The Dragon Evolve God

Mysterious Young Mistress

Mysterious Young Mistress


"Alright," Saito sighed as he wasn't happy that he was forced to do it by someone, but at the same time, he was also curious to know if his sister was truly alive or not. 1

With that said, Saito then began swimming toward the direction where the Tedora island located, and it was toward the north direction.

"Woohoo! This is fun, especially since I've never ridden on a giant Koi fish before," said Prime as he was enjoying ocean wind blowing at his face.

In general, only Dragon King could grow as big as Prime, and usually, Dragon Kings are way over a thousand years old and tend to act more mature like an old man, but surprisingly, Prime doesn't act that way.

At this point, Saito doesn't mind how Prime acts because he is getting used to it and knows that Prime is a weird person after all.

'I hope this pendant is all a lie and wait for me Erika, your Onii-chan is coming to save you soon,' Saito thought to himself.

For the first time in his life, Saito finally felt there's a sense of hope, and he was happy about it, and wish to be able to reunite with his little sister again. Also, knowing how powerful Prime-sama is, which gave him even more reason to believe that everything is going to work just out fine.

Despite being how vast the Aegis Ocean is, luckily, their current location was not that far from their destination, and it will take roughly three months for them to reach Tedora island.

Although Prime, could use his dragon form to fly, but he still hasn't explored this world enough yet, and he doesn't know if there's someone stronger than him or not. Therefore, he wanted to be careful and stay low key for now until he's sure that he's truly the strongest one in this world.

Also, considering how massive his dragon form is, it might alert the entire Dragon race to come for him, which will not be good for him in the long run. Also, it is better to be safe than sorry, which is why he plans to stay low profile for now.

However, with or without his dragon form, his human form is still equally as powerful as his dragon form, plus it is also easier to move around since he is smaller in size.

During these three months of traveling, they encounter many sea monsters along the way, but thankfully Saito didn't have to worry anything because Prime took care of everything easily. Thus, they were able to have a smooth journey without worrying about scary sea monsters getting in their way.

'Thank god Prime-sama is with me, otherwise I would have been dead already, especially facing against all those powerful sea monsters,' Saito thought to himself while feeling relieved.

Usually, Saito would have to take the long route to get to Tedora island, but since Prime is with him, so he doesn't have to do that and just take the shortest route instead, even though it is very dangerous.

At the moment, two months and two weeks have already passed, and it won't be long just another two more weeks before they arrived at their destination. However, along their way to Tedora island, they met many big ships, and all those big ships are also heading toward the same direction as them.

They are easily a hundred to a thousand of ships or maybe even more currently on their way to Tedora island, and all those sea ships come in all shape and form.

"Yo! Everyone! Look at that human guy, he's riding on a Koi fish, damn that's so cool," said a man on one of the ships.

"A human taming and riding on a giant Koi fish? Damn! That human must be very strong for sure," said another man that was nearby as well.

"You're right, is he perhaps a Beastmaster class?" said another man excitingly because it is his first time seeing someone with a Beastmaster class.

At this point, everyone is staring at them, and Saito is starting to feel a little embarrassed as he's not used to having a lot of people staring at him. As for Prime, he doesn't mind it and quite enjoys the attention coming at him actually.

'Hehe, after I complete my current quest, I wonder what quest the system would give me next and hopefully it is something great,' Prime thought to himself.

Since every quest gives a different reward, so he hopes that he can get a class or new skills or perhaps some cool weapons that he can use for battle. Also, when he stared at the people around him, he realized that their level was only somewhere around level 100 to 250.

Damn so weak, I wonder is there anyone here in this world that is close to my level or stronger.

Meanwhile, without Prime noticing, among the 1000 ships or more, there were ten ships that stand out the most, and it was due to its size being at least two to three times larger as compared to other ships.

Among the sea ships, there's ranking as well from F-Rank all the way to S-Rank/Class. Basically, the higher the ranking is, the bigger and stronger the ships will be and also look better.

Unlike the other sea ships, these ten ships are D-Class rank, while the other ships are only from F-Class to E-Class. In this world, just by being one rank higher, it is considered a massive difference by at least 10 to 100 times stronger.

Among one of the 10 D-Rank ships, there was a beautiful lady with blue hair and blue eyes sitting up high on her small throne in the ship, and she seems to be around the age of 16 years old, young and alluring, but also very cold looking.

It is unknown who this woman is, but looking at how classy her clothing is, one could tell that she definitely comes from a very powerful background. Also, she wasn't alone, she also had many servants and butlers, and bodyguards protecting and serving under her as well.

Of course, she wasn't the only one that stands out, in fact, among the 10 D-Rank ships, they were other young master and young mistress as well that is as powerful as she is.

At the moment, the blue-haired lady is staring at Prime curiously, as she wondered what is his identity because it was her first time seeing a human riding on a giant Koi fish.

The truth is, Saito is not a weak person, in fact, his level is level 500, and in this world, level 500 is considered B-Class, which is pretty strong.

However, although Saito is a B-Class Koi fish, but that's only if he were to fight in the water, but on lands, however, his power is reduced by half, which is why he couldn't save his little sister back then.

"Interesting, treating a B-Class monster like nothing. Also, his clothing looks very strange, hmm I wonder where is this man from, he definitely doesn't look like someone that is from the BlueStar Kingdom. Perhaps a foreigner from another kingdom?" said the beautiful blue-haired lady curiously.

At the moment, Prime is still wearing his old high school uniform, and he had it with him ever since the day he was reborn in this universe. Also, thanks to his system's power, he only needs to spend one gold coin to maintain or prevent his school uniform from getting torn or getting old.

Also, unlike this blue-haired lady who is an E-Class level, behind her was a middle man age man around the 45 years old and he's D-Rank Warrior class, and the name of this man is called "Conrad," and his duty is to protect his mistress, which is the blue-haired lady.

'Hmm, This is my first seeing young mistress actually develop an interest in someone.....' Conrad thought to himself.

He has been watching this girl growing up ever since she was a little girl until now, but he never once saw his young mistress acting like this.

From young until now, this young mistress is known to be a very cold person who's never interested in anything and everything she sees, she would always say boring. Therefore, this is definitely something new for Conrad to experience like this, and he can't help but wonder who Prime is as well.

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