The Dragon Evolve God

Eternal Abyss Dungeon

Eternal Abyss Dungeon

0About a few weeks later, Prime and Prince Sol finally arrived outside of the Eternal Abyss Dungeon's entrance.      2

"Hmm, so this is the entrance huh?" said Prime in amazement.     

"That's right," Prince Sol replied.     

Unlike the Porion Klex Dungeon has a cavelike entrance, but the Eternal Abyss Dungeon was just a giant door that is about 50 feet tall and 30 feet wide. Basically, it looks like a massive portal gate.     

Just like at the border where they have to queue up for their turns, so it's the same with here as well because there are many adventurers around. Since this is the Demon land, so naturally most of the adventurers here are Demons, Vampires and the Beast race.     

As for other races such as Human, Elf, Dragon and the Aqua race, there are just a few of them. Since the war hasn't started yet, so it's safe for other races to come to the Demon Land. Of course, once the war starts, then it might not be safe for other races to be here, but for now, they should be fine.     

As Prime and Prince Sol were queuing for their turns, suddenly behind them was a group of 50 people in black cloaks arrived. And it appeared those 50 people are someone from the Demon race.     

"Oh my! I can't believe Prince Zelgron is here as well!" said the crowd shockingly.     

"Holy shit! I can't believe Prince Zelgron actually came here, damn!" said another person in great surprise.     

Prince Zelgron one of the princes of the DarkStar Kingdom, or to be specific, he's actually Prince Eraga's older brother.     

Then not long after that, another group of people arrived, and this time it was someone from the Beast Race.     

"Oh my god! Is not just Prince Zelgron is here, but the Beast Prince is here too!" once again the crowd was shocked and surprised.     

"Looks like Prince Yorak is interested in hunting for the God's treasure too in this dungeon," said another person with a surprised look on his face.     

Prince Yorak, one of the princes from the BlackStar Kingdom or the Beast Land. The reason why Prince Yorak came here is because a few months ago, he got an invitation from his friend Prince Eraga.     

But sadly, Prince Eraga didn't show up this time because he was killed by Prime's pet. Of course, Prince Yorak didn't know that, because the Demon race didn't announce to the world that one of their princes is dead.     

And most probably, the Demon race will keep it a secret because if they were to tell the world that they just lost their Prince and their 7 Royal Knights, obviously that will make them look bad. So in order to make themselves appear strong, they have to keep quiet about it.     

When Prince Yorak saw Prince Zelgron, he was a bit surprised and said:     

"Heh? Why are you here? Also, where is your younger brother Prince Eraga?"     

"Haha, well my younger brother said he has some matters to attend to, so he couldn't make it and told me to substitute him instead," said Prince Zelgron with a friendly smile.     

"I see, well that's too bad then because I was looking forward to meet him,"     

"Haha, don't worry, you can always meet him again if you ever visit us in the future," said Prince Zelgron assuredly.     

"That's true, oh well next time I guess," said Prince Yorak a little disappointingly.     

Then not long after that, another group of people arrived, and this time it was someone from the Vampire race.     

"Shit! Even the Vampire Princess is here too, damn!" the crowd was shocked once more.     

"If I'm not wrong, that's Princess Ingrid, right? The youngest Princess from the Vampire race," said someone from the crowd.     

Princess Ingrid, one of the princesses from the CrimsonStar Kingdom, to be precise, he's Prince Sol's half younger sister. In another word, Prince Sol and Princess Ingrid have the same father, but different mothers.     

"Oh? Princess Ingrid, you're here too huh? Looks like you have grown more beautiful again as compared to the last time I saw," said Prince Zelgron flirtingly.     

'Oh boy this womanizer, here we go again,' Prince Yorak thought to himself as he looked at Prince Zelgron.     

Since Prince Yorak already has a fiancee, so he doesn't care about girls too much. But for Prince Zelgron, even though he already has many wives, he's still looking for more.     

"Thank you, but you should be more loyal to your wives and stop flirting with girls," said Princess Ingrid jokingly.     

"Hahaha! My bad, I was just playing with you, so don't take me seriously," Prince Zelgron laughed a little.     

When Prince Sol saw Princess Ingrid's group from afar, he immediately tried to hide behind Prime as he doesn't want to let his half younger sister knows that he's here as well. Thankfully, Prince Sol has a black cloak with him inside his spatial ring, so without delay, he took it out and wore it.     

As for Prime, he didn't cover his face at all because no one from the Demon race has seen his face before except for Prince Eraga and the 7 Demon Royal Knights. But since they are already dead, so they couldn't report how Prime's appearance looks like.     

"Well well well, what have we got here?" said Prime with a smile.     

"Yay! More High-quality villains to eat," said Geemo excitedly.     

'What? More High-quality villains to eat?' Prince Sol didn't get what Geemo meant.     

Due to the fact that the 2 Princes and 1 Princess arrived, bunch of people immediately move aside and let them skip the line.     

As for Prime and Prince Sol, they too also move aside and let the 2 Princes and 1 Princess skip the queue. Of course, Prime wasn't happy about it, but because he's not in the mood for attention, so that's why he didn't care too much.     

With that being said, everyone proceeds to enter the dungeon one by one and eventually, it's Prime's party turns to enter. Unlike the 2 Princes and 1 Princess who doesn't have to pay a fee to enter, but for Prime's party, they have to pay a fee to enter.     

'I thought the rule is that everyone has to pay a fee to enter, but it seems like that's not the case for the royal family or someone with high social status,' Prime wasn't happy that the dungeon guards were biased.     

The truth is indeed that is the rule, but the guards fear to ask Prince Zelgron to pay, so that's why they didn't say anything. And similar to Prince Eraga, Prince Zelgron is also very bad-tempered and cruel, so as a result, the dungeon guards didn't want to take the risk.     

Besides that, unlike the Porion Klex Dungeon has 50 floors, but this dungeon only has 30 floors. Although is less by 20 floors as compared to Porion Klex Dungeon, but each floor in this dungeon is super hard and intense.     

Not only that each floor in this dungeon is super hard, but also easily 5 times larger in terms of space or land. So in a way, the Eternal Abyss Dungeon is still bigger than Porion Klex Dungeon despite having fewer floors.     

After a while, everyone arrived on the 1st floor which appeared to be a massive dark cave. The cave was so big that even though there are many people around, it is still not crowded at all.     

It took a while for others to get adjusted seeing in the dark, but for Prime, it only took him a few seconds and his eyes can already see clearly. Even though others could see in the dark, but is not as good as Prime, so some of them ended up bringing a fire torch with them.     

Of course, depending on your level/rank, but generally speaking, the higher your level is, the further and better you can see in the dark.     

"The darker it is, the better," said Prime as he smiled.     

When Prince Sol heard that, he was confused and said, "Eh? Why is that?"     

"Hahaha! Because it's more exciting obviously!" laughed Prime.     

"That's right, Hahaha!" Geemo laughed too.     

'Damn these two are crazy.....' Prince Sol thought to himself as he stared at Prime and Geemo.     

Prince Sol knows how dangerous this dungeon is, so to him he's not here to have fun, but for Prime and Geemo, they're just here to chill and have fun.     

In the beginning, everyone was fighting together and there are even people purposely followed the 2 Princes and 1 Princess simply because it's safer. But after a while, they arrived at a massive place where there are about 20 tunnels, so in the end, everyone went their separate ways.     

That is because each cave tunnels can only fit in 25 to 50 people at once and anything more than that, it will be too crowded. As for Prime and Prince Sol, they weren't picky, so they chose whatever tunnels that are available to them and entered.     

Of course, it doesn't matter which tunnels people use because eventually, everyone will all still arrive at the same place anyway.     

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