Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Slap - Aim for the head.

Slap - Aim for the head.

0"SURPRISE, MADAFAKA~!!!"      2


I ducked down as I pulled Kaley with me. Everything happened so fast but I managed to react in time. A blur of red appeared above our heads and the man in front of us was smashed dead-on. Turns out, Oscar grabbed a fire extinguisher and swung at the man approaching us. A horrifying crunch followed as blood sprayed the walls. Its head blew backward and it plopped on the flooring.     

Everything fell silent but the man twitched and its dislocated shoulder creaked as it tried to get up. However, Oscar followed it up with a downward swing before it managed to get up. Another crunch followed and Oscar swung another time to double-tap. The body never moved a muscle but everyone was still staring at the mangled head in front of us. Kaley and I were staring in shock but Oscar picked up the keys located on the man's waist.     

"Never thought I'd see the day these old bones would see some fucking action..." Oscar gave a long sigh.     

I looked at Kaley but she was shaking horribly and her face was pale. It must've been the first time she saw something like this happening in front of her eyes. Her eyes were teary and she was clutching my arm hard. I tried speaking to her but she was still in shock. So, I grabbed her shoulders and shook her back to reality. However, there was still no response. It left me no choice but to give her a slap on the face.     


It seemed to get the proper reception and she was looking at me with color on her face, holding her left cheek. However, much to my shock, she gave me a slap that was much stronger than what I gave her.     


"Ow! Why did you do that?! I'm sorry! I was waking you up! We need to move!" I said as I held my stinging red cheek.     

"Um- I-I'm sorry, it hurts a bit and- sorry..." Kaley just realized what she did. However, I just waved her down because we needed to move. We followed Oscar's lead after he checked the keys of the maintenance guy. I took a quick glance at the corpse and aside from his mangled head, white crystalline powder of small amounts were near his collar and in his right sleeve.     

"Drugs?" I took a mental note of what I found and decided that it was best to leave this place instead of investigating the body.     

Oscar motioned for me to open the door for him while he readied his fire extinguisher. As I opened it, another horrifying site assaulted our eyes. Looking at the scene, I immediately noticed the other maintenance guy that we saw earlier. He was face up and bullet holes were scattered across his body but one was located on his head.     

Next to the guy was one of the guards earlier and it was facing the floor. As I looked at his position, he seemed to be pushed hard then was thrown down violently after. It seemed that everything happened in an instant because the mess that was made on the floor reached far. Dark-red blood started to make a pool beneath their bodies and it was still continuing to pour out.     

As someone in the movies wouldn't fucking do, Oscar decided to search the body of the guard that was lying down. He took his shotgun, which was a Remington 870 along with a few slugs located in the guard's belt. After that, he threw me the guard's pistol, a Beretta M9 with an additional magazine.     

I looked around and I saw people running outside or huddled up in a corner. Some employees were trying to contain the situation but everything was in chaos. On one corner, I found a bloody strap that belonged to the dog I saw earlier. However, I couldn't see the dog anywhere. It was unfortunate but we had to move on. I pulled out the guard's belt which contained a handcuff, a pepper spray, a radio, a badge, and a holster for the pistol.     

I strapped the belt on and holstered the gun, "The other guard is not here. There were two of them."     

"Another one?" Oscar turned to me.     

"Yes, there were two of them here earlier." Kaley confirmed.     

"No time to look for him, we need to get out of here now." Oscar replied.     

"Do we just leave them here? Do we need to call the authorities?" Kaley asked as she pointed at the two corpses.     

"No, I think the people outside are already handling it. We need to leave now; we still have time. Good thing is that it's still early, we can stock up a few more supplies at home." Oscar said.     

We headed outside but as soon as we stepped out of the doors, we were stopped by security guards. They were eyeing our weapons and the blood splatters on our clothing, "Stop! State your name and affiliation and report to me what occurred inside!"     

"I'm Dr. Ishiyama, this is Col. Goodman and Ms. Payan…" I relayed to the guard what happened and I discovered that he only knew about the guard and the maintenance guy just by the door. His face turned ashen when I told him that there was another body and there might be more. However, when I asked about the other guard, he pointed at the back of their mobile car.     

The guard stared at us before he said, "We found him outside the doors when we responded, he's terrified. He said that one of the staff rushed outside, neck bleeding, then pushed his partner with great force. He mentioned his partner lost his balance and hit his head hard. He said that the guy started to convulse violently before the guy stopped moving altogether. After that, he shot the guy in panic as the maintenance guy had a deranged look in his face and it was about to come for him next."     

He continued, "We're sorry you had to take care of the other one inside but everything is getting handled. Our department will pay a visit to you guys for more investigation once this place is sorted out and they would require full cooperation. Also, I need you two to surrender the weapons you took since it's still our property."     

After he spoke, his radio buzzed and he told his partner to check the situation inside. They needed to respond to another report but I was hearing more than one incident occurring. Other guards were responding to the calls but he was still watching our expressions. His hand was stretched out and he was waiting for me to surrender their gear.     

Oscar had a visible frown on his face because we didn't know whether they would believe us when we tell them that fucking zombies were coming. I just sighed helplessly but just as I was about to hand over the pistol, a shout came from the inside followed by a few gunshots. Screams once more resounded but the people inside that were trying to get out were ordered to stay put.     

The guard picked up his radio and drew his pistol, "All of you stay here! I'll check the situation inside! Don't go anywhere!"     

Oscar and I looked at each other and we both knew what the other was thinking, 'He's not coming back.'     

"Aim for the head." I said before the guard left with a questioning gaze.     

As the guard disappeared inside with a few others, Oscar immediately opened the mobile car the guard was using and went inside. He found a box of donuts, 2 cups of coffee, a nightstick, a radio, and the M4 Carbine the guard at the back was using. He quickly checked the magazine, put it back, then he handed it to me.     

"Kid, it's still full." Oscar motioned for me to take it.     

As I slung the rifle on my back, the guard at the back suddenly let out a pained groan. I took a closer look and I noticed that he was sweating little beads and he was clutching his arm. He was breathing erratically but I surmised that I could still talk to him.     

"What happened back there?" I asked.     

"W-What? W-Who a-are you? Fuck, my hand fucking hurts but it's going numb. H-He tried to grab my rifle but I couldn't shake his hand off. So, I p-pulled the pistol in my hip and shot him multiple times. When he fell d-down... he managed to grab my hand and he squeezed r-really fucking hard. I think he broke a few of them and I'm already losing feeling. One of my fingers cracked horribly and a bone came out. How is he so strong?! WHERE'S THE FUCKING MEDIC?! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" the guard exclaimed while huffing a few times.     

"Don't worry, they're coming." I lied.     

"I'm not going to lose my job for that, right?! That is clearly self-defense, right?!" he exclaimed.     

"You're going to worry more about that hand than your job." Oscar said from the front.     

I took a closer look at his hand and I noticed that a few dark lines were starting to protrude from his forearm. Blood was still dripping out and his breathing was getting fainter by the second. However, darker blood which I surmised that came from the maintenance guy managed to get into his wound when he was grabbed suddenly.     

'Blood on blood contact…' I thought to myself.     

I gave a long sigh and said, "You need to take a rest now, sleep, and have plenty of water."     

I gave him a dosage of painkillers and a bottle of water as a goodbye. It wouldn't do anything to make him better but it was something to take his mind off the matter. I'd rather deal with a calm infected than a twitchy and rash one.     

"Let me get you comfortable. Let me remove your belt and lay down." I said as I took the same items from his belt.     

I locked his side of the door as he lowered himself on the seat.     

'He's gonna turn soon.' I thought to myself, sighing.     

I planned on ending his life then and there but I wouldn't want to get held up by the guards if they saw us killing their own. It would be more of a mess and Kaley might get caught in the crossfire.     

*BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG*     

A few more gunshots rang out and the crowd managed to scatter and disregard the guards making them stay inside. A few guards holding the crowd started to rush inside the airport instead to help their comrades. The three of us rushed to Oscar's SUV and even if things happened sooner than we expected, we were ready.     

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