and said, "Alright, go ahead and do what you want with him, he's all yours,"     

Immediately both Aria and her father nodded their heads and said:     

"Thank you,"     

Just like that, the screaming continues for 5 minutes and after that, Lonard finally dies and the screaming stop. The reason why it took 5 minutes for Lonard to die is because Aria and her father were torturing him, and giving him the most painful death ever.     

Although it was painful to watch Lonard suffered, but Prime doesn't have any pity for him because considering what Lonard has done, he totally deserved it.     

After killing Lonard, Aria and her father came to Prime once more, and started kowtowing as a way to show their utmost gratitude. And while they are kowtowing, they even cried, as if all their sorrow and pain has finally washed away after killing Lonard.     

Of course, Prime comforted them and said it's okay, heck, even Geemo comforted them too. Also, now that the Wolf Clan Bandit no longer exist, so that's mean Aria and her father can now finally settle down in peace.     

In another word, they don't have to run away anymore, and can finally go back to their normal life without worrying about dangers all the time.     

With that being said, since Prime has nothing to do here anymore, so he decided it's time to leave to "Bladen City," which is the capital city of CrimsonStar Kingdom.     

However, just as Prime and Geemo were about to leave, suddenly Aria's father stopped them and said:     

"Before you go, please take this with you. It's not much, but this is the best I can offer for now," said Aria's father as he gave Prime the Skeleton Necklace.     

However, instead of accepting the Skeleton Necklace gratefully, Prime rejected it and said:     

"No need, you can keep the Skeleton Necklace with you because you never know in the future, you might encounter other bandits group again. So just to be safe, it's better you're the one who keeps it,"     

Although summoning Skeleton army to battle might seems like a pretty cool item to have, but the one who needed the most protection right now and in the future, is Aria and her father. So having them keeping it, is much better because Prime himself is already strong enough, so he doesn't really need it.     

With that being said, Aria and her father thanked Prime once more and after that, everyone left and went their separate way.     

"Finally alone again yes! It feels peaceful to travel alone sometimes," said Prime as he stretched out himself comfortably.     

"What? Are you forgetting about me?" said Geemo as he felt a little upset because Prime forgot about him.     

"Of course not, but I considered we both as one since we're together," said Prime as he laughed a little.     

That being said, instead of following the little road trail in front of them, they decided to skip it and use the short cut route instead. And that is by entering the dense forest, which very few people do that because it's dangerous due to the fact there's a lot of powerful beast living in the forest.     

At the moment, inside the beautiful dense forest with some sunlight glaring at Prime:     

"Let's see, according to the game map, it takes roughly 1 month to reach our destination if we walk through this forest. Well at least still faster than using the main road trail earlier,"     

Since Prime wasn't in a rush or anything, so he wanted to enjoy nature alone for a bit. In another word, you could say that he just wanted to take a small break or small holidays for himself to relax.     

After walking for about a week, he finally saw a beautiful vast blue lake in front of him.     

"Woah! What is this place, it's so beautiful," said Prime amazedly.     

Then suddenly ahead of him, he saw a group of 5 people in black cloaks is chasing down a young man who appeared to be heavily wounded.     

"Now what? A bunch of evil people preying on the weak again?" said Prime in an unimpressed manner.     

From the distance when the young man sensed Prime was nearby, he quickly changed his direction and ran toward where Prime is.     

"Help me! Please help me! I beg you!" said the young man in pain as he coughed out a lot blood.     

Despite in great pain, the young man still didn't give up and still try his best to run away even though he's losing a lot of blood. In fact, he was about to faint 5 minutes ago, but because his will to live is so strong, therefore he didn't faint until now.     

Although Prime was confused and didn't know what was going, but he figured he has to help this young man first, and ask him what's going on later.     

It was also at this time, Prime received a message from the system saying:     


[New Bonus Quest Available - Save Prince Sol from getting assassinated, and also help him with his royal family matters. Reward: 9 Million EXP & + 280 Golds]     

'What? So this young man is a vampire prince of this kingdom?' Prime was quite surprised.     

Also to Prime, he viewed the Vampire race as one of his enemies because the Vampire race and the Demon race are allies, so he finds it a bit weird when the system asked him to help his enemy.     

However, Prime trusted the system because he knows the system must have a reason why it gave him such a quest. So without questioning, Prime accepted the quest and quickly went to assist the dying young man.     

In just a second, Prime appeared in front of Prince Sol and said, "Stay behind me,". Of course, Prince Sol didn't argue and immediately went and stood behind Prime.     

It was at this moment, Prime asked and said:     

"Do you know who are these people, and why are they after your life?"     

"I don't know, they suddenly just attacked me out of nowhere while I was doing my quest, and they even killed two of my Royal Knights earlier," said Prince Sol while breathing heavily.     

"I see, well we will figure it out later after we interrogate them," said Prime.     

So without delay, Prime made his move on those 5 men in black cloaks, but instead of killing them, he crippled all 5 of them without mercy. In the meantime, he also gave Prince Sol his saliva in order to treat Prince Sol's injuries or wounds.     

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