Chapter 55: Let's play...

Chapter 55: Let's play...

0a few minutes later, fourteen adult goblins and two kobold stood before Alex. These were the most recent addition to the adults of the Black moon tribe. Alex couldn't help feeling a little bit disappointed as the numbers were quite little, Funnily Dabok believed that another 8 would mature into adults by next week.     2

This just strengthened his resolve, to Annex the surrounding villages and tribes faster.     

"Have Torrelsav see me once the hunting party returns."     

"Ok" Dabok responded with a nod as he tried to guess what Alex had in mind. Alex on the other hand was thinking about how his recent rewards would help his present situation.     

He opened his inventory as the others continued to make suggestions.     

[Skill upgrade card x4 , Random equipment card x1, Epic Character Exp card and 1200 system points, Rare signature Mount(Tier 4), Village upgrade card x1(Epic).]     

The skill upgrade cards would help in boosting his skill levels, while he already knew he couldn't place his hope on the Random equipment card which was always more of a 50/50 gamble. He won't be using the Character card until his third circle evolution.     

Alex shifted his gaze, 'The rare mount is probably the best choice but it's too slow, Moreover the breeding house isn't completed yet... perhaps I'll have them increase the pace. but it's still too slow and I don't even know what species of mount I would get.'     

'The village upgrade is out of it for now...I guess I'll have them focus on the breeding house, according to the system, any creature place there for 360 hours, it would be registered as a copy for production. As long as the requested materials are met, it would produce copy or should I say clone, the time needed and success is dependent on the original. But even still, the copy comes out with only 50-70% abilities of the original.'     

Rubbing his temples he muttered, "it all boils down to gambling again".     

"My Chief, Chieftain?, with our bl..b..Blackshmith...is dead so there hasn't been any new short swords made for the Goblins" Dabok called out, attracting Alex's attention before stating out his observation.     

"What happened to the goblins learning under Coyorn?" Alex asked with a frown, it would be indeed troublesome if they weren't able to learn anything from the Kobold.     

"They l...Learned but still make mistakes, so I stopped them" He responded while trying his best to use the terms Alex had been teaching during earlier times, Nazu and Moz looked at them weirdly.     

Alex on the other hand couldn't help smiling at the sight, so he said, "No, let them make mistakes, I'm sure their proficiency would increase with more practice."     



"Hahahahahaha, No no 'proFICIency" Alex said with a laugh, "Think of it as how good you are at something, like how you practice with the sword to get better at it and..."     

"My Chief!!" Torrelsav's voice rang out as the Berserker entered the hall with confident strides,"You asked for me".     

With this words he observed the changes in the hall, along with the expressions the others had. Nazu and the others seemed disappointed while Alex said, "Yes, how did the hunt go".     

"It went well My Chief" Torrelsav said as he began reminiscing about the hunt. Alex Nodded before saying,"Good, now, I called you for two things. One, I wished to give you your reward for your earlier achievements".     

With that, Alex immediately selected him as a vassal. The surrounding wind picked up and sizzling sounds came from his tiger tattoo before a dragon crawled out from the tigers body, spreading all the way from his arm to his back. thick black colour of the tattoos was what could be said to be as Black as the night.     

Feeling the surge of power within, He could barely hold back his excitement, Without hesitation, he went down on one knee and bowed his head with respect. How could he not know what Alex had done?, if You think about it from the human side, it was like a king granting someone Noble status.     

With this, he would be able to protect his daughters in the tribe, as no one would dare slight him especially now that he was considered the Chief's person. At the same time, Alex did the same for Urim who was standing behind him.     

""Thank you my Chief!!, we shall fight for your Honor!!!."" Soon two warriors could be seen on one knee as they shouted from the bottom of their heart.     

The others in the hall were shocked, especially Dabok. He remembered how weak The King of Degr used to look Everytime he granted someone a vassal status and so he never did it twice in one day. Before you could even get a chance, the achievements you would have to earn was akin to cutting an arm. But not only had Alex done it once without any side effects, he did it again and looked like he could go on!!.     

"Rise..." Alex offhandedly said as he observed the changes in their status. Now their power rating had a 15% increase and he found that, it could be improved with the increase an the skill level.     

Presently, His sigil was only level two with a 4% base stats increase, but somehow their power rating increased with 15% which was the overall summary of the ones base stats.     

"Torrelsav, Take them and add them to your hunting party from now on...let me know once they enter the first circle" Alex decided to shift the topic before the awkward silence sets in.     

"Yes" He said before leading them outside with a serious expression.     

Alex looked at the others before giving out a series of orders and dismissed the meeting. Everyone stepped out of the Hall but...     

"Nazu" Alex called out, She stopped her steps in surprise before heading back towards Alex. The latter stepped down from the throne and walked towards her, he looked down at her face and noticed the confused expression.     

"Don't think I don't know what you are doing" He said, a threatening grin made its way to his face.     

"I've said it before, I choose. not you, not my people, so stop what you are doing, perhaps, If you earn more honor during the coming war..." He let his words trail away at the end without any further words, He's goldish green Iris flashed in tempting delight as he looked at her eyes. No further words were said as they both stood there looking at each other, at first she was surprised by his words but when he gave her a challenge, she understood him, He was not rejecting her but Also not accepting her, He wanted everything to be within his terms, he wanted control!.     

Unconsciously, a smile slowly made it's way to her face but she still didn't say a word before turning towards the door while thinking, 'Fine, I'll play with you... Always knows how to make things interesting'.     

She caressed her sword as her smile got wider, soon she was out his sight.     

Although Alex clearly didn't say he would agree to marry her, She still took note of his words. Alex stared at her departing back thinking, 'Lets see the full strength of your bloodline, Daughter of Haran'.     

As soon as she left, he returned to his throne to decide what skills to level up.     

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