The Dragon Evolve God

Chapter 32: Saito In Trouble

Chapter 32: Saito In Trouble


"Look! The Bolt Clan people are here!" said the crowd in fear. 2

"Shit! I feel something bad is about to happen soon,"

"Same here because everywhere the Bolt Clan goes, they always cause trouble," said another person in the crowd.

At this point, the atmosphere is getting very intense, and many people in the banquet hall are beginning to worry that the Bolt Clan might do something terrible again.

The first thing Prime saw when the Bolt Clan people came in, was Narius and his wife then following behind them was Rennes, Helmon, and Rennes's little sister "Tassa Bolt". Besides that, they were many Bolt Clan soldiers and elders who came as well, and they were all at least D-Class level.

At the moment, Narius, his wife, Tassa, and Rennes still doesn't know Prime's face yet, so they continue to act arrogant as usual. As for other people like Zaburo and Tarok or other important Bolt members, they didn't come because this was just a small event to them, so they don't care.

As for Helmon, he was acting arrogant as usual and many people from other clans quickly greeted him, praised him and even offered him some wines to drink. Since Helmon was so busy talking with other people, so he didn't even realize that Prime was here all along.

Not long after the Bolt people come in, on the northside of the banquet hall, there was a big long staircase in the middle leading down to the front stage. The staircase was covered in red carpet from the top all the way to the bottom, and the staircase is about three stories high, and it was pretty wide too.

At the moment, at the top of the stairs, people could see Tanya, her parents and her little sister Yela appeared.

"Oh! Look! It's the Blue Clan master and his family," said the crowd in excitement as they looked up.

"It's Tanya! Damn, she is so stunning and beautiful today,"

"Man! If only I can have Tanya as my wife, then I think I can die happily ever after,"

"Hahaha! Dream on, a peasant like you don't deserve a goddess like her,"

At the moment, Tanya was wearing her long beautiful white dress, and together she and her family began to walk down the stairs slowly.

When Rennes saw how beautiful Tanya is today, he began to drool and lust for her even more, and from afar when Guran saw that, he felt disgusted.

'Beautiful! Simply beautiful, much better than my current four wives in terms of beauty,' Rennes thought to himself satisfyingly.

'Unforgivable! I can't believe this bastard is going to marry my little sister,' Guran thought to him as he tightens both of his fists angrily.

Guran didn't support their marriage, but there's nothing he could do to stop it, let alone even his clan can't help him either.

"Interesting, so that's the Bolt Clan, huh?" said Prime to Saito.

"Yes, and the guy with Red hair and red eyes, that's Rennes the one who kidnapped both my little sister and me a long ago when we first arrived here," said Saito while shaking in fear.

"I see,"

'Well, his face does look evil, so it's not surprising for someone with that face to do bad things,' Prime thought to himself.

Eventually, Tanya's family reached the stage at the bottom and began greeting and welcome everyone around them.

Once they are done greeting everyone, next, Zoran began to announce and said:

"Hahaha! Welcome, everyone! First of all, before we start, I would like to thank you all for coming to the Blue Clan banquet tonight. Also, for the young Adventurers that are joining the Tedora Adventurer Tournament next week, I would like to wish you all good luck as well in your upcoming battle. That's all I have to say, and other than that, I wish you guys have a wonderful time tonight, Thank you."

After that, everyone in the banquet hall began to clap their hands like crazy.

"Woohoo!" yelled someone in the background, and some of them even whistle as well.

'Lmao, what are these guys so excited about, I mean it is just a tournament lol,' Prime laughed inwardly.

Little did Prime knows that this tournament is very important to the people of Tedora island because whoever wins or reached the top 5, will be able to go to Azurion city, and if lucky, they may even get to join one of the guilds over there.

However, even if they managed to join one of the guilds, but most likely a low tier guilds.

Nevertheless, whether or not the guild they join is powerful or weak, but for them is considered a great achievement already because even the weakest guild alone, is still a lot stronger than the entire Tedora island itself.

With that said, the maids and butlers then began opening up the dishes cover, and immediately Prime could smell the food even stronger.

"Yoshi, finally its time to eat," said Prime while rubbing both of his palms together.

"Alright, everyone! Good luck and enjoy the food! Hahaha!" laughed Zoran joyfully.

Just like that, the banquet begins and everyone is now enjoying their time eating, drinking, and talking to each other.

At the moment, Prime is eating like crazy, and Orato, Guran, Woo Bin, and Li Wei were all in shock.

"This guy eats so messily..... what a monster," said Orato.

Munch, Munch, Munch! Nom, Nom, Nom! Prime doesn't care whether or not the fish has bones in it and just chews everything down. Plus, his teeth are so powerful, so even beef bone didn't matter to him, and he just grind them all down and eat it.

"Crazy.... is this guy even human?" asked Woo Bin to Guran, since Guran knew Prime more than them.

"Hahaha! That's just how he is. Anyways, we should enjoy ourselves too, so please come you guys, the foods are ready so let's eat together shall we,"

With that said, Woo Bin, Guran, Li Wei, and Orato then began taking their food and eat together.

At the moment, the banquet hall was very noisy, and many people are talking, eating, drinking, and having a great time. Even Zoran and Narius was having a great time talking to each other as if they were old friends, and the same goes for their wives as well.

Although the Bolt and Blue Clan are now enemies, but in the past, they were very close to each other, so Zoran and Narius still haven't forgotten about their past relationship yet.

Rennes was also having a good time as well as they were many beautiful noble girls flirting around him. However, as much as he loves girls, but at the moment, he's not interested in any of them except for Tanya, but each time he tried to get closer to Tanya, the girls around him would interfere with him.

Of course, he wanted to shoo them away, but in front of so many people, he doesn't want to be the bad guy and mistreat the girls.

While Rennes was flirting with the girls, suddenly he saw Saito was eating alone on one of the tables nearby.

'Oh?! Isn't that one of my slaves that escaped a long time ago? Hmm, I don't know why he's here today, but I guess that saved me the trouble from finding him,' Rennes smirked evilly.

"Alright girls, excuse me for a moment, I'm a bit busy now, so we will continue later," said Rennes and after that, he then left the group of girls and went to where Saito is.

When Rennes arrived in front of Saito, Saito then looked up and said:

"Oh, hi there? Do you need anything?"

"Yo, Saito! Long time no see and did come back here again because you missed me so much?" said Rennes while laughing.

When Saito saw Rennes, his entire body begins to tremble in fear, and he wanted to speak, but words just couldn't come out from his mouth.

Saito then got up and tried to walk away, but Rennes immediately stepped on his right foot, causing him to trip and fell onto the ground. Since the banquet hall was so noisy, so when Saito fells and made a sound, nobody hears it.

"Hahaha! You're not going anywhere today, and it's time for you to come back to me and become my slave again,"

"...." Saito.

However, Saito didn't want to talk to Rennes, so he got up again and tried to run, but then suddenly, Helmon appeared in front of him and blocked his way.

"Hohoho! Where do you think you're going, Koi fish boy?" smiled Helmon evilly.

'Shit! Why now of all time.....' Saito thought to himself.

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