Chapter 73: Intimidation

Chapter 73: Intimidation

1Dabok's POV      1

Hearing Torug speak about the actions he took against the Grey eye tribe left me speechless, I took a while looking at him as the others praised his foresight. Thinking about the first time I met him, I remember finding him a thorn in the eye as he was dragged back by the orc warriors, the little fellow was still fighting despite his situation and you couldn't help but praise his stupidity.     

It was when I found out the reason for his fighting that I began to admire this small Orc, apparently the warriors wished to feast on his sickly brother Urim at the time and He wouldn't have it. He fought back the older orcs till the old chief took note of the commotion.     

Jogug, The chief at the time, was one who I had sworn to follow, the exiled son of Buggug Skull Dagger, General of the great Degr Kingdom. He had lost in a sacred duel against a Cat Halfling girl for the right of passage at the outer reaches of the upper north. Due to his injury, he dropped from the Grand circle to the First circle and due to the importance of this duel, he was punished by the Berserker king himself.     

In frustration, Jogug and all we the loyal ones came to settle close to the Human city called Thann's end. Seeing Torug fighting and protecting his brother, reminded him of his own brother, Zur The Broken.     

He took in the young ones and named them, Torug and Urim, in the way of his old clan. as one of the learned, I was asked to teach them and they were raised like his sons. But that did not last, a human merchant ship was raided by Olog's hunting party who had gone in a different direction than the one set by the tribe.     

This made our existence known to the humans and we were attacked in the dead of the night's embrace. Jogug died in this clash, making Olog the strongest in the tribe, being a young orc, he became drunk with power and remained impulsive as the strength of the clan continued to dwindle by the day. The grown Torug hated him but wasn't strong enough, so we made plans upon plans till Olog attacked a 'carriage' because of he saw the women inside.     

This only made the humans aware of our new hiding place and in a fit of anger, Torug challenged Olog for the chance of ruler ship and... He lost. Luckily the humans attacked once again but we somehow sur...     

"Dabok...Dabok!!" Torug's voice echoed in my ears and it brought me out of my memories, ah silly old me, I forgot about the 'meeting'.     

"Yes my chief!" I quickly said, even though we are close, I can't make his prestige look bad. the others watched the scene silently but surprisingly He said, "What troubles you?"     

I looked at him blankly for a second before laughing wryly, "don't worry about it for now" I said, I wouldn't be stupid to 'nothing' at this time and luckily Torug seemed to understand as he simply nodded to continue speaking.     

"We will go to the mines by first light tomorrow and Lovan, make sure you do the needful"     

"My chief, I think we should do something about those two, to make sure they remain busy" Torrelsav suggests and Torug looked at him with interest as he adjusted on his throne.     

"And how do you wish to make that happen?"     

"I wish for my 'daughters' to take some warriors to cause problems with both tribes, your action with the Grey eye tribe allowed me to understand that this method can be used again".     

"The Halfling girl?!!" Nazu shrieks unconsciously.     

"WHAT??!!!" Torrelsav asks as his aura begins rising.     

'I see, he intends to earn his daughters achievements but this makes Nazu feel threatened...' I looked at Torug in deep thought as those two are about to tear each others throat.     

"ENOUGH!!! Do I look so little in your eyes?!!" Torug roared as his eyes glowed, suddenly I felt like a mountain was placed on my shoulders, Nazu and Torrelsav fell to their knees, shock was evident on their face. Only Urim remained unfazed as even Lovan looked like he was unable to breathe, this is the first time I had seen Torug give off this pressure that was much too similar to the Berserker king.     

"forgive me, My chief!!!" The both of them spoke with a bit of struggle and the pressure disappeared like it was never there.     

"You will not disrespect me!" Torug says as silence ensued.     

"Nazu, let this be the last time I hear you use such words to address my people, now go prepare for tomorrow."     

The red haired Nazu looked like she had something to say but ultimately chose to leave. Torug turned to the kneeling Torrelsav and watched him silently for some seconds before glancing at everyone else.     

"we will do as Torrelsav has suggested, Dabok you will be in charge of the tribe while I'm away and Lovan...you know what to do" He looked meaningfully at Lovan as he said the last sentence.     

"You are dismissed"     

with a loud sigh, I got up to leave as soon as the others crossed the door but...     

"Dabok, you old Orc!! where are you going?!"     


Thann's End, City Mortuary.     

Davis stood in front of a row of coffins as he looked straight ahead with reddened eyes. In front of him were the coffins containing his comrades and the Moongret soldiers.     

Embedded on the coffins were some simple words. The frequent booming of thunder outside caused the gloomy atmosphere to intensify.     

"I don't understand!" He said, "I did every...I did everything to, How could they die?!!!" An elder dressed in a long black robe looked at the youth and said in a deep voice, "Let it go, Fairchild. what's happened has happened".     

The expression of the youth was visibly contorted.     

"No, no, no!" Davis, whose hair had become brownish-purple due to his horrible experiences for the passed few days, shook his head repeatedly.     

He took a step back with every word, and finally let out a ear-piercing roar as the temperature in the room began to heat up, his hair floated in the air and his eyes turned orange.     


The elder stamped down his foot with a boom and said, "Do you wish for the whole city to burn?"     

His actions mysteriously canceled out Davis's abilities effortlessly.     

"But Why? Why? I had those creatures chasing after me..." Davis reasoned, unable to understand what happened to his friends, shaking his head. "It can't be those things, I clearly saw sword marks and..."     

The elder closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to speak further. "your not ready to know of this things..."     

"After you have calmed down, you can try entering the grand circle of evolution, then you would have enough authority to discuss this."     

Davis took several steps forward anger as the thought of threatening the man with a sword crossed his mind but he returned his shivering right hand to the side.     

Images flashed past his eyes—their time at the training ground and other experiences, and unknowingly a faint sound croaked from his throat despite his utmost suppression. With a low grunt, he turned around, leaving the place.     

Some seconds later...     

A shadow came from the dark part of the room and the Elder said, "Bishop Clearheart, Is this really necessary?"     

But the shadow simply replied."Hamen, this is all within the lord's will".     

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