Chapter 130: News on Vargan Whitebone (18+)

Chapter 130: News on Vargan Whitebone (18+)

0Blackmoon town,     0

Lord's Manor,     

Haran's POV,     


If I was to use one word to describe this Orc Chief, it would be 'Dangerous'. From the moment I stepped into this hall, I have done my utmost best to observe his every move.     

A Great Orc Chief, finds my daughter, despite knowing her identity, married her and not just in way, but the ceremony of souls which can't be dissolved by anyone unless they wish to be scorned by the orc lands. This also just happened to be taking place on the same day he used this very topic to drag me over into his territory...     

His territory...     

Hearing his words, I looked him in the eye and said with a small laugh, "So you are saying you called me out here to inform me of this?".     

If he thinks this territory of his can stop me from escaping, he's wasting his time, I'll break out with my people and return with my batt...     

"Of course not" He suddenly says with a small laugh as he leaned back into his chair.     

he pulled out something that looks like 'Mana dust', and said, "After all, I said I had a business proposal..."     

I then recalled seeing a lot of Mana stones used as a light source across the town last night and my eyes narrowed into slits.     

'Could it...'     

"this...could it be that You found a mine?" I asked while observing his face with interests, unlike the simple minded Orcs, he's more like those damned loyalists in the 'Capital'.     

He chuckled and said, "mine?...no no no, instead you could say I have some interesting friends."     

'Who could they be?' I wondered but he soon elaborated.     

"One of my people have infiltrated the human Town at the edge of cilldean kingdom borders and created what you could call a...hmm what's the word"His golden green eyes flashed a bit as he stood up from his chair, "clan..."     

'Clan?... What's the, how's that possible? Seems I can't ignore this fellow'     

For years I have been thinking of ways to get our people to infiltrate the human lands but have failed repeatedly, 'how did he do it?'     

He could be bluffing...     

"So I can help you get the things that you need, even if the kings faction continues to suppress you..." He walks up to me slowly but soon stopped, staring at me with interest.     

This made me ask the question that has been bugging me for a while now.     

"What Royal clan are you from?"     

His eyes has the golden color of royalty even though there's a bit of green, same with his brother outside, although the latter's eyes showed very little gold, it couldn't hide from anyone who lives in the capital. This was also one of the reasons I didn't oppose the idea of him marrying my daughter...even though I don't have a say in the matter.     

"..." He looked stunned for a second before he wore an amused smile a second later, "Why do you ask?"     

For the first time, I managed to pull him out of his game, he understood this but chose to play along.     

I don't like it...     

Where's the confusion, the anger of being interrupted, just like every other orc...or does he have the rumored cold blood like 'Rusa Coldstone'?...     

Despite having such thoughts, I had to keep the conversation going...     

Then I remembered something, an Orc with an eye like his and his brother.     

"Are you from the main family line of the white bone clan?"     

He stared at me expressionlessly but says nothing further, this made me feel like I was correct.     

"Your eyes and even your brother's eyes, I know someone with that same eyes...well his, is much closer to your brother's eyes than yours" I say while standing up and circling him at a leisurely pace.     

"What was his name again?, Right...Vargan the Coward?"I continued testing his limit, I want to see his real character but all I got was, "Is that so?".     

He looked at me in wonder, as if to say, 'what are you saying?'     

Could it be that, he doesn't know his origins or what does...     

'Wait, it is said that the Vargan was the last of his clan but... argh! forget it!'.     

Seeing that I am unable to get the upper hand or the opportunity in this... whatever it is...     

Out of frustration, I just wanted everything to end, so I can meet my daughter...     

'All this, is because I know nothing about him...I think it's time I start paying attention to things in the orc lands again, not just the kingdom.     

"What do you want for the dust?, we'll talk later about this thing you have in the human lands"     

"for now nothing, I just want to support you" He spoke calmly, watching my every move as I came to a halt.     

"..." I looked at him in confusion.     

Then he said something that made me frown, "Yes...I know you are secretly going against the throne".     

"I Just want you to make sure they're unaware of what is happening outside Degr, then I'll support you with what you need until you sit on the throne, after all... we're family" once again I reevaluated his threat level, I looked at Dabok and noticed the shock on his face...that means he was unaware of this as well.     

"... how did you get this information?" I am really getting worried now...'could there be a traitor amongst my people?... impossible!'.     

but he ignored my question as he said, "I'll get your daughter to meet you before noon, think about my proposal carefully", all the while, he walked into the next room behind the throne.     


Torug's POV,     

"Vargan!" I said with a grin, "he's in Degr!"     

I had struggled not to laugh earlier when I was talking to Haran, 'finally there's a clue!!...'     

"But I feel uneasy...why was he tagged 'the coward'? " I muttered to myself until the sound of a moan came from the side.     

I looked over and found Nazu stretching lazily as her nose twitched from time to time, Her red hair was all over the place and her breasts were in full display.     

Memories of last clouded my mind and I was momentarily distracted, by the time I got to my senses, I noticed that her golden irises were locked with mine.     

"Mine..." She muttered softly, like she was reminding herself and slowly crawled off the bed, never breaking eye contact.     

perhaps she was thinking of last night, she began to pant heavily, her chest heaving up and down uncontrollably. Last time, she was more clueless of what to do with herself and I had to show her what I had learnt from my previous life, but this time, She didn't wait for me to say or do anything.     

on the other hand, with this view presently...I can only say in my defense that I am yet to complete the cultivation manuals first level and I had abolished the previous one, so it's easier to say that my monster nature was also fuming inside. I couldn't help but kiss and nibble on her neck.     

After prying her mouth open, our tongues intertwined. feeling an unprecedented thirst or heat., our hands and feet moved together as she pulled off my cloak and battle skirt.     

while I naturally charged forward, pushing her back to the bed.     

our movements were even more intense than last night for some reason, leaving me hot-headed as Nazu let out a soft hum that pull on my inner desire to dominate.     

She was the same as well, trying to get the upper hand in this 'battle'.     

With a pinch on her butt, she let out a teasing laugh that rendered me speechless by surprise.     

Although I had some ideas about Nazu, having steaming morning sex with her was not part of my plan.     

'perhaps things would be more interesting than I imagined', those were my thoughts as our bodies were soon entwined.     

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