
Leaving With Their Heads Down

Leaving With Their Heads Down

1Gregory looked at Klaus with disbelief in his eyes, yes, he recalled how Klaus managed to defeat him with a single attack. If Klaus had used this during their fight, then he would've won that battle as well.      

However, he could tell that this single attack took a lot from Klaus, not just that, but unlike the stipulations for this battle, he wouldn't necessarily give Klaus the chance to accumulate so much energy and would stop him from attacking with such power.      

It mainly depended on the stipulations stated by Lothar. From the onset, it was obvious Lothar was on their side, hence he gave such a stipulation that favored this. In a good sense, this was the same as Lothar giving them face, however, no one expected Gregory to still lose even after being given such a good opportunity. This showed how incompetent he was.     

Klaus defeating him even when they were both given the same time to accumulate strength was an embarrassing event. Even the Head of the Robertson Family had a dark expression on. He couldn't bear to take the shame.      

According to the bet, they would have to leave today with Luthera since Klaus won. This meant that the marriage was off. His Family not only got embarrassed by two youngsters, but they also couldn't get what brought them here, especially after inviting so many people over.      

The Head of the Robertson Family naturally couldn't renege on the bet since it was already witnessed by so many people. For a moment, a hint of killing intent flashed through his eyes as he looked at Klaus and Grey, but when he thought about it, he knew he couldn't carelessly kill a genius from the Moonlight Faction, nor could he kill Grey.      

With Grey's talent, whatever Faction or Family he came from would value him very highly. They wouldn't mind going to an all-out war with the Robertson Family if they touched a single hair on his body, much less kill him.     

Looking at the bigger picture, he knew he couldn't touch any of them. In the end, it was all his stupid son's willingness to agree to Klaus' challenge from the start. If he had refused to take part in the competition, all this wouldn't have happened, and the marriage would've already finished by now.      

Lothar looked at him and sighed, he could almost tell what was going through the mind of the Head of the Robertson Family. Honestly, the reason he gave such a stipulation from the start was to favor them, unknown to everyone, Klaus kept his true strength hidden.     

"I lost…" Gregory said with a low disappointed voice.      

"Yes, you can leave now." Klaus wasn't trying to even show any signs of pity, straight up rubbing it in his face.      

One has to know that Klaus had never been a friendly person to people he considered enemies, now that he defeated Gregory in the challenge, he would annoy him even more.      

Gregory looked at Klaus and gritted his teeth, "You'll regret this."     

"No, I won't. Run along, loser." Klaus said.      

His voice wasn't loud, and even though he wanted to annoy Gregory, he knew not to overdo it. First off, he didn't want the entire Robertson Family to have a life and death enmity with him. He could still handle Gregory, but once those in the Elemental Venerable Plane decided to get involved due to the humiliation, then he would be done for.      

Gregory left the platform with an irritated expression, his face was bright red from anger. When he heard Lothar announcing Klaus as the winner, he felt so annoyed that he almost spat out blood.      

It became even worse when he saw his father's expression and heard Lothar's next words.      

"According to the bet between Klaus and Gregory, the marriage between my daughter and Gregory is called off." Lothar said, a bit dejected.      

The fact that this was the way his daughter's marriage matter was settled was some sort of humiliation to him as well. If he were the one who set up the competition, then it would've been fine since he could use the excuse of searching for a suitable partner for his daughter. But he had already agreed to the marriage proposal of the Robertson Family, and then Klaus came from nowhere to challenge Gregory.      

Gregory accepted and lost in front of so many witnesses. Since Gregory, the one who wanted to marry his daughter, agreed to the challenge, he didn't have any say in the matter, which was a bit frustrating. He was an Elemental Sovereign powerhouse, but he still had to go with the arrangements of two Sage Plane Elementalists.      

How infuriating!     

Just like the Head of the Robertson Family, he threw a deadly gaze at Klaus and Grey, but after seeing the excitement in his daughter's eyes, he could only shake his head in dejection.      

"Since everyone is already here, please stay since there are still other things for you all." He said to the crowd.      

It was a marriage ceremony, and food and drinks were made available to all. Even though the marriage had been called off, it didn't mean these people had to return without anything. Since they were already here, he didn't mind distributing the food and drinks.     

The Robertson Family left immediately after the winner was announced. It was normal since they couldn't bear the shame of staying. Those affiliated with the Robertson Family left as well, leaving only around fifty percent of the people who came for the occasion.      

These people didn't stay too long as well before leaving. Grey and Klaus were the main superstars of the ceremony, Grey in particular had many youths flocking around him, especially young ladies.      

Klaus was already taken, so they felt the more handsome and more talented Grey might be a better option.      

Grey was cold and detached, only speaking a few words and barely showing any interest in the ladies. In the end, they could only give up and leave.      

Some who were friends with Luthera stayed a little longer in hopes of building a good relationship with Grey. But just like the first attempt, they were unsuccessful.      

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