The Dragon Evolve God

The 48th Floor

The 48th Floor

1A few hours later, Prime and Aelena's party finally arrived at the Minotaur King hunting ground. However, this is the safe zone area, meaning that the Minotaur king can't enter here. It's like there's some kind of strong magic barrier preventing them from entering.      2

"Woah! So many, damn!" Prime was amazed when he saw so many Minotaur Kings ahead of him.     

Even Aelena's party was surprised as well because those Minotaur Kings were giant and super muscular, even their eyes were burning in hot flames looking like they are extremely furious even though they are not.     

The size of the safe zone area is about 100 meters wide and 100 meters in length. Which is a pretty big place for adventurers to relax and replenish their energy before battling again.     

Of course, Prime and Aelena's party weren't the only ones there, as they were many other adventurers around as well. However, most of them seem to be either heavily injured or looking very exhausted, probably because they had been fighting the whole day.     

'Damn, it looks like Minotaur Kings are considered very powerful creatures in this world,' Prime thought to himself when he saw so many casualties around him.     

"Alright guys, let's rest here for a bit," said Dior to his party.     

"Yes! Finally!" said one of the male elves while lying down on the green grass exhaustingly.     

Since Prime wasn't in a rush or anything, so he just tagged along and chill for the time being.     

While everyone was resting, suddenly:     


Bonus Quest Available - Help Princess Aelena find the Heavenly Light Sword. [Reward: 8 Million EXP & +270 Golds]     

'Huh? Heavenly Light Sword? I see, so that's the reason why she came to this dungeon for,'     

At first, Prime thought Aelena was just trying to run away from Prince Eraga, but it turns out that it was not the case.     

[Would you like to accept or decline this quest?]     

'Accept,' said Prime as he clicked on the yes button.     

"What are you doing? Why are you pressing something even though there's nothing there," asked Aelena curiously because this isn't the first time she saw Prime doing that.     

Since Aelena can't see Prime's game screen, so naturally she thought that Prime is acting a little weird for doing that.     

"Haha, it's nothing, I'm just imagining some stuff in my head. Anyways, you're here to find the Heavenly Light Sword right?"     

When Prime said that, everyone in Aelena's party was shocked and one of the elf girls then said:     

"How?! How did you know that?!"     

Even Aelena couldn't believe it, 'Did Sir Prime just read our minds?'     

"Haha, it was only a guess. Why? Did I guess it right or something?" laughed Prime softly.     

Of course, Prime couldn't possibly tell them that it was the system that let him know.     


"Well, since you've saved our lives, so there's no harm after all in telling you, and yes we're here to find the Heavenly Light Sword," said Aelena.     

"I see, and do you have any idea where the Heavenly Light Sword is?"     

It was at this moment, Dior and Aelena look at each other as if they are reluctant to say it because unlike other people who don't know where the Heavenly Light Sword is, but Aelena and Dior know the exact location of it.     

The reason why they know is because King Raenor gave them an item called "Ancient Fairy Flute," which is basically a flute used to summon a Fairy to find ancient treasure. Since the Heavenly Light Sword is an ancient treasure, so summoning a fairy would work because fairy loves to find ancient treasure, it's almost like their tradition.     

Looking at Dior and Aelena face, Prime could tell that they are reluctant to tell him, so he then said:     

"Worry not, I'm not interested in the Heavenly Light Sword or anything and even if I found it, I don't mind giving it to you guys," said Prime assuredly.     

Hearing what Prime said, Aelena and the others finally calms down and said:     

"Sorry for doubting you, is not that we want to hide this secret from you, but rather this sword is very important to us,"     

"No problem and by the way, why do you guys need this sword so badly? Well, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I'm just curious," said Prime.     

"Well, it's a long story, but to keep it short, it's basically an ancient sword use for slaying demons,"     

"Slaying demons?"     

"Yes and not only that, even many Demon Kings are afraid of this sword because this sword has "Light Magic," power in it, and Light magic is basically the Demon race biggest weakness,"     

"I see," said Prime.     

"However, it also depends on who's the one wielding the sword because not everyone can wield this sword perfectly. So our plan is to find this sword and give it to King Taiga because we believe he's the most suitable one,"     

"King Taiga? Who is that?" asked Prime curiously.     

"He's the King of RedStar Kingdom, the land of Dragon,"     

"King of RedStar Kingdom?"     

"That's right and he's very powerful, more powerful than my father," said Aelena.     

'Hmm, I haven't met any Kings yet in this world, but I hope they are truly strong and don't disappoint me,' Prime thought to himself.     

"I see, well thanks for telling me," said Prime.     

"No problem, as for where the Heavenly Light Sword is, well it's on the 51st floor,"     

"51st floor? What? I thought this dungeon only has 50 floors at most?"     

"Yes, that's what most people think, but there's actually a secret gateway that leads to the 51st floor, but it's just that not many people are aware of it. However, it won't be a problem for us because we have the Ancient Fairy Flute which will help us find the secret gateway,"     

"I see. Well, I'll just leave it to you guys then to lead the way," said Prime.     

It was at this moment, Dior went closer to Aelena's ear and whispered softly, and said:     

"Aelena-sama, don't you think it's strange that he is helping us for no reason? I mean who knows he could be plotting on us later,"     

"Idiot! Don't forget he saved our lives earlier, so we have no right to complain," Aelena whispered angrily to Dior.     

Considering how sensitive Prime's ear is, so naturally, he was able to hear their conversation. However, he doesn't blame them or anything because there's nothing wrong with being extra careful with someone they don't really know.     

"Alright, shall we go?" said Aelena to everyone.     

"Go go go! Let's go!" said one of the elves girl excitingly.     

Meanwhile, little did they know, a mysterious person in black cloak began trailing them from behind.     

'Hahaha! Heavenly Light Sword, eh? Sound like I've hit a big jackpot this time for sure,' laughed Asuna inwardly.     

'Hmm, it looks like someone is following us,'     

It seems like Prime noticed Aelena's party is being followed, but he didn't take any action because to him the mysterious person is just a small fry that he can kill anytime he wants.     

In order for Aelena's party to head to the next floor, they must first get rid of all the Minotaur Kings in front of them. After that, they will arrive at a junction and they will have to turn left, and continue down that valley for another 50 KM before they reach the gateway that will bring them to the next floor.     

Since Prime only had to kill one Minotaur King to complete his quest, so it's pretty easy for him and in fact, he already completed the moment he met the first Minotaur King that came at him.     


[Congralution on finishing your quest! Reward granted and you have gained 6 Million EXP! And +250 Golds]     

"Hehe easy," said Prime to himself satisfyingly.     

Even Aelena's party is doing pretty well on their part too, and could even take on many Minotaur Kings at once without any problem.     

'Heh, it seems like everyone in this party is pretty strong, but it doesn't matter because among the top 5 strongest monsters in this dungeon, Minotaur Kings are considered the weakest one, so let's see how they can take on the other top 5 monsters later,' Asuna smirked as she sneakily following them from behind.     

After a while, they finally arrived in front of the giant gateway.     

"Well, that's pretty fast, haha," said Dior happily because he can't wait for everything to over and return home to meet his wife.     

'Phew, thank god we have Sir Prime with us, otherwise this entire mission would take even longer,' Dior thought to himself.     

"Well, good job everyone," said Aelena praisingly.     

Due to fighting so many monsters along the way, Aelena's party became quite exhausted and decided to rest for a bit again before going to the next floor. As for Prime, he didn't mind and just waits patiently for them to replenish their energy.     

After about 10 minutes later, Aelena's party is finally ready again, so they entered the gateway and arrived on the 48th floor. Unlike the previous floor where it was a valley type environment, but this floor looks like they are in a hot desert environment.     

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