Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Great Shaman

Great Shaman

2After Chen Xiaobei left the dungeon, he lingered nearby.     1

The two disciples he had just killed were most likely sent to circulate the ordinance decreed by their faction leader.     

Now that they were both dead and unable to report about the completion of their task, the enemy would find out soon enough that something had gone wrong in the dungeon.     

Chen Xiaobei waited there to defeat the first wave of enemies to distract them from the people in the dungeon. Once he knew that they were safe, Chen Xiaobei could then go ahead and carry out his plan smoothly!     

True enough, a while later, a sudden commotion ensued not far away.     

"Hurry! Hurry! The dungeon must be in trouble!"     

"Fang Zi'er brought Liu Xuanxin's friend to the island today, and Master Hua locked him up in the dungeon! I'm sure he has a hand in Master Hua's death!"     


"That's right! We cannot let him get away! Hurry up! Get to the dungeon the fastest you can!"     

Shouts resonated in the air while boots pounded on the ground. Those were the sounds of at least a few hundred men.      

They were so fast that Chen Xiaobei spotted his enemies within a few seconds. There were all in all roughly 600 men in total, all running in his direction!     

"It's not a good idea for me to stay here at the moment. I have to distract the enemies!"     

 Chen Xiaobei used his Netherspirit Battlescouter to gauge his enemies' strengths and saw that while they huge in number, most of them were only True Nirvana cultivation minions. The few stronger ones had only about 80,000 combat power.     

Considering what Chen Xiaobei had become today, there was nothing to worry at all.     

But after this wave of attack, there would be even more minions and stronger elders, numbering in the thousands. Eventually, he would have to face the faction leaders!     

Before the second wave of enemies approached him, Chen Xiaobei had to lure the tiger away from the mountain. Otherwise, the people in the dungeon would be subjected to even graver danger.     

"What is the fastest way to get rid of them?"     

Chen Xiaobei contemplated hard as he watched his enemies closing in. Soon, an idea dawned on him.     

A black talisman made out of spiritual paper appeared in Chen Xiaobei's palm.     

It was a Spirit Summoning Talisman!     

In the dungeon behind him, lurked thousands of tormented souls of men who had been brutally tortured to death.     

With the talisman, Chen Xiaobei could summon and give orders to all of them.     

"I see him! That's the scumbag I was telling you about! He's Liu Xuanxin's friend!"     

"Brothers! Let's charge! Let's get that son of a bitch! Our faction leader will reward us handsomely!"     


When his enemies spotted him, they stormed forward like a herd of wildebeasts, vowing to not rest until Chen Xiaobei was captured.     

In the dungeon.     

"Shit! Bro Bei is surrounded! There are hundreds of them!"     

Xia Hanjiang employed the help of a spirit to observe the situation outside. He was trembling and his face had turned as white as a sheet. "These men are not very strong. But if they managed to block Bro Chen's path, then he would have to face the stronger enemies when they arrive from behind! Bro Bei is dead if Yin Wuqiu gets here!"     

"What should we do then? Why don't we all go out and help Bro Bei? We can still beat the average disciple!" Xiahou Linyuan said.     

"Yes! I agree! Since we're all going to die, we might as well die fighting next to Bro Bei! Everybody, pick up your weapons! Let's go out and fight them till our death!" Qi Changshen shouted, ready to bring the other prisoners with him.     

"No! Everyone please calm down!" Liu Xuanxin stood up to block the exit. "We have to trust Xiaobei! I know him very well! He is not a reckless person especially when it comes to his friends and family. Unless he was 100% confident, he is not the type to act on impulse!"     


The group of men hushed.     

These were all men of high footing who had almost never succumbed to the will to anyone.     

If this had happened in the past, they would wouldn't even bat an eyelid on what the woman had to say.     

But Qi Changshen and Xia Hanjiang had related to the others about how Liu Xuanxin was the one who noticed the shortcomings in their plan. Warning them about it had in fact saved all their lives.     

That was why, right now, Liu Xuanxin's words carried some weight.     

In the short time when everyone fell silent, Xia Hanjing suddenly exclaimed, "My god! Bro Bei is incredible!"     

When the others heard him, they asked excitedly, "What is it? What's happened outside?"     

"I… I can't see anything anymore… I've lost control of the spirit…" the disbelieving Xia Hanjiang stammered, shocked.     

"What? Aren't you supposed to be the prodigious shaman? How could you lose control of the spirit just like that?"     

"It was… taken away by Bro Bei…"     

Cold sweat began to form like beads on Xia Hanjiang's forehead.     

"Bro Bei? Is he a shaman too? How could he take that spirit from you?" someone asked.     

Xia Hanjiang reached up to wipe his forehead that was glistening with sweat and said, "Compared to Bro Bei, my Dao Path is not even worth mentioning. He is the true master shaman!"     

"What? How is that possible?" Everyone, including Li Xuanxin, was stumped.     

Master shaman!     

This statement had not come from an ordinary person but Xia Hanjiang himself!     

The widely recognized prodigious shaman! The shaman who trumped over seasoned shamans! If he couldgive the honorific of master shaman to someone, it was indeed a momentous occasion.     

Who would have thought that Chen Xiaobei, a man whose cultivation, medical skills, and planning were already masterful still had surprises up his sleeve. As it turns out, he also had exceptional shamanism, necromancy, spiritism, and psychic skills!     

Everyone who was present at the dungeon including Liu Xuanxin, felt a deep sense of admiration for Chen Xiaobei!     

Outside the dungeon.     

Things had taken a complete turn.     

"Heaven and earth are boundless! I hereby, call upon the heavens to lend me the force of nature!"     

With the talisman between his fingers, Chen Xiaobei's body began to release an oppressive force.     

"In my name of Spirit Master, I summon the spirits from all eight directions! Obey me!"     

Right after he had spoken, the Spirit Summoning Talisman was set ablaze.     

The flame it emitted was a strange pale blue. It did not scorch but instead emanated a bone-chilling cold!     

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!     

One by one, the apparitions sprouted from the ground like bamboo shoots after the rain.     

These were not your run-of-mill spirits, but vengeful spirits that held so much grudge, they fell to the path of the demons.      

They appeared in many different forms, all bringing about an ominous atmosphere. There were orbs of blood red, pale blue, and dark green, all amassing to over thousands, forming a powerful army of evil spirits.     

Even Chen Xiaobei was taken by surprise.      

Of course, since his enemies did not possess the powers of the Yin Yang Eye, they could not see the alarming emergence before them. They continued to charge, vowing to capture Chen Xiaobei!     

"All spirits listen to my order!"     

 Chen Xiaobei raised his arm and swung it with all his might. "Kill!"     


A gust of wind rustled, as the evil spirits swooped down to meet the barrelling enemies!     

"You son of a bitch! Be a good boy and get ready to be captured! Today is your death day! Arrrgh!"     

Before the man in the front line could finish talking, a dozen evil spirits entered his body and possessed him. His knees wobbled and he fell backwards onto the ground!     

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