God´s Eyes

Condensed Killing-intent

Condensed Killing-intent

2When everyone gathered, Jason followed suit as they formed a semicircle around the Instructor.      2

It was the first time for Jason to look at the Instructor, while his facial features couldn´t be considered handsome, and were at most average with his brown hair and eyes.     

He looked like he was around 30 years old but in the current era, nobody could really say how old one was based on the outer appearance.     

Activating his mana eyes, Jason noticed that the Instructor was at the beginning of the magus rank with a few drops of liquefied mana inside his mana core, which was quite good.     

He wondered if this was the average strength of the teachers in the Vanguard affiliated school or if it was something different.     

Maybe only headteachers from the best classes were slightly stronger but still had not reached the Grandmagus rank, or were they?     

Jason didn´t know it, but his guess was roughly right.     

Being at the Magus rank was considered to be the average strength of teachers from the affiliated schools, while Grandmagus ranks were advanced teachers designated to teach special courses at the main schools. They were granted an extremely high wage and exceptional rights, including privileged access to the mana gathering platform that was connected to the mana vein and many more perks.     

When everyone was gathered, Instructor Brian quizzed the students on the Tier-1 Technique that they had learned through the whole week, called [Weaponry Knight].      

The technique focused on close combat with swords, spears, axes, and all variant weapons of it, while daggers, archery, and other similar combat styles were seemingly neglected.     

One could still use daggers with the Weaponry Knight technique, but the effect would most likely be a little worse compared to the formerly named weapons.     

While Jason listened to the Instructor and his classmates carefully, he noticed that his daggers were relatively long and almost comparable to short swords. This would mean that he would be relatively compatible with the technique his other classmates learned during the whole week.     

Brian noticed Jason listening attentively which reduced his anger a little, even if he was still slightly annoyed.     

He was a respected Instructor and known for his ambition to teach his students diligently, and as long as they tried hard he would always help them.     

After he finished asking his students questions, he began to explain some important details as he turned to Jason who listened with sharp ears.     

When their gazes met, Brian was astonished to see that Jason had golden eyes which were relatively uncommon and he almost immediately began to wonder if he had a special trait.     

After pondering for a moment, he asked the question he was curious about, even if some would think it was rude to ask their student.     

"Why were you not in class during the whole week? You missed important lessons and your classmates are far ahead of you in terms of understanding the Weaponry Knight technique.     

Furthermore, it looks like your mana core is also the weakest amongst your classmates…     

Your teacher told me that you wouldn't resume classes this week because of some circumstances, but the class rankings will start in 10 days and you'll only slow down your classmates like that!"      

Jason frowned slightly and he was inclined to not share the truth of what happened throughout his last week.     

Somehow Jason didn't like their Instructor, as his eyes were unpleasant to look at.     

As such, he was extremely annoyed and the anger accumulated within caused him to say     

"I slept" without anything else…     

His classmates were also curious about what Jason did during the whole week, while they had used the same time to comprehend the Weaponry Knight technique to their best capabilities.     

On hearing his answer, some students almost fell to the ground as they had leaned closer to Jason, expecting him to have done something extraordinary.     

Instructor Brian who had calmed down moments ago fumed in anger…     

`He is lazy and only wants to slow down his classmates during the class battles? Why was he even accepted into schools? Has the school's standard declined so much?!`      

Angry thoughts raked his mind as he stepped closer to Jason.     

"If you slept, you should have enough energy to spar with me, am I right?" With a calm facial expression, but cold eyes, Brian asked him and Jason noticed that he had probably made a mistake.     

However, he could only sigh as he nodded his head.     

Not even a minute later, both of them stood opposite each other, while Instructor Brian was 'generous' enough to provide Jason with an advantage of one level as he reduced his strength to the 7th Novice rank.     

When their Instructor announced that he would reduce his strength to the 7th Novice rank, Jason's classmates were confused.     

Wasn't that a little bit unfair? Jason is only at the 6th Novice rank.     

Furthermore, he has less combat experience than a veteran hunter, while he is unfamiliar with a Tiered combat technique.     

This was only until someone cried out in shock.      

"8th Novice rank?!?!?! HOW?"  One of the classmates who stood closest to Jason shouted, as he scanned Jason´s mana on impulse.     

'Huh' Everyone's eyes widened as they also released their mana to scan Jason´s mana core.     

The students began to cry out in shock, rubbing their eyes, and doubting their ability to determine the rank of a mana core, which caused them to exchange confused glances.     

In everyone's memory, Jason had only been at the 6th Novice rank a week before.     


What did Jason do during the last week to increase his mana core rank by two levels??     

Some of them had seen Jason on Sunday and at that time, he had still been at the 6th Novice rank. At the moment, they were looking at him with jealousy as they thought that Jason had received a heaven-like treasure from his family, enabling him to increase his mana core's rank in such a short amount of time.     

They didn't know that Jason was an orphan and didn't have any relatives left, except for the Fler's, who were obviously not related by blood to him.     

The Fler's would've never been able to purchase such a treasure.     

Even if they could, why would they do something like that for Jason?      

Wouldn't they rather purchase something for their own children?     

Never would have Jason's classmates imagined that the whole week had been more than a little bit horrifying for Jason and that he had wanted to die thousands of times.     

He looked calm right now, but Jason noticed that his Instructor wanted to teach him a lesson, which somehow felt cliché, similar to what he had often heard about it when he listened to stories and fairy tales.     

Instructor Brian noticed the turmoil outside the combat ring, and he also heard the students gossiping which astonished him.     

'Huh? Did he increase his mana core rank by two levels in 5 days? Is he a pampered child??.. Well, I will just lecture him and afterward, he´ll probably learn how to behave'     

When both of them got into position, Jason took out two daggers from his storage as he got into the foundational stance for fights with dual-daggers.      

Brian noted that Jason´s stance was flawless as he nodded in approval, secretly granting Jason a few brownie points in his mind.     

The fight started almost instantly and Jason bent down, circulating mana throughout his lower body in order to enhance his speed to his maximum capabilities.     

He was still not familiar with the increase of storable mana he had received after breaking into the 8th Novice rank and the additionally amplified amount of strength from Scorpio, which caused Jason to be faster than he initially estimated.     

Both were only around 30 meters apart from each other and Jason's explosive start catapulted him closer, decreasing the distance to around 4 meters within a moment.      

Brian wasn't going to stand still, and wait for Jason to attack, thus both of them charged at each other.     

Only two seconds later, both were already in front of each other as Brian swung his tempered wooden longsword at Jason with a swift flick of his wrist, which Jason was barely able to avoid.     

He was a second late with his reflexes and couldn't evade it perfectly and he had to use his dagger to divert the trajectory of Brian's sword. While Jason was busy deflecting his sword Brian suddenly kicked him, causing Jason to almost lose his balance.     

With a jump to the side, he managed to avoid getting hit in his abdomen, but the kick managed to graze Jason´s leg, slightly hurting him.     

Meanwhile, Brian was astonished that the student in front of him was able to avoid his combined attack without much difficulty as he thought Jason had never really fought a life and death battle.     

Without combat experience, Jason would have never been able to predict his attack and avoid it without sustaining a serious injury, as the sword's attack followed by the kick was perfectly timed and didn't leave any gaps for the opponent to react.     

Brian had restricted his strength to the 7th Novice rank, but suppressing his physically tempered body to such a low level was almost impossible. He estimated that even a 9th Novice or newly advanced Adept ranks would be unable to avoid his attack.     

Suddenly, Jason´s mind went into some sort of bloodlust after getting hit by the Instructor's kick.     

The pain he felt was not even remotely comparable to the torture he had endured a few days ago, but somehow his mind had arrived at a conclusion that this battle was rather a life and death fight than a spar. Something fundamentally changed in Jason as he stood up after rolling himself in order to prevent further injuries.     

His gentle, sympathetic, and calm eyes that attracted and calmed down many classmates subconsciously underwent a drastic change. There was no trace of kindness in those golden eyes that flickered with some sort of cold and fiendish cruelty.     

It was as if Jason's golden eyes were filled with wrath and the pure desire to kill his opponent.     

Brian was distracted for a quarter second because he was thinking of his students' lightning-fast reflexes, when Jason appeared right behind him, without any notice.     

The hair on the back of his neck stood up as he instinctively sensed a thick condensed aura of killing intent behind him, which would eradicate him if he wouldn't do anything right now.     

Almost immediately Instructor Brian´s back was drenched in cold sweat.     

Fortunately enough, his senses were not restricted, otherwise, he would have been dead without noticing what was going on.     

He had never felt like this and it seemed like he would die if he didn't do something as he immediately released the restrictions. His whole suppressed might of a magus rank was unleashed, blasting Jason into the protection mechanism of the combat arena.     

Jason regained his senses when he was pushed out of the protective sphere, which saved his life.     

Noticing there was something wrong with his mind, Jason felt the growing desire to kill Brian after he received the Instructor´s hit.     

This hit caused the subdued anger to intensify, as rage consumed his mind, without leaving any trace of reluctance.     

This caused him to fear himself and he would have to tell his teacher as soon as possible in order to avoid accidents like that to happen ever again.     

`If his opponent hadn't been an instructor and one of his classmates instead, would he have killed them? `     

Jason didn´t know and it terrified him somehow.     


W E B N O V E L= https://bit.ly/3xsAY0z     

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