The Dragon Evolve God

Chapter 24: Butler Helmon Bolt

Chapter 24: Butler Helmon Bolt


Not long after that, the giant door that they came in from earlier opened, and one of Tanya's maid then came rushing in and yelled: 0

"Tanya-sama! Tanya-sama! The Bolt Clan people are here!"

"What?! Why would they come here now all of a sudden?" said Tanya shockingly.

"I don't know,"

"And did they say anything?"

"Yes, they said they want to talk to you about something, but I'm not sure what it is,"

'Impossible! Don't tell me they found out about my secret plan?' Tanya thought to herself nervously.

After a while, she calmed down and said, "Ask them why they are here? And what do they want from us,"

"Alright!" said the maid, and after that, she quickly left in a hurry and went outside.

"Oh, no! We are doomed for sure, shit!" said Saito in a panic manner.

"Lol relax, Saito, you have me here, so don't worry," said Prime while trying to calm Saito down.

"Haha, that's right. I still have Prime-sama," said Saito embarrassingly while scratching the back of his head.

Meanwhile, while waiting for the maid to come back and deliver the message, Tanya then said:

"Conrad, take Prime and Saito and leave here now,"

"Then what about you, Tanya-sama?"

"Don't worry about me, just leave this problem to me,"


"Don't worry, Rennes love me, so he won't do anything to harm me,"

"Alright, if that's the case then let's go,"

After that, Saito and Conrad then began leaving, but Prime didn't move and said, "Hold on, I'm not leaving yet,"

"What? Why not?" said Conrad confusingly.

"Because I'm still curious about the people from the Bolt Clan and I would like to meet them,"

"What?!" said Conrad.

"It's ok, Conrad, if Prime wants to stay, then let him be," said Tanya.

"Well, if Prime-sama is staying, then I will also stay," said Saito.

"Alright," sighed Conrad.

'Well, since Prime wants to stay, then this will be a good chance to see if my intuition is right or not about him being powerful,' Tanya thought to herself.

Not long after that, the maid from earlier then came back again and said:

"Tanya-sama, they said if you don't come out now, they will destroy our entire ship,"

"What?! Hmm, alright, if that's the case, then let us go," sighed Tanya.

After that, Prime, Saito, Tanya, Conrad, and Tanya's men all went outside to meet the Bolt Clan people. Upon arriving outside, the first thing Prime saw was 20 people dressed in full black clothes, and they even had their face covered and leaving only just their eyes to see.

'Hmm, Assassin Class?' Prime wondered.

When they saw Tanya came out, they immediately bowed their heads and greeted Tanya respectfully. Also, among the 20 men dressed in black clothes, there was one man in the middle was not only an Assassin class, but he was only a Magician Class as well, and his name is "Helmon Bolt," a butler from the Bolt Clan.

Besides that, Helmon was also the leader among the group of 20 men, and his level was at the peak of D-Rank, almost reaching C-Rank. Just like how Tanya has Conrad as her most powerful protection, Rennes was also the same and had Helmon as his most powerful butler.

Conrad and Helmon are both at the peak of D-Rank, and their battle power is more or less the same, and if they both were to fight each other, it would be a tie. When Conrad saws Helmon, they both immediately stared at each other fiercely as if they were a long-time rival.

"Long time no see Tanya-sama. Also, Rennes-sama wanted me to tell you that he misses you a lot and can't wait to make you his wife,"

"....." Tanya didn't know what to say as she felt extremely disgusted about Rennes wanting to marry her because Rennes already has four wives, yet he still wants more.

"Also, long time no see Conrad, and I hope you and your family are doing well," smiled Helmon.

"Bastard! Stop pretending like we're an old friend and I still haven't forgotten what you did to my family a long time ago, especially after the Bolt Clan rises in power," said Conrad angrily.

"Hahaha! Are you still blaming me for the death of your wife? By now, you should already know that I was merely following my Master's order, so you can't blame when I'm just doing my job, right?"

"Bastard! Doing your job, my ass! And I know what you did to my wife, but I won't say it in front of everyone, but you know what you did," said Conrad furiously while clenching both of his fists.

'Huh? Conrad's wife was killed by Helmon? And what did he mean by you know what you did? Wait, don't tell his wife was?! Oh wait, nevermind, I must be imagining too far,' Prime thought to himself.

After a while, Tanya said:

"Alright, your personal grudge with Conrad aside, so tell me what's your reason for coming here?"

"Oh, it is not a big deal, we just want that man over there," said Helmon while pointing at Prime.

"Me? The hell?" said Prime.

"Yes, you," smiled Helmon evilly as he looked at Prime.

"Sorry, Helmon, you can't take this man because he's our guest for now," said Tanya.

At the moment, Saito was shaking in fear, "Oh shit, this is getting bad and don't tell me that they know Prime-sama is teaming up with Blue Clan,"

Even though Saito knows how powerful Prime is, but he can't help but felt scared whenever he faces any people from the Bolt Clan. The reason was because when he was a slave in the Bolt Clan, they abused him daily to the point that he was trauma by it and became absolutely terrified of anything to do with the Bolt Clan.

"I'm sorry, Tanya, but if I don't take this man back with us today, then Rennes-sama will punish me and my men. So we are not leaving until we get this man,"

"And if we don't agree?" said Tanya.

"Then I'm afraid we will have to take him by force even if it means to kill your people, so I suggest that you cooperate with us. Otherwise, they will be bloodshed and a lot of your Blue Clan people will die,"

Tanya then sighed and said, "Very well, if that's the case, then do what you want, but I may know why you want this man for?"

"That's a secret, but we promise we won't kill this man and will give him back to you later once we are done questioning with him," said Helmon with a fake smile.

Of course, Helmon was lying as he was planning to kill Prime once they are far away from the public, where there are no people around.

'Hmm, I don't remember interacting or offending the Bolt Clan before, so I wonder why they want me to go with them?' Prime thought to himself.

Just as Tanya was about to speak again, suddenly Prime interrupted her by putting his right hand in front of her, and said:

"If you want to question me, then just do it here because I'm not in the mood to go with you guys as I already made plans with the Blue Clan,"

'Hmm, this is getting suspicious and what is his relationship with the Blue Clan? Also, what is this cunning bitch Tanya is planning to do?' Helmon wondered.

Everyone in Tedora island knows how smart Tanya is, and she is always the mastermind behind everything.

"Well, is not that we don't want to do it here but because this matter is private, so we want you to come with us and fear not we're not trying to harm you, but rather we just want to ask you some question that's all,"

"Like I said, I don't give a damn about your reason, either you do it here or leave," said Prime rudely.

"What an arrogant guy!" said one of Tanya's men angrily.

"That's right! I hope he dies while messing with the Bolt Clan people," laughed one of Tanya's men evilly.

"Oh God! Looks like Prime-sama is about to fight soon, shit!" said Saito nervously.

"Shut up, you people! How dare you support your enemy?!" yelled Conrad at his men angrily.

"Hmm, seem like you want it the hard way after all, huh?" said Helmon a little angrily.

"Hehe, I would like to see you try it," Prime smiled while having both of his arms crossed as if he doesn't care.

"Y-You! Very well, get him boys! But don't kill yet because Rennes-sama still need him,"

"Yes, boss!" replied the 19 men beside him, and after that, they all began charging at Prime.

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