The Dragon Evolve God

Overpowered Skills

Overpowered Skills

1"Hold on! Don't go yet! I'm here to help you, Princess Elina," said Prime when he saw that the princess is leaving in a hurry.      2

However, Elina didn't listen to Prime, and continue to run away as if she didn't hear him at all.     

"Alright, eat this!" said Prime as he activated his Q-Skill while pointing at Elina.     

[Q-Skill] - Stun your opponent for 1 second. Skill Level: Level 1. Cooldown: 10 Seconds.     

Although he has never used this skill before, but for some reason, it just felt natural to him, almost as if it's part of him. Something like how he was able to control his hands and feet easily, so it's the same with his Moba Skills as well.     

Suddenly, Elina stopped moving and fell onto the ground. During that one second, no matter how hard she tried to move her body, it just won't respond, almost as if her body is completely dead.     

"What a reliable skill," said Prime in amazed.     

It was at that moment, the 4 knights and Demos stop fighting and looked at Prime confusingly.     

"Just who the hell is this kid? And what did he do to Elina-sama?" said one of the 4 knights curiously.     

"This kid is weird.... I've never seen someone with such skill before," said Demos.     

Normally, when someone casts a magic spell, they usually have to do some chanting first before it would work. Of course, the higher your level is, the faster you can cast your magic spell.     

However, in this case, Prime didn't do any chanting at all and was able to activate it like it was nothing to him. Which is why the 4 knights and Demos can't help but look at Prime curiously.     

"Alright, as for you, take this!" said Prime as he activated his E-Skill while looking at Demos.     

[E-Skill] - Shoot one Lightning Missile that will follow your enemy. Skill: Level 1. Cooldown: 30 Seconds.     

Without delay, suddenly a lightning missile appeared out of Prime's body, and immediately charged at Demos.     

"What the F**K is that?!" said Demos in surprise.     

Immediately, Demos move to the side and dodged it. But just when he thought it finally was over, suddenly the lightning missile turns around and go at him again.     

"What the!" said Demos shockingly.     

"Damn! This skill is fun," said Prime excitingly.     

Since Prime's E-Skill is only level 1, so the speed of the lightning missile is not that fast, thus someone like Demos has no problem dodging it.     

At the moment, Demos is just running around while the lightning missile is chasing him from behind. As for the 4 knights and Elina, they were just shocked to see such a scene and didn't know what to say.     

"Holy shit! How long does this lightning missile last?" Demos thought to himself.     

From the look of it, it seems like the lightning missile won't stop until it hits someone.     

"Not bad, not bad. But how about another one, hehe?" Prime laughed evilly.     

Without delay, Prime then cast another E-Skill and immediately, another lightning missile appeared again and charged at Demos.     

"What?! Another one?!" said Demos with both his eyes wide open.     

This time, Demos is starting to feel a little scared because he finally realized how serious his situation is.     

"Hahaha! Go go go! Get em boi!" said Prime to his two lightning missiles, almost as if he sees his lightning missiles like a pet dog.     

"See? I told you I will help you Princess Elina, so you shouldn't run away and trust me," said Prime as he slowly walks toward where Elina is on the ground.     

Eventually, Demos couldn't take it anymore as he's starting to feel exhausted, so without delay, he commands his men to retreat. Of course, no matter how far he runs away, the two lightning missiles will still follow him.     

"Retreat! Retreat!" yelled Demos to his men.     

Good thing the lightning missile is only Level 1, otherwise, Demos would be in trouble.     

"Oh? Who said you guys can retreat? I still haven't used my Ultimate/R-Skill yet," said Prime as he determined to not let anyone escape.     

Right away, Prime activated his R-Skill and immediately, a clone of his appeared next to him.     

"Sir Prime! What would you like me to do?" said Prime's clone.     

"Just kill all this trash and leave none of them alive," said Prime to his clone.     

"Yes, boss!" replied his clone.     

"Wtf?! He can divide himself into two?" the crowd was shocked.     

Without delay, Prime's clone immediately charged at those 49 bandits and kill them all. After killing those 49 bandits in just a few seconds, Prime's clone then returns back to where his master is, and said:     

"What about that bandit leader?" said Prime's clone as he was referring to Demos.     

"Oh, that guy? Well, don't worry about him because he will die soon once he runs out of energy," said Prime to his clone.     

Since Prime doesn't need his clone anymore, so he dismissed him. As for Demos, he already escapes far away into the deep forest alone thinking that he will be safe, but unfortunately, the two lightning missiles are still following him from behind.     

"What the hell?! It has already been 2 Kilometers away since the initial distance, yet these two lightning missiles are still following me,"     

Demos tried to go around the trees hoping that the lightning missiles will hit the tree and vanished, but unfortunately, none of that work. It seems like the lightning missiles are smart enough to even go around the trees and continue to chase after him.     

Meanwhile, Prime then reached out his right hand and pulled Elina off the ground, and said:     

"Are you okay?"     

"Yes, I'm fine and thank you for your help," said Elina as she wiped off the remaining dirt on her dress.     

"Then, that's good,"     


[Congralution on finishing your Bonus Quest! Reward granted and you have just gained 6 Million EXP! And +250 Golds!]     

[You have leveled up to level 1003!]     

"Well, that was pretty easy," Prime thought to himself.     

"Ahem, may I ask who you are? Why are you helping us?" said Elina curiously while looking at Prime.     

Of course, it wasn't just Elina who was curious to know, but her men also felt the same and wanted to know who Prime is.     

However, Prime didn't hear what Elina said, instead he was still browsing his game screen to check out his other stats and skills. After browsing for a while, he realized not only that he had leveled up, but his Moba Skills have also reached level 2 as well.     

Plus since he has just killed 49 people with his clone earlier, so that made him gained another +49 INT and +49 DEX stats.     

"Woot! 49 + 49, that would be 98 points, so that's mean my battle power now is about level 1320! Holy! If this shit continues, I think I can conquer the world easily, even the God World wouldn't be a problem as well. Hahaha!" laughed Prime inwardly again.     

Looking at Prime still daydreaming and not answering her question, Elina can't help but wondered if she did anything wrong to upset him.     

"Hellooo?" said Elina to Prime again.     

It was at this time, Prime then snapped back into reality and looked at Elina, and said:     

"My bad. My name is PrimeDragon, but you can just call me Prime. As for why I help you, well that's a secret. Anyways, I have to go now as I still have another quest/mission to do, so goodbye for now,"     

After that, he then left and continue his journey to Porion Klex Dungeon.     

"Wait! I'm not done yet!" yelled Elina desperately, as she still has some questions to ask Prime.     

However, Prime didn't care and continue to travel further and further and eventually, Elina and her men lose sight of him.     

Of course, it's not that Prime doesn't like Elina, but rather he's just lazy to deal with people at the moment. Unless it's someone who is strong, then he wouldn't mind partying with him/her.     

After Prime left. Not long after that, the 7 Royal Knights arrived and they were all S-Rank Level.     

"Elina-sama, are you alright?" said one of the royal knights worriedly.     

"What just happened here? Who did all these?" said another royal knight curiously when he saw so many dead bodies on the field.     

Out of the 7 Royal Knights, 4 were males and 3 were females.     

"We will ask Princess Elina later. But for now, let's head back first and report to our majesty," said the knight leader who was a beautiful woman with golden hair.     

Initially, Elina wanted to go to Porion Klex Dungeon to train, but after this incident happened, she no longer has the mood to go.     

Also, she doesn't know if her enemies will come back again later, so just to be safe, she decided to return back to Azurion City for now. Of course, this time she's safe and can return safely thanks to the 7 Royal Knights protecting her.     

At this time, it was already getting dark, so Prime decided to stop at one of the nearby villages that he saw on his game map, and settle down there for the night.     

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