Chapter 102: Memories pt 2

Chapter 102: Memories pt 2

3Torug's POV,      3

When I finally calmed down, I buried the skeleton of my mother in this world with a solemn expression. a gentle breeze spread across the village and I could only get back to my feet, in order to find the altar.     

I still couldn't remember a lot, including my father's. He seemed to have had multiple wives with my mother being the only warrior amongst them, I now know how me and Urim are connected.     

"My half Brother huh" I muttered with a silent laugh while exploring the village further, Mother had taken us away and sent us to hide before running back to my father the Chief...looks like she met something or someone along the way, Urim followed behind her, and I chased after him but none of us could remember what happened. The other one with us, I don't know what happened to him.     

Another thing that bugged me was the fact that, inside the village, I couldn't find any of the enemy's dead.     

'What happened really...' Since I came to this world, I've never been this bothered about this body's passed as much as I am now...     

Soon I was standing in front of a huge patch of blue Grass and a huge transparent tree laid at it's center with a blue energy circling within, it even went up to the leaves and flowed out like a light blue fog.     

It didn't hinder sight but it made it hard for one to breathe, on my left hand side was the path my mother took us to hide. Standing at the edge of the fog, I was torn between going further to find the altar or first following the path to see if I could unlock more memories.     

Without dwelling on it too much, I turned left and headed straight down the path. I have to get to the root of all this, at least I can find out whom I owe my vengeance.     

Soon I was at the end of the path, which was shorter than I remembered, there was now a cliff in front of me with pitch black below. It looked like falling here would be the fastest way to the Abyss.     

'So this place is like a separate but smaller realm, and it's Mana is unstable with signs of disintegrating' the thought of this place being gone forever made me uncomfortable...this could be regarded as my true home in this world...     

Then a thought came to me, 'If that is true, something held this place till that person came and took the treasure...his race remained unknown but he was able to make some waves against the Degr kingdom and the author speculated that he was human'.     

There are so many inconsistencies with the Novel and what is happening in reality. was the one who found the treasure really human?     

Feeling a bit annoyed, I turned back and was about to leave when I decided to pick a rock. Next thing, I tossed it into the darkness and waited.     


'That deep?' genuinely surprised, I left for the foggy area.     

With the amount of Mana here, how could they not have evolved into higher circles? that means the ones who attacked were as powerful as the ones in the village     

While thinking, I arrived at the blue grass area and took a deep breath. I searched for a long while and found nothing until I let out the breath I was holding, it was at that moment, something extraordinary happened.     

A Bronze altar appeared before my eyes with the symbol of a palm grabbing at something, it was old with traces of dry blood scattered around it.     

This only made me more cautious, is this even the real altar?.     

I watched it for close to 5 minutes without any motion, even the Mana in the surrounding began to dig into my flesh. I quickly took my Axe from my inventory and approached the altar.     

Two steps away from it, a blue light flashed, reminiscent of the blue eye that looked at me at the entrance. As soon as it vanished, I was now in what looked like a glass forest.     


'Ah I have never missed this sound as much as I feel right now'.     

[You have found the White Bone clan's trial grounds]     

[Sensing a link between Host and this place...]     

[Note that further actions may lead to unforeseen results...]     

"What?..." This was the first time the system warned me about changing something, despite changing Fate it did not bring such a warning before, so what's different now.     

Whatever remains here must have a great impact on this world, could this be what brought the calamity to my family? or could it...     

'Wait... White Bone clan?, was that my family name?'     

So many questions but so little answers, looks like I didn't even have much of a choice as me turning back now would be plain stupid...     

I took a step and a system notification popped up again...     

[You have made your choice...]     

Immediately the whole place began to shake...     



Black moon Town,     

Dabok's POV,     

"are you sure it was the chief that was evolving?" I asked Lovan again as we headed to the throne hall.     

"Yes, the White ball was like before but bigger" He says, apparently this morning, Haji went to find the Chief but found a cacoon.     

I found it strange but I had to confirm all the same. Soon we were in the Hall and indeed, there was a cacoon there.     

I approached it as quietly as I can, it was then I noticed the difference, this cacoon was too big for Orc. the Hall was in disarray while it laid at the center of the Hall, just below the throne.     

'What's going on?' the moment I asked this question in my mind, there was the sound of a crack.     

'Was it completed?' I couldn't help wondering, Torug spent the whole day inside yesterday, looks like he was evolving. How could he do it so carelessly, the higher the circle, the greater chances of it being a failure...     

Another sound was heard...     

'Oh great Night mother, protect your champion' I prayed while using my fingers to draw the moon on my chest.     

Immediately the door opened, attracting our attention. Nazu walked in but became shocked, she approached quickly with delight in her eyes.     

She didn't ask any questions but began to sniff around the cacoon.     

"What are..." I was going to ask what she was doing but I noticed she was frowning.     

"Where is the Chief" she asks.     

"What you mean" Lovan asked in shock, yes her question was shocking, is this not the Chief in front of...     

'Wait I suspected as much...' realization donned on me and I turned towards Torug's Inner Chambers but found nothing.     

Seeing me return, they both frowned.     

"Where's Moz" I asked but another crack rang out again and it became much more frequent, forming a kind of tune, soon a hand stretched out dramatically before what looked like blades pushed out of the cacoon.     

We all slowly retreated as a very dangerous aura could be felt coming from inside.     

More blade like things struck out and soon a purple haired Janetta's face came out with a sticky fluid all over her. After a minute, A half human half spider stood up from the white cacoon.     

Eight bladed legs with a naked upper Body of the one called Janetta Sewell, but felt stronger at the Same time. Her eyes were completely White and She looked like she was in a daze.     

She stretched seductively with a cacophony of cracking bones following along, her legs shrank at a visible rate before forming human legs.     

Standing before us was the Janetta Sewell we knew, she took a deep breath with a look of enjoyment and let out a loud screech that shook not just us but the entire Manor.     

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