Chapter 65: If I said I want you dead, you should lay down and...

Chapter 65: If I said I want you dead, you should lay down and...

2"You!!!Guraaaaaah!!" Sker roars in indignation as he charges forward at Alex with a war hammer.      2

Alex remained unmoved but Urim rode his wolf and blocked in front of Alex subconsciously, but Sker was intercepted immediately by Nazu who appeared by his side with a snort. Wide eyed, Sker could only come to a halt while spinning around with his War hammer.     

Swooooosh!! Swoosh!! slooosh!! The sound of the wind blowing across her ears as she dodge before redirecting the last two hits, Clang!! clang!! with this opening, She dived in for an attack but her senses began giving her warning signs.     

Boom!! Sker stomped the ground with force as a shockwave spread out with him as the center, at the last minute Nazu blinked out of the attack range.     

Their exchange was rather brief, it took a span of 7-8 seconds in reality.     

Sker had lost all his previous arrogance as he looked at Nazu seriously, She stood about 12 meters away from him with a sneer as she licked the blades of her short sword with a mocking smile.     

Sker looked at the blade as cold sweat broke out from his skin, He touched his side where he had just been cut and knew he was in big trouble. Even if he manages to win, he still had two others to worry about besides the leader of this two.     

He scanned his surrounding with a scowl, the wind blew snow into the air as the wind seemed to wail on his behalf.     

"Grant me this day, the power to crush my enemies as the..." His gruff voice echoed in the surrounding as the wind became increasingly violent with each word.     

"Sacred Oath?!!!" Alex was shocked for a second before attempting to give out an order to Nazu, but a stranger's voice rang out "Stop him!".     



The wolves became restless as a creature that closely resembled a Jaguar back on earth suddenly charged out from the west, followed closely behind by a blue eyed bear!!!.     

"The world bear me witness for" Sker increased the pace of his chant but his attempt was futile, the Jaguar pounced on him with a growl.     

He cut his incantation abruptly, obviously not aware of the rules of sacred oaths and immediately bore the backlash, vomiting blood.     

the landing 'jaguar' slashed across his chest, drawing blood but Sker's will to live surprised everyone once again.     

He took a step back as he pulled a wooden pillar from the side, muscles bulging as he knocked back the 'jaguar'.     

Alex jumped down from Alpha with his Axe as he spotted the Grey falcon in the sky, It's wings spanned for 10 meters, so he used the system immediately.     


[Name: Clovea Greyeye     

Race: Dryad (Shape shifter)     

Level: 24(Order of the second circle)     

Power rating: 12899     

Relationship: Champion of Etix (Goddess of the Earth)     

Alignment: Neutral Good.     


While He went through this information, Nazu was enraged!, her chance to earn achievement was being snatched in front of her.     

"Guaraaaaaaa My prey!!!" with a roar, She blinked right in between the recovering 'jaguar' and the charging Sker.     

PKAK!! she kicked the 'jaguar', before charging at the wounded at full speed, Facing the Sker was about using, she snorted before using a mimicked version of Alex's leap to lift off the ground. This enabled her to lightly leap over Sker, not missing the chance, She grabbed his stunned head with a backward grip and used her short sword to attempt slitting his throat.     

"Gualololu", Sker tried talking but blood seemed to be stuck in his throat.     

"You Beast!!, you dare touch me??!!" The 'jaguar' suddenly queried arrogantly before charging at Nazu, The bear on the other hand, finally arrived, and was just in time to hear the 'Jaguar's words, It proceeded to smack both Nazu and Sker with full strength, sending them flying.     

The whole scene was in Chaos, the wind didn't seem to be calming down and looked like it would soon become a mini snow storm soon. The 'Jaguar' wasn't done as it charged at the dazed Nazu with a snarl.     


At some point, Alex had used leap and directly landed just before the jaguar's charge could be completed, his landing tossed her in the air. All the jaguar could see was a big green palm heading towards it's face in full speed, before it knew what next, it was being smashed to the ground repeatedly as a golden green light flashed within the snow storm, creating an illusion of a golden line swooping up and down.     


The Bear appeared once again, swiping down with even greater force. Alex only dodged to the side before retaliating with a right upper cut that had been supported with him momentarily using , this added more force and damage as the Bear wailed, staggering backwards.     

Alex threw the now unconscious Jaguar aside before charging at the Bear. With the hardened bones of an Orc, Alex head-butted the Bear's snout, knocking it down before mounting it and raining down blows.     

After a few seconds He roared at something in the sky, "I dare you Clovea!!!".     

Alex was absolutely pissed, here he was after meticulous planning to leave an impression on the tribesmen he was trying to Annex. Only for a bunch of randoms to appear from nowhere.     

" hehehe To think you dare touched my People" Alex chuckled darkly, a Grey eagle flew down with the same glaring blue eyes like the other two. As soon as it landed, the sound of bones cracking could be heard, after a few seconds, a Grey haired lady was standing in place of the Eagle, She had a healthy tanned skin but forearm and feet looked like a mixture of flesh and leaves, but somehow it wasn't repulsive.     

She silently watched Alex, at some point, the Bear and Jaguar had reverted back to human form, even though they were still unconscious. It was a young man and a teenage girl with the same features as Clovea, both were in the second circle, albeit the teenage girl seemed to have only just evolved. that being level 20 while the young man 'Bear' was level 22.     

Unconcerned about her actions, Alex slowly approached the struggling Sker, Nazu was already up with gritted teeth, like she wanted to pounce on the young Dryads.     

Looking at Sker continuously vomit blood and yet continued to struggle for an escape. Alex could only be impressed as he wondered where the arrogant warrior at the beginning went to.     

"When I want you dead, You should just lay down and accept it Gladly" he spelled the sentence, word for word as he repeatedly stomping on Sker's head till at some point, a sickening crunch could be heard and it was followed by the system's exp notification.     

Although he could have still left him for his subordinates to kill, He chose to continue with this action. He was painting an impression for the Dryads, even though he was sparing them, he wanted to know that, it's just as easy for him to change his mind. plus he wasn't ready to create enemies with a goddess right now, even if it's a lesser God much less one at the intermediate level.     

"Great Chief, How do I address you?" Clovea finally spoke, but she didn't take any step closer, so as not to trigger him. She couldn't let her siblings get hurt further.     

"Torug...Torug Blackmoon" Alex said coldly while cracking his neck, He slowly stepped away from the dead Sker.     

"Ah, so it's Chief Torug... Forgive my rudeness but can I ask a question?" Clovea continued speaking.     


"Then...How do you know the language of the Dryads?, have you had a relationship with one? how did you get my name??" Clovea asked questions after question in rapid succession. At this point, Alex was stunned, He had no idea that he had been speaking something different from the traditional language of the Orc lands. Then his thoughts went back to how he understood the humans when he first transmigrated and could only conclude that it was the system that had some kind of auto translator.     

'Best be cautious about this in the future' Alex couldn't help thinking before he responded to Clovea with a menacing, "That's a lot of questions for a question", making the whole atmosphere tense.     

Luckily, as though on cue, Alpha could be seen approaching Alex as it dragged something bloody along with him.     


"Argh!! let me go, F*CK!!...Sh*t Sh*t!!!Lord Petos Ah!!"     

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