Chapter 58: A God's Fall

Chapter 58: A God's Fall

1It was late in the evening when The hunting parties returned, the meat were stored in the storehouse and Alex ordered for them to have a feast tonight, the moment he saw First circle Bison. Dabok had been excited to see the first circle beast, according to him, it would improve the body of the young ones and a few adults even.     

As soon as he heard this, Alex decided that they would have dinner at the semi town center tonight. Anything that increases the quality of his people is much appreciated. It's just unfortunate that the area they lived didn't have much of these evolved beasts, it was both a blessing and a disappointment, but he didn't have to worry too much. As long as he takes over the surrounding region, it'd all belong to him in the end.     

kpa! Snap!     

"Hahaha..." laughter and the constant chatter made Alex smile, Due to being the one who caught such a fine beast, Torrelsav was especially happy tonight, He was topless and was being pestered by Gilgar with Booze in hand.     

Today Alex found out that, they had a special way of making alchohol with a Fruit called 'Droll's bead'. According to the legend, the God of mischief had found it funny to give a quest to a Kobold who had repeatedly pestered him for assistance, He gave it this tree seeds, saying if he could succeed in planting a thousand of this tree, then he will grant h a reward. But what was weird was, He only gave out 99 seeds!!, the Kobold died before he could finish the quest. But on the bright side, this trees were now a popular thing amongst the monster faction and they had been planting them in his village!.     

Alex had a wry smile on his face as he looked at the so called Droll's bead in his hand, it looked like a mixture of a watermelon and a coconut, a hole had been pierced into it and that's where you drink it's content from.     

Although it tastes sweet, it felt like someone was giving you a light slap on your cheeks repeatedly. this was the second one he was taking, just to satisfy his curiosity on how strong this could be. And honestly, at the third mouthful of this second fruit, Alex was already tipsy.     

'If this is this effective on a monster body, how would a human react to it' He mused as he twirled the fruit in a rather slow manner, soon he felt a gaze and turned in the direction he felt it from. Sitting in that direction was Nazu who was caught spying on him, She had a tranquil gaze even though she had been caught, the burn fire illuminated her facial features and he couldn't help wondering what she was thinking.     

Soon her line of sight changed to something next to him and so he looked there as well, standing next to him was Moz who had appeared at some point, she looked at everything happening with interest. Seeing this, Alex looked back at Nazu and couldn't help the playful expression that slowly appeared on his face.     

But Nazu simply turned to the burn fire again while she kept nodding, determination could be seen in her gaze. Alex began to wonder what could be going on in her head.     

Largash, the oldest Daughter of Torrelsav on the other hand was thinking, She had seen the whole exchange and couldn't help looking at Moz and Nazu.     

Although, Nazu had openly laid claim on the Chief, the first day she appeared, she didn't take it to heart. She had other ideas in mind, She knew the Chief more than Nazu and could tell that you won't get his attention without any achievements, so without that Largash had stayed quiet about what she felt for her savior. In fact, She had many reasons to become The Chief's woman. As she thought about this things, she looked at Nazu again and advised herself once more, 'I would need more power to be the first woman...'     

She thought of the close battle Nazu had with the Chief and felt that if she was placed in that position, even though the Chief didn't go all out, she won't be able to do that much.     

"..." As she was in her own thoughts, she was elbowed by someone, upon turning to this person, she found out it was Gilgar.     

Seeing Largash blankly staring at her, Gilgar went for another series of elbowing with a cheeky grin. her braided hair swayed along with her actions, "drink...!" Largash said as she lifted the Fruit in her hand and forced it tnto the mouth of this sister of hers.     

Lovan wobbled across the surrounding people and suddenly slipped, only to be caught by a someone.     

"waaah!!!" They bellowed before a series of laughter echoed along, he almost tripped into the burn fire. Alex was sweating bullets at the sight but luckily he had been caught, Alex had the intention of helping this fellow evolve to the second circle, considering he was the only one left in his inner circle.     

He signalled for Haji to take his father away, seeing the retreating duo, he began to wonder what happened to Haji's mother.     

The Orcs from Nazu's village began singing war songs and soon the others joined in as the lyrics didn't seem hard, in fact, Alex got infected and began singing as well. soon they were stomping their feet, munching on meat and gulping mouthfuls of Drinks.     


"""To the Chief!!!!"""     

"For Black moon!!" Alex added, the moonlight shone on them as the whole tension from the days before slowly drifted away. Goblins sang along with their shrill voices but no one seemed to mind, Alex soon felt tired and walked towards the Manor after saying goodbye. it Didn't take long for him to arrive on his bed, he laid down on the soft furred bamboo bed with a bounce.     

Feeling dizzy for a bit, he slowly drifted off to sleep.     


In a white mansion, a man dashed in from the front door holding a gun while looking around warily. After looking out through the windows he called out.     

"Himiko! it's time!!"     

"Alright I'll go get Alex" a woman replied hurriedly but had a firm tone.     

"No go get it, I'll get Alex" the man said before dashing upstairs into a room by the stairs.     

"hey Alex, Alex my boy" his voice called out.     

"mmm...huh? Dad?" a groggy childish voice muttered slowly in surprise as he struggled with sleep.     

"come on, Get up quickly" The masculine voice called out again before shaking the black haired kid laying on the bed and lifted him. He got downstairs and saw Himiko with two small bags and a backpack.     

"They'll be here soon.. let's go" The Man said as she only nodded like she was expecting it.     

She said as they exited the back door, "I take that it failed then". only an awkward silence hovered in the air as he didn't respond, The child was already wide awake, staring at his parents in confusion but didn't say anything.     

Soon they arrived at the boatyard deep in the woods, They got onto the speed boat as the man quickly untied the boat after placing the 4 year old child on the boat. Himiko quickly held onto him, The Man struggled to start the boat up as a gunshot rang out causing Alex to cry out.     

"MR RADWELL I'LL FIND YOU!" a voice rang out from the boatyard as the speed boat sailed off, "What are you doing?! quickly get the other one ready!!"     


The other boat exploded as Mr Radwell turned     

to Himiko who had a remote in her hand.     

"What?" She asked with a steel face.     

"You still planted the explosives?" He asked in disbelief.     

"So? came in handy didn't it?" She replied in a matter of fact tone, Frank said no more as he steered the boat.     

"Where are we going?" Himiko then asked.     

"Japan" Frank answered curtly but Himiko had a smile blossom on her face even though she didn't say a word.     



[God of the Veil, Mayos has fallen...]     

As Alex dreamt, a system notification woke him up abruptly as a surprised look appeared on his face. he dashed outside and sure enough, it was raining blood!.     

Anytime a God died in Luegad, it would rain blood, Alex couldn't help frowning as this didn't bode well for the whole situation of things but it would have happened in end.     

This meant one thing, "The Gods have began moving."     

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