The Dragon Evolve God

To The Final

To The Final

1"HuskyBeast? Hmm, why do I feel like I know him somewhere," said Orato as he furrowed his eyebrows.     3

"The Fira Clan, huh? Isn't that clan specializes in Fire Magic?" said Prime.     

Since Prime is a dragon, so he's 100% immune to any flame or fire attack. Nevertheless, he's still interested in seeing how powerful Orato's fire magic is.     

"Whenever you guys ready, you guys may start," said the tournament referee.     

"This guy.... I saw him literally one-shot KO all of his opponents so far, so I definitely must not go easy on him," Orato thought to himself.     

Initially, he looks down on Prime thinking Prime was a weak person, but after witnessing how Prime dominates most of his opponent in just one move, so he decided to take Prime seriously.     

Without delay, Orato then made his first move and cast his first spell "Fireball" and instantly 6 Big fireballs appeared and charge at Prime from the front.     

Even before the Fireballs could reach Prime's body, Prime could already felt the heat of it and immediately dodges it. The reason why Prime move away is that he doesn't want his clothes to get burned by the fireballs attack.     

"Not bad! But I'm not done yet, so eat this, "Mega FireBall!" Hahaha!" laughed Orato excitingly.     

This time Orato cast a much bigger Fireball, probably a few times bigger than before.     

"Crap! If that shit touch me, my whole clothes will be gone for sure and I will be naked,"     

Since Prime was just wearing ordinary clothes of this world, so it doesn't have any defensive stats on it, so just a simple fire attack is enough to burn his clothes.     

The Mega Fireball was huge, and it easily covered 20% of the battle stage, but Orato didn't underestimate Prime and immediately cast another few more Mega Fireballs at him without showing any mercy.     

"Looks like Orato is going all out on that HuskyBeast guy," said someone from the Fira Clan.     

At the moment, Prime is facing 5 Mega Fireballs coming at him, and since one Mega Fireball is enough to cover 20% of the battle stage, so 5 of them will cover the entire stage and Prime would not be able to find a place to escape.     

"Wahaha! You have no place to run now, so you better give up before it's too late," said Orato confidently.     

"Ara ara, look like I'm cornered," said Prime worriedly.     

Of course, Prime wasn't worried at all, but he just wanted to give Orato a sense of false hope.     

However, just as the Mega Fireballs was about to touch the ground, with all his might, Prime open his mouth and suck in all of the Mega Fireballs. Before everyone realized, all the 5 Mega Fireballs disappeared completely since Prime swallowed them all.     

"What?! Did he just eat the entire 5 Mega Fireballs? That's impossible! Just who is this guy?" said Orato shockingly.     

"What a monster! Aren't he afraid his stomach would explode?" said someone in the crowd shockingly.     

"That's weird, isn't he a Monk Class? So how could he do that?"     

At this point, everyone was surprised, even Rennes was shocked too. At first, Rennes thought he could win this tournament easily, but after witnessing how powerful HuskyBeast is, he too starting to get a little worried. Same with Li Wei as well.     

Of course, for those who knew Prime's identity, they were not that surprised, but regardlessly, they were still amazed by Prime's power.     

"Heh? This year surprisingly a lot of genius huh," said one of the old guild envoys/scouts with a smile.     

"Alright, I have taste enough of your fire attack, so now is my turn, hehe," said Prime while smiling.     

With that said, Prime then faced Orato directly and blew out all of the 5 Mega Fireballs at Orato.     

At this point, Orato already uses up at least 75% of his mana, so he only has 25% mana left to spend. But now that the 5 Mega Fireballs is coming at him, so he has no choice, but to use up all of his remaining mana and cast a powerful defensive barrier to protect himself.     

After a while, "Boom!" Orato was knocked backward at least 20 meters before he stops and fainted. It seems like the defensive barrier only managed to block off 80% of the Mega Fireball's damage before it break and hit Orato's body.     

"Orato-sama!" said someone in the Fira Clan worriedly.     

"Don't worry, he's fine," said the tournament referee after checking up on Orato.     

At this point, Orato's body was completely burned black and he's currently lying down unconsciously on the ground.     

Thankfully, Orato is still alive, but just fainted due to the overuse of his Mana. If this was someone else, they would have died on the spot already, but luckily, Orato's body was 50% immune to fire attack, therefore he was fine.     

And it was all thanks to the Fira Blood in him, which made him excels in Fire Magic as well as being 50% immune to all Fire/Flame attacks.     

After a while, Clap! Clap Clap! The crowd began to clap as they were extremely impressed by Orato and Prime's battle.     

"What a battle!" said someone in the crowd excitingly while clapping.     

Most clans would be angry and take revenge for their young master whenever they see their young master get hurt like that. But not the Fira Clan as they are known to be quite kind, unlike the Bolt Clan.     

With that said, the semi-final continues.     

First Match: Guran Blue vs. HuskyBeast, HuksyBeast Wins with a single punch!     

"That HuskyBeast guy is crazy! It seems like he's on a winning streak," said someone in the crowd.     

"Yeah, even Guran-sama Gold Rank Armor didn't stand a chance and was completely destroyed by that HuskyBeast's punch,"     

"What a monster, and since when did the Blue Clan had someone that powerful?"     

Although Guran was sad that he lost, but losing to someone like Prime didn't affect his pride at all. In fact, he was honored and happy to fight with someone so powerful. As usual, the crowd once again was amazed by Prime's monstrous strength.     

"This boy, I want him he's mine," said one of the guild envoys, as he was referring to Prime.     

"Nope, I saw him first, so he's mine," said another guild envoy.     

At this point, the seven guild envoys are arguing with each other on who should take Prime to Azurion city. Meanwhile, Zoran was laughing secretly as he was happy and proud that Prime is representing his clan.     

"Heh, the human race isn't too bad, it seems like they have many outstanding geniuses this year," said Buro with a smile.     

However, no matter how powerful the human race is, but when compared to other races, the human race is known as the weakest one.     

Although the human is the weakest race, but there are still some individual humans that are as powerful as other races. Except that the number of those powerful individuals is very low.     

As mentioned before, in this world, a kingdom is judge mostly by how many S-Rank Adventurers they have on their side. Since the human race or the BlueStar Kingdom have the lowest number of S-Rank Adventurers, therefore the world views them as the weakest race.     

With that said, the second match begins, and this time it was Rennes Bolt vs. Li Wei.     

When Li Wei first arrived on the battle stage, he stares at Rennes furiously. It seems like Li Wei hates Rennes a lot. However, Rennes didn't care as he already knew why Li Wei hates him because after all, his clan and the Aire Clan are not on good terms with each other.     

"Battle Start!!" yelled the tournament referee.     

Without delay, Li Wei then charged at Rennes and attack Rennes aggressively with his sword without showing any mercy. Even the crowd could see that Li Wei is trying to kill Rennes, even though the rule said that killing is not allowed, but Li Wei doesn't care.     

"Hahaha! You should calm down brother-in-law," said Rennes with a smile while dodging most of Li Wei sword attacks.     

"Shut up! I'm not your brother-in-law you bastard!"     

The reason why Li Wei hated Rennes a lot, is because one of Rennes's wives happened to be Li Wei's younger sister.     

"You know, you shouldn't blame me for marrying your little sister, because it was an arranged marriage set by our clan leaders, so blame them instead of me,"     

However, Li Wei didn't respond as he was furious and determined to kill Rennes no matter what.     

"Hahaha! You're lucky your my brother-in-law, otherwise I wouldn't be so lenient to you," said Rennes coldly.     

Thankfully, Rennes is still fond of Li Wei's younger sister or his wife, otherwise he wouldn't show any mercy to Li Wei. Eventually, after 10 minutes of nonstop attacking, Li Wei finally became exhausted and use up all of his mana.     

"This is sad, I thought we could get along like brothers, but it looks like I have to end this now," said Rennes disappointingly.     

Since Li Wei was already exhausted, so it didn't take Rennes long to defeat him. After Rennes defeated Li Wei, finally it is the final, which is Rennes Bolt vs. HuskyBeast.     

"Next up! Rennes Bolt vs. HuskyBeast!" yelled the tournament announcer.     

"Hehe, time to teach this spoiled kid a lesson," said Prime while cracking his knuckles.     

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