The Dragon Evolve God

Chapter 26: Arriving At Bolt City

Chapter 26: Arriving At Bolt City


Once Prime had said what he wanted to say, he then left with Saito and head back inside the ship. After that, Conrad then said: 3

"All of you surround him and don't let him escape,"

Without delay, the Blue Clan people immediately surrounded Helmon in a circle while pointing their weapon at him. Depending on their classes, they will all wield different weapons.

"You..!!" said Helmon unhappily.

"Looks like today is the day you will die here," said Conrad coldly.

"You dare! You will regret this! I swear my Bolt Clan will destroy your Blue Clan entirely if you kill me,"

"Hahaha! Nice try, but not this time because we have Prime-sama on our side," said Conrad while smiling confidently.

After knowing how powerful Prime is, he too like Saito decided to call Prime his lord or Prime-sama.

"Prime-sama? Who's that? Wait, don't tell me is that...."

"That's right, the supreme one that you just called earlier,"

'Bloody hell, you got to be kidding me that monster....'

"Fine! Let me go and I promise from today onward the Bolt Clan will not touch the Blue Clan ever again,"

"Hahaha! That's what you said many times in the past, but you never once kept to your promise, and still continue to abuse your power and bully others,"

"That's... Well that is in the past, I promise this time we will not do it again and if you're still not satisfied with us, then just ask us anything and we will give you anything to compensate it,"

"Anything you say?"

"That's right, anything as long as it's within our power and we are also willing to pay you back for whatever damaged we had done to your clan in the past, so just ask and we will gladly give it to you,"

Conrad then looked at Tanya to see what she would say, but unfortunately, she wasn't interested and went back inside the ship as well.

"Hahaha! Well, it looks like our young mistress is not interested in your offer, and as for me, I don't mind accepting your deal, but you must do two things for me first,"

"Oh! Sure! Anything, just tell me," said Helmon happily.

Suddenly Helmon felt joy in his heart because he thought that his plan is working.

"Very well, first you must end your own life, and second you need to pay whatever damage your clan did to us in the past and with interests of course. And once you do all that, then only I will forgive you,"


Helmon wasn't happy, and sighed because he knew Conrad wouldn't let him go no matter what.

"Very well, I will grant you your wish now," said Helmon with a smile, then suddenly he took out a small bag of black powder and threw it to the ground.

"You! Everyone stop him quick!" yelled Conrad when he saw what Helmon was tying to do.

However, it was too late and upon hitting the ground, the black powder then exploded and before everyone could react, the surrounding area was already covered in thick and dense black smoke. After a while, the black smoke disappeared, and all that left was nothing and Helmon was nowhere to be seen either.

"F**k!!" shouted Conrad angrily as he punches the floor, causing it to crack.

Conrad knew it wasn't going to be easy killing someone like Helmon because even he himself could barely fight on par with him, let alone Tanya's men who were only at E-Rank at most.

Although in the past, Conrad was more or less has the same level as Helmon, but that was in the past, because now it's different as Helmon has grown more powerful since the last time they met each other.

Although, Conrad could depend on Prime to kill Helmon, but he didn't want to because he wanted to settle everything by himself, so that way, he'll be satisfied and won't feel regret for the rest of his life.

Meanwhile, during the time when the surrounding area were covered in black smoke, Helmon at that time, quickly uses his "Portal Scroll" and escaped far away and right now, he's somewhere far in a forest alone.

"Phew! That was close," said Helmon as he wiped off his sweat from his forehead.

"This is bad, I must quickly return and report the situation to Rennes-sama's father,"

With that said, Helmon then left the forest and quickly headed back to his clan.

In the meantime, back in the ship where everyone is, Conrad then sighed and thought to himself:

Well, it looks like I have to borrow that sword from Tanya's father after all, otherwise, I will never be able to defeat Helmon with my current level.

At this point, everyone already left the ship and they are now currently heading to the Blue Clan and according to Tanya, it would take them roughly two to three days to get there on foot.

Unlike Helmon who had a portal scroll with him, but not everyone in this world has it because portal scrolls are considered a very expensive item, so only super rich people or someone that is upper class could afford it.

Although, Tanya has it, but she didn't use it because the portal scroll can only be used to transport one person at most, and it also consumed a lot of Mana, and without Mana, the people of this world cannot fight with their full power since they can't use their skills or spells.

Also, most people tend to use a portal scroll for emergency purposes only, or if they really wanted to go somewhere in the shortest time as possible, but since Tanya's group was not in a rush or anything, so they didn't have to use it.

At the moment, Prime was sitting on his own personal white horse given by Tanya herself. Unlike, Tanya, Saito, Conrad, and Prime, each has their own horses to ride, but not for Tanya's men as they have to walk on foot instead. However, they didn't complain, nor get jealous of Prime because they know Prime deserved it, considering how powerful he is.

While Prime was riding on his horse, he was also enjoying the nature of this island around him and also, it was still pretty early in the morning around 10 AM, so the air was fresh and a little cold.

Looking at the trees and flowers around him, he could see that the tree leaves are growing and also the flowers blooming as well.

'Hmm, it looks like the season now is springtime on this island,' Prime thought to himself.

At the moment, they all were following a trail of road in front of them, and according to Conrad, this road is the road that will lead them to the Blue Clan mansion.

Eventually, three days have passed and they finally arrived, but to Prime surprise, he didn't arrive at the Blue Clan place, but instead, what he saw in front of him right now is a city and it is "Bolt" City to be exact.

Looking from outside the city, he could see massive walls surrounding it, like a castle preparing for war. The city walls were gigantic, at least 10 meters in height and 5 meters thickness and as for the city gate, it was huge as well standing at 7.5 meters tall and 10 meters wide.

It was a very busy day, as he could see many people going in and out of the city front gate. Also, they were many guards guarding at the entrance as well or the front gate, and they were all at least low-level D-Rank.

Some were warriors class, while some were spearman class and it is unknown which clan they are from, but most likely from the Bolt Clan. However, they were other clans working as guards as well, so it is hard to tell.

"Woohoo! We have finally arrived, hahaha!" said Prime happily.

'Holy! What a lively city! This look like one of the Fantasy video game I played before on PS4 when I was on Earth, damn this is amazing!' Prime thought to himself excitingly.

Even though Saito has come to this city before, but he can't help but feel very excited too because the last time he came here was a long time ago, and many old things have changed since then and became more developed.

Meanwhile, back in the Bolt Clan mansion not far away from the city, Helmon finally arrived at his clan. At the moment, he's kneeling down on both knees while facing his clan master that was sitting up high on his clan throne.

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