The Dragon Evolve God

Nebeus Admit Defeat

Nebeus Admit Defeat

0'F**k! Just how is his clone so powerful?!' Nebeus was shocked.     

"Hahaha! What's wrong my friend? Are you not feeling well?" laughed Prime loudly.     

"You! Just who the hell are you?!"     

"Me? Oh, I'm just a normal dragon, hehe,"     

"Normal dragon my ass! You f**cking monster!"     

"Heh? Monster, huh? Well, monster sounds good too, hehe," said Prime in a trolling manner.     

'Shit! Looks like I have to go all out after all if I want to defeat this kid,' Nebeus thought to himself.     

When Nebeus realized that he can't win Prime's Clone physically, that's when he decided is time to use his trump card, which is using magic.     

"Alright! I'm done playing around, time to end this!" said Nebeus with a serious look on his face.     

'Hmm, looks like this guy is finally serious, huh? Very well, let me see what you got, Mr. Dragon Emperor,' Prime.     

"Roarrrrrrrrrrrrr!!" Nebeus shot out multiple "Ice Ball," at Prime's Clone.     

Since Prime's Clone is also a dragon, so Nebeus knew that Fire magic would not work on him, so instead, he uses ice magic as it is more effective.     

"What? Ice Magic?" Prime was a little surprised.     

Instead of dodging the massive Ice Balls, Prime instructed his clone to take it on directly because he wanted to see how strong the Ice balls are. Of course, Prime's Clone will never disobey his master's order, so he just stood there obediently and let all the Ice Balls hit him.     

Upon getting in contact with the giant Ice Balls, Prime's Clone was pushed back a little and just when Prime thought it was over, suddenly, Prime's Clone entire body began to freeze rapidly. And before Prime realized, his clone has been completely frozen and couldn't move at all.     

'I see, trying to freeze my clone and then finish him off, huh? Not a bad idea for sure,' Prime was amazed at Nebeus strategy.     

"Hahaha! Alright, time for the killing move!" said Nebeus as he charged at Prime's Clone with a punch.     

However, Prime just smiled and didn't do anything about it. Then "BOOM"! Prime's Clone was blown into pieces and died.     

"Woohoo! Easy peasy!" said Nebeus satisfyingly.     

"Alright, little boy, your next!" said Nebeus and after that, he began shooting multiple Ice Balls at Prime.     

However, Prime didn't dodge it, instead, he resummoned his clone again. And right after his clone was summoned, it immediately shot out "Dragon Flames" at the Ice balls and melted all of them.     

"Meh, did you think just because you killed my clone mean you're winning?" said Prime.     

'What?! He can summon his clone back in an instant? How's that possible?!' Nebeus was shocked.     

Since Prime Ultimate/R-Skill has no cooldown, therefore he can keep summoning it as many times as he wants, except that he can only have one at a time out.     

It was at this time, Nebeus is starting to worry about his situation and not only that, he also began to show some fear toward Prime.     

"You! Just what are you?! Are you really someone from the dragon race?!"     

However, Prime didn't answer back and instead, he told his clone to finish Nebeus off. And without delay, Prime's Clone began abusing his speed and started attacking Nebeus in all angles.     

At the same time, Prime also cast his Q-SKill, and E-Skill at Nebeus, which is stunning and shooting Lightning Missile at his opponent.     

"Hahaha! You're dead now!" laughed Prime loudly.     

'What the?! I can't move! Shit! What's going on here?!' Nebeus thought to himself.     

"Y-You! Just what did you do to me?! Why can't I move at all?!"     

By stunning Nebeus, it also lowers his overall defense stats, because if he can't move, then it is also the same as he's letting his guard down. So as a result, Prime's Clone attacks became even more effective and deal a lot of damage.     

At first, Prime wanted to kill Nebeus, but now he changed his mind because he still wants to ask Nebeus more about the Sky Kingdom. Because as of right now, he still doesn't know the way or even how to get to the Sky Kingdom yet.     

Although Nebeus did tell Prime about the Sky Kingdom earlier, but the information he gave Prime was just the general knowledge of it, meaning that it is not very detailed. So that's why Prime still need him at least for now.     

At the same time, Prime is also looking for strong companions that he could trust, and bring them to the God Realm when the time is right. At least, that is his future plans for now.     

Since Prime decided not to kill Nebeus, so instead, he told his clone to beat Nebeus to a pulp.     

"You stupid clone! How dare you punch my handsome face! Bitch! I swear I will kill you and your master eventually!" said Nebeus angrily.     

Of course, not only that Nebeus has to worry about Prime's stun, but he also has to worry about Prime's Lightning Missiles. Also, the Lightning Missiles are smart and instead of going for Nebeus's body, it goes for the eyes instead. Which in return, became very annoying for Nebeus to handle.     

After a few minutes later, Nebeus face became blue and black due to Prime's Clone kept punching him. Of course, it's not just his face that is swollen, but his other parts of his body are also badly injured to the point that he couldn't even stand properly due to both his legs limping.     

However, despite all that, Nebeus still didn't surrender and kept fighting with Prime's Clone.     

"I think you should give up now as that will not be good for your body," said Prime nicely.     

"F**k you! A dragon never give up and will fight till the end!"     

Since dragons are prideful by nature, so they usually don't give up that easily even though they know they will die or lose.     

Seeing how Nebeus was beaten up so badly by Prime's Clone, Asuna, Cyrena and Aelena's party can't help but starting to feel pity for Nebeus.     

At the same time, Prime is also a sadist because as long as Nebeus don't surrender, then Prime won't stop either and will continue to instruct his clone to beat him up.     

"My master has decided that he won't kill you anymore since you still have some use for him, so just give up now or else you might really die if this continues," said Prime's Clone.     


Unfortunately, Nebeus was in too much pain to the point that he can't even speak properly, and the only thing he replied to Prime's Clone was by showing his middle finger.     

It was at this time, Prime's Clone looked at his master and said:     

"Master, should I continue?"     

"Yes, just keep beating him until he submits,"     

The way Prime talks, it seems like he's not planning to show any mercy to Nebeus at all, even though Nebeus is already badly injured.     

"Very well, as you wish master," replied Prime's Clone.     

With that said:     

"Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!" yelled Prime's Clone as he nonstop punching Nebeus (JoJo's Bizarre Reference).     

After about a few minutes later, Prime then said, "Alright, stop," and just like that, Prime's Clone stopped.     

Puahhhhh!! Nebeus puked out a lot of blood.     

"Hehe, still not giving up, huh?" said Prime while stepping on Nebeus's right palm and crushed it.     

Aaaaaaaaaahhhh!! F**K!!     

"Are you going to give up or not?" said Prime once more.     

With all his remaining energy, Nebeus once again said, "F**k you!" and at the same time, he shows his middle finger again, but this time, with his left hand instead since his right hand was crushed by Prime.     

'This stubborn motherf**cker. Oh, wait! hehe, dammit, why never I thought of that,' Prime had an evil smile on his face.     

"Well, you're gonna regret it this time if you don't give up," said Prime while smiling evilly.     

'Shit, what is he going to do this time?' Nebeus wondered.     

With that being said, Prime then let go of his right foot that was stepping on Nebeus's right palm and place it near at Nebeus's genital. However, Prime didn't crush Nebeus's private part yet as he wanted to see how Nebeus would react.     

When Nebeus saw that, his expression began to change from a prideful dragon to a small little puppy.     

"Please! I beg you! Anything but that! I'm still single and not married, so please don't do it!" said Nebeus desperately and fearfully.     

"Oh? Where's your dragon pride from earlier? I thought you said that dragon never gives up and will fight till the end?" said Prime in a sarcastic manner.     

"No, I was wrong! I take back what I said, so please let me go!"     

It was at this time, Nebeus began to cry like crazy.     

"Waaaaahh! Waaaaahh! Mommy! Daddy! Help me! I'm dying! Waaaaahh!"     

In fact, he has been wanting to cry all this time due to how agonizing the pain is on all over his body, but he didn't because of his dragon pride, so that's why now he's suffering even more.     

"Mommy? Daddy? Hahaha! Earlier you said whether or not I'm a dragon, so what about now? Are you really a dragon too?" laughed Prime when he saw Nebeus crying.     

Even Asuna from afar also laughed at the scene, as for Aelena's party and Cyrena, they too also laughed when they saw Nebeus crying like a baby.     

"In this for real? I can't believe Prime actually made that dragon cry," Dior couldn't believe it.     

"Hahaha! That's Sir Prime for you!" laughed an elf man while slapping Dior in the back excitingly.     

As for Cyrena, Aelena and the other two elf girls, they didn't know what to say and could only smile at the situation happily.     

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