Chapter 123: Raiding the hideout.

Chapter 123: Raiding the hideout.

1Torug's POV,     

As soon as I was done with my cultivation, I could feel that I only needed another session to breakthrough the first level of 'Feral serenity'.     

It was still the early hours of the day so I left my inner Chambers and headed for the throne Hall.     

'From the look of things, only few were awake on this side of the town' I thought lightly before sitting on the throne, I looked at the silent throne Hall with a loss at what to do.     

After a little bit of thinking, I decided to use my branding skill. the day before, I had decided secretly, to have Vass kill Kharag's Son, it was the plan that had the highest probability of success.     


Greyeye Fortress,     

Brogg's POV,     

"Master said I should deal with the little Chief... but how...what Master??!" I mumbled before getting confused for a second, then "Ah yes Master".     

I hurried towards the Breeding house while cackling inexplicably. Then my body stopped again and walked to the caged beast female.     

'Ah! Ma...master... he came, Master is here again' I thought with joy as I watched myself move in ways I never thought I could. I don't know what...     


Torug's POV     

"Vass" I say through Brogg's mouth and she turned to me with slight surprise as She says slowly in a strange language, "Green eyed one".     

'She spoke?!!' I found it surprising and couldn't help being shocked, then I noticed the bones of different creatures lying around her cage, there was even a half eaten goblin corpse not to far from here as well.     

'Looks like have been feeding her well' I thought with dry humor, and subconsciously scratched my cheek.     

after a few minutes of watching her silently stare at me, I said "I want to free you but I need you to help me with something"     

She tilted her head in confusion, before adjusting how she sat, exposing herself further to my view. Obviously, having grown to this point without being bothered about clothes, has affected her thinking...can I even put it that way?.     

"Let the one I am wearing help you..."I finally say, trying to blow off the weird atmosphere while pointing at Brogg's body.     

She then places her finger on her lip before nodding, despite her confusion.     

With that I released control over Brogg and began influencing his thoughts. with the frequent use of the branding skill, I have come to become more proficient.     

Influencing the branded individual's thoughts slowly breaks them, while giving orders directly has no side effects, which was a bit strange to me. but both methods had one thing in common, they leave the victim in awe.     

Brogg is the former while Shev is presently the latter.     

After feeding the Green skinned creature with my entire plans to break down the Greyeye fortress, I left him to make the necessary preparation before returning to my body.     


It was the second day since my last discussion with Janetta and only then did the Blood rain stop. before sunrise, I rallied my raiders, along with a part of my inner circle as we set out for the hidden enemy base.     

After several hours of constant running, we set camp amongst the trees, in order to give the wolves some time to rest. during this period, Nazu took a team of Hobgoblin riders and went scouting.     

Near the Base was a separate outpost along a makeshift road that led to the direction of white mountain, within the hugs of the mountain ranges and Gerat trees that were still wet with blood, a light blood fog seemed to form as blood dripped from random places, forming streams that flowed between the forest. Nazu's team of riders were marching in between the trees until a shrill cry rang out from within the distant base, alerting the birds around, causing them to fly away, leaving only some of their feathers behind.     

'only the heavens knew what kind of torture brought about such a cry' I winced at the abominable cry while thinking.     

We were presently located at the boundaries between the forest and the white mountain, the snow slowly invades the edge of the forest before melting again, leaving me in wonder.     

Presently, I was seated with my back against a thick tree and my hands rested on Alphas side, as I stroked him slowly.     

Tonight was the night of the purple moon and I had my own wedding to attend. the clan was bubbling with excitement as the chief was finally taking an official bride but the said Chief and his bride were out for battle, no matter how I thought about it, I found it funny.     

unsurprisingly, Alpha gave me an odd look for chuckling abruptly, he shook his body lightly as his fur swayed randomly.     

When the Sun was at its peak, Moz returned to my side and the time for action finally arrived. She had mentioned that there was a hidden sentry at the side of the mountain facing our direction, so I had her take care of him.     

I brought my vision to enemy outpost not to far away from Nazu's team and my blood began to boil along with a wild heart beat in the background.     

'How I pray to the night mother, that I find Kharag in there' I thought darkly.     

I signalled Urim to take action and he took 15 warriors equipped with flame throwers, silently mounting their wolves and moving according to the plan, soon they disappeared, obviously going into stealth. Meanwhile, Moz looked at the direction of the base and I follow her eyes.     

According to the information given 'willingly' by a concerned Greyeye Hobgoblin, who was part of a party sneaking around our town... this was the time for the patrol team to open the stone gates and head out for a routine survey around the base.     

This only further increased my thoughts about Kharag Greyeye's shrewd character, but increased my curiosity on the purpose of this base.     

immediately, I had Alpha activate stealth, but instead a pale white Halo spread from Alphas feet until it enveloped everyone within it.     

This was something I was seeing for the first time and from what I understood after asking the system, it was a that came with the increased number of wolves and was tagged a 'pack skill' that belonged to Alpha and the Ghost wolves.     

With everyone within the Halo going into stealth we watched as Urim approached the patrol team at the gate.     


the sound of the great hammer cutting through the air rang out, accompanied by the sound of cracking bones. An unlucky orc patrol member fell to the ground with shocked eyes as Urim rode passed him.     

His squad members were still in shock when the rest of Urim's party claimed their heads as war trophies. Before the look out could react, Largash shot him down with the repeating crossbow.     

The gates remained open and I immediately led the remaining riders with me through the gates and the sound of fight was soon heard from the direction of the outpost.     

Urim's team, regrouped with us but we soon split up into two equal teams as we set the surrounding ablaze. Nazu would be in charge of protecting our rear as soon as she was done.     

Moz already dismounted as she joined me in slaughtering the panicking troops like a shadowy Spectre.     

It only took a few minutes and the outer section was completely in flames, all this was to smoke out Kharag and those within the base.     

Largash aimed at the entrance with her crossbow and I dismounted Alpha.     


It didn't take long and we could hear noises from behind the door. An Orc warrior charged out the door as though he was declaring his presence, too bad he was shot in the throat by Largash, ultimately silencing him.     

Swoosh!! swoosh!! swoosh!!     

She fired a few more as soon as she noticed any movement, adding to her body count.     

There was once again silence...     

only...this time it was too quiet.     

With that thought, I took a few steps forward while expanding my senses and it was then I felt the Mana fluctuations...     

Without hesitation I pulled Largash out of the way and immediately, a human voice shouted out, "Greater fireball!!".     

A large ball of flame destroyed the wooden doors and shot towards Largash's previous position.     

Several anxious cries came from behind and I noticed several shadows chasing after the flames, attempting to use the chaos to turn the tide of battle.     

Without much thought, I instinctively infused my Mana into my voice while releasing my intimidating aura to the max.     

And then, I roared!.     

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