Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

The Best Countermeasure

The Best Countermeasure

0Why was there no weak pulse to indicate a serious illness?      0

Looking at the old man's face, she didn't think he looked like he was sick. What went wrong?     

The old man saw Xu Xiyan's look of suspicion and coughed awkwardly. "You knew it, lass. I hope you will not tell anyone, especially Yunshen."     

Xu Xiyan snickered, "So, you were just pretending to be sick?"     

It was best to have no sickness, and to be healthy was a blessing. Xu Xiyan felt relieved for Huo Yunshen.     

Since Xu Xiyan had managed to gain some trust from the elderly man, she wasted no time and went straight to the point, "Grandpa Huo, the truth is I'm not here to treat you today, but to beg you to help Yunshen."     

Huo Xun's eyes became wide and eagle-like. Surprised, he asked, "What do you mean?"     

Xu Xiyan proceeded to tell the old man about Huo Jingtang's plot to harm Huo Yunshen.     

In order to convince the old man, she took out a white medicine bottle, a drug ingredient identification report, as well as a recording of a conversation between Huo Jingtang and Professor Qin.     

With the evidence presented in front of him, the old man finally learned what was going on. He hit his chest and stomped his feet angrily, cursing nonstop. What a rotten grandson! He wanted to take over the family business so badly that he's become mad?!     

"Damn it! I'm not dead yet and he couldn't wait to make his move! I'm ordering the servants to go find him and drag him back home. I must teach him a lesson!"     

Huo Xun fumbled to get up from his bed to call for his servants, but Xu Xiyan promptly persuaded the old man to stay, "Grandpa Huo, you mustn't be too rash! What if Vice President Huo becomes desperate? You never know what unthinkable things he is capable of doing!"     

Huo Xun calmed down and thought about it. Xu Xiyan was right. It was just that when he thought of the suffering that his most beloved grandson had to endure for no reason, his heart felt terrible. "Tell me, girl, what should I do then? I can't just watch him harm his own younger brother."     

Since Xu Xiyan was here to petition to the old man, she had already come up with a countermeasure before she came. She looked at the old man calmly and said, "Grandpa Huo, if you trust me, I do have an idea that sounds a bit absurd."     

There was an old saying by Prometheus: whom the gods would destroy they first make mad. The best countermeasure to deal with the power-hungry Huo Jingtang was to let him rise to the top and then deal a blow to him to make him fall.     


When Huo Yunshen returned to the Moxiang residence, this was what he saw:     

The old man was lying in bed quietly as Xu Xiyan checked the old man's pulse. After a series of inspections, Xu Xiyan put the old man's arm under his quilt then stood up.     

When Xu Xiyan turned around and saw Huo Yunshen, she put a finger up to her lips.     

Huo Yunshen saw that his grandfather was asleep and said nothing. He waited for Xu Xiyan to pack up her medicine bag. As soon she got out of the Moxiang residence, he immediately asked her, "Jing Xi, is the exam done? How is he?"     

"Your grandfather just went to sleep. I'll tell you after we go back," Xu Xiyan said, deliberately keeping it a mystery.     

After hearing her words, Huo Yunshen's mood suddenly felt heavy. If his grandfather had no problems, Xu Xiyan would definitely tell him. But now he was afraid that…     

Outside the Moxiang residence, Chen Yunlu was feeling very anxious. That little fox and her son were in the old man's room together.     

What if Huo Yunshen had asked the old man's consent to marry Jing Xi? The old man had always spoiled him. What if he agreed?     

Oh dear, how worrying!     

Chen Yunlu was worried out of her wits. At this moment, Huo Jingtang came back. He saw Chen Yunlu standing at the gate of the garden and not going inside. Concerned, he asked, "Big Auntie, why are you here? Are you not going in?"     

Chen Yunlu turned as she heard Huo Jingtang's voice and smiled awkwardly at him. "Oh, it's you, Jingtang. I'm just out here for some fresh air."     

"How is Grandpa today?" Huo Jingtang asked her.     


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