Chapter 117: Incomplete Evolution?

Chapter 117: Incomplete Evolution?

0Moz's POV,     


Everything feels so Hot..     

I Unconsciously groan but no sound came out.     

'what is happening to me?'     

I tried to open my eyes but something seemed to pour across my face, like I was at the pond.     

With a little struggle, my hands passed through something and the water leaked out.     



I looked around and found Torug looking at me in surprise.     


But something made me want to approach him.     

"M..My C..Chief...!"I struggled to say as I tried to stand up, but I fell...     

"What's wrong?" He asks,"Incomplete Evolution? how come?"...     

While saying such words, he took off his cloak and tried to place it over my body.     

But some reason, I pushed it aside...I need to...     

I looked at him alone despite all the pain, it seemed like there was a fire burning in my eyes. There was no smile on his face, only a frown. I liked seeing this look on his face. His gaze, filled me with desire and I felt like I couldn't be complete without him, My Master!.     

I grabbed his arm and put it around my waist. I didn't plan to do so but I just did, it felt right...     

His brows furrowed in discontent and I subconsciously straightened the wrinkles on his forehead with my fingers.     

My breath was rough, as I had trouble breathing.     

"don't move." He said.     

But I slowly moved my hand on his firm chest, caressing it. His whole body, firm with muscles. Seeing his naked body, I only had one thought "I want this body", my eyes drifted off to his shadow as it seemed to sing to me.     

I nuzzled my head under his jaw and mumbled at his neck. I slowly trailed down his neck with my tongue, going down his shoulders and chest, tickling him with my tongue. I stroked his firm skin, enjoying the feeling in my hands.     

"…I still can't move?"I hear myself ask suddenly as I hear his breath thicken, His voice was murky and subdued, "You asked for this..."     

I hummed in response. I was absorbed with caressing him. When I sucked on the protrusion on his chest, his breathing became rougher. It was funny and I was also excited by his reaction.     

My whole body acted on it's own, and I felt my shadow magic try to connect with his shadow.     

Torug looked at my hand and my face strangely as he seemed to understand something, "so that's how it is..."     

A strong force suddenly gripped my chin and a pair of lips covered mine. His patience seemed to have finally reached its limit. His feverish tongue ploughed through my lips and fiercely traced the innards of my mouth.     


I closed my eyes and let myself sink into what he was doing. My Mana surged at a faster rate as it sort to merge with his shadow, He grabbed me by the butt and lifted me up. The moment their lips separated, he pulled her down by the waist, to meet his erect...     


"Grrr…" a growl escaped his lips and his eyes glowed greenish gold, a mild green flame seemed to longer above his skin.     

Rough moans escaped from both of our mouths from that moment.     


A while back,     

Janetta's POV,     

I calmly scrutinize the person standing in front of me.     

This was my first battle since after increasing my evolution level. It was more agile than I have ever felt, I was able to move my body quite easily at a fairly rapid pace.     

That person's face moved closer.     

' Selliqei'     

a woman with short hair, with extremely crazed eyes. When I gazed into her eyes, I could feel the goosebumps jumping out of me as she smiled creepily, thrusting her sword like arms onto me teasingly.     

She was there in her half spider form, feeling like everything was in the palm of her hands.     

'I will show you real strength.'     

I began to churn my mana as it spread throughout my body, this was one of the benefits of increasing my evolution circle. Mana flowed across my skin like never before, A great deal of heat began to surround me just below my skin and I could feel the changes in my eyes.     

I could feel or see the trajectory of every movement around me by three seconds, 2 seconds more than the last time I tried it...which shows my abilities were increasing by the day.     

after evolving, I had realized that I was able to control the timing to some degree, while matching it's pace with my actions, so it would look like I was moving at a faster than normal pace.     

Just like now, without talking nonsense...I started to move then slowly it began to match the way I wanted, so she blocked it like I wanted.     

That way She feels like she was definitely suppressing me. Even though I was enjoying myself toy with her.     

She screeched while swinging her sword like arm, Sparks flew everywhere as I dodged to the side effortlessly.     


what I heard was an intensely unpleasant sound, the other spiders had given us the space we needed as tradition states, but that didn't stop them from screeching repeatedly.     


"Ugh." she groans, with each dodge, I had been secretly giving her light wounds with my claws. since I was in human form, I found that I could actually make my nails turn into claws while releasing poison through them.     

Blood began to burst out of her body after a few seconds and I became curious, 'could my poison affect my own kind?'.     

"What did you do to me?!" She growls.     

'hmph' with snort, I place my left arm onto my waist while inspecting my claws on my right hand.     

While I was distracted for a second, she sprayed her webs at me in a strange manner but I dodged with a calm back flip (A/N: just picture the cat woman's sexy back flip lol).     

But a creepy sound wave echoed through my body, Selliqei then rushed at me with a stab.     


despite being dizzy, I felt like I could still toy with her and that I did, as I casually avoided all her attacks.     

For some reason, a strange laugh escaped my lips as I watched her struggle desperately, I could see shock, despair, rage and sadness...it filled me with bliss.     

I've had several opportunity to kill her, but despite that, I did not try to attack her. In other words, She was a bug that I could squish whenever I felt like it.     

"Ok It's getting boring!"while saying that, I climbed up her body as she struggled to pull me away, I shot some web onto her face from my mouth, effortlessly blinding her.     

As she struggled, I grabbed onto her neck. The thing is, it was meant to be hard in her form but I felt like I could crush it in a second.     

"Wait! Janetta!! I am your sister! Your queen!! we can stop this now!" Selliqei's voice called out in fear.     

With a playful tone, I struck out and pulled out her throat.     

"Pff...As if, you were never my queen" I said with a laugh, completely ignoring her attempt at a sneak attack earlier.     

Several shrieks rang across the cavern as the Grole spiders hailed their new Queen.     

A grin spread across my face.     

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