The Dragon Evolve God

Sea Serpent Revenge

Sea Serpent Revenge


The truth is, every world has a different language and a different sound, but he can't tell the difference because of the auto-translate system.


However, if he focuses hard enough, then he will know the difference, but if he doesn't concentrate hard enough, then he will never know because everything sounds very natural to him, which makes it hard for him to notice it.

"Hmm, can you understand me?" said Prime.

"Yes, I can understand you, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, and by the way, what language am I speaking right now?"

"ExionSaga language why?"

"Huh? ExionSaga? What is that?"

"That's the language of this world, and also the name of this world is called ExionSaga, why do you ask?" said Saito confusingly as he didn't know what was going on, and also he thinks Prime was acting a little weird for no reason.

"Nothing, just wondering and by the way, do you know any nearby land around here?"

"Well, yes there's one in, but...." just before Saito could finish talking, suddenly behind Prime appeared two gigantic sea serpent and one juvenile sea serpent in the middle.

"Oh shit! We are doomed now! No, I can't die here yet because I still have a family to take care of, shit!" said Saito in a panic manner.

"What? Isn't that sea serpent I just fought earlier? Hmm, look like that that sea serpent still hasn't learned its lesson yet, huh,"

"That's not the point right now, and the one you just fought earlier was just a juvenile serpent, but because you harm that juvenile sea serpent, so it ended up calling its parent for revenge,"

"Well, you can just run away then if you're scared,"

"Unfortunately, they swim faster than me and I can't outrun them, so I will definitely die for sure,"

Unlike the juvenile sea serpent that Prime fought earlier was 50 feet in length, where else the parents are at least twice its size at 100 feet in length, plus also much thicker in width as well.

"Oh ok, but don't worry, just stays behind me because I got this," said Prime casually.

"What?! You're gonna fight them? You're crazy and you're gonna die for sure,"

"Well, we don't have a choice anyway since you said you can't outrun them, right?"

"Well, that's true but..."

Meanwhile, while Prime and Saito were still talking, the sea serpent father then looked at Prime fiercely and said:

"My son, is this little human the one who hurt you?"

"That's right! Please kill him for me father! And because of him, it became hard for me to eat anything now since my entire upper jaw is broken, Grrr!" said the juvenile sea serpent angrily as he couldn't forgive what Prime had done to him.

"You sure it's that human boy, not the Koi fish over there?" said the father serpent as he couldn't believe how such a small human could possibly have the power to harm his son, in fact, he suspects it was the Koi fish the one that actually harm his son instead.

"Yes, I'm very sure it's him,"

"Alright, don't worry son, leave this to your father,"

"Hey! Are you two done talking yet?!" said the father serpent angrily.

After that, Prime and Saito stopped talking and stared at the gigantic 100 feet sea serpent. Prime then looked at the father serpent and said:

"Oh, you're here to avenge for your son I presume?"

"That's right. Also, the Koi fish behind you, tell him he can leave because we have no business with him,"

"Oh! Thank you, Mr. Serpent for sparing me, and I will remember your kindness forever, therefore I will leave now, bye!" said Saito.

However, just as Saito was about to swim away, suddenly, Prime grabbed his tail and said:

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Not so fast, who said you could leave, I'm still not done with you yet,"

"Wtf?! This is your business, why do you want me to stay with you?" said Saito unhappily.

"Huh? Don't forget you just tried to eat me earlier and I haven't forgiven you yet, so you better stay or.... hehe" said Prime smirkingly while releasing his powerful dragon aura that made Saito almost shit on his own pants.

"Okay! Okay! I will stay!" said Saito fearfully, and after that, Saito sighed and obediently stayed with Prime.

'Damn this human kid! Just because you're stronger than me, so you decided to bully me, huh? Very well, I hope you die while fighting this sea serpent and if you don't die, then later I will bait to a dangerous place and let you die there, hehe,' Saito smirked as he thought to himself.

"Well, whatever, it doesn't matter if you stay or not, but just make sure you don't try to save this human buddy of yours," said the father serpent to Saito.

"Don't worry boss! I promise I won't get involved," said Saito politely.

'As if! I would help this human boy idiot! Just kill him already! That's all I ask Mr. Serpent and set me free from this asshole,' said Saito inside his mind angrily.

As for the mother sea serpent, she was just behind watching her husband taking care of the situation. Of course, if anything happened to her husband, then she helps kill him, but of as now, she's confident that just her husband alone is enough to handle it.

"Hahaha! Your dead now stupid human!" said the juvenile sea serpent while smiling.

Prime then looked at the juvenile serpent sand smile, "Heh, you still haven't learned your lesson yet even after I kick your ass earlier, huh?"

"Shut up! Once my father kills you, then I will make sure to eat your body after, so you better shut up because your shitty human body is about to enter my stomach very soon, you asshole!"

'That's right! Good job juvenile serpent, teach this motherf**ker human a lesson. Go! Go! Go!' said Saito in his mind as he agrees with what the juvenile serpent said.

"Hahaha!" Prime laughed so hard when he heard what the juvenile serpent had said to him.

'Hmm, so it was true after all that this human boy was indeed one that harmed my son,' the mother serpent thought to herself while feeling a little furious.

Although the juvenile serpent may have lost his upper jaw, but as long as he gets to eat Prime's human meat, then he will be able to regenerate and grow back his upper jaw faster.

"Boy! Do you have any last word before you die?" said the father serpent furiously when he saw how Prime was not taking him and his family seriously.

"Hahaha! Last word? Well, yes I have one thing to say,"

"What it is? Hurry up and tell me! And stop wasting my time!" said the father serpent furiously again.

"Hahaha! Calm down buddy, I was about to show you something nice, so just be patient for now,"

"Whatever, just hurry up! While I'm being nice,"

"Very well, just give me a few seconds, but don't regret later, hehe," laughed Prime again.

'Hmm, you think just because you're bigger than me so can you look down on me, huh? Very well, I bet you're about to shit on your pants soon, and I can't wait to see that "Dumbfounded" expression on your face, hehe,' Prime thought to himself as he smiled.

"Alright, Saito moves back at least a few hundred feet because I don't want you to get hurt,"


"Stop asking questions and just do it already," said Prime annoyingly at Saito.

Seeing how annoyed Prime is, Saito immediately said okay in fear and quickly moved away.

'This idiot! What is he trying to do now?' Saito thought to himself as he was trying to figure out what Prime is doing.

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