Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

The Dragon Head Is Destroyed

The Dragon Head Is Destroyed

3Ancestral Invocation: Myriad Swords!      3

All Liu Xiyuan did was utter four words aloud. However, it was enough to create a nuclear explosion in everyone's heart.     

"Oh my god… What happened to our faction leader? He just used his ultimate skill at the beginning of the fight! This is not logical at all!"     

"I remember the last time our faction leader used this skill was seven years ago!"     

"That's right! During that time, he was fighting the general of Thunder Kirin Squad! With Ancestral Invocation: Myriad Swords skill, he managed to get the first place in the God of War Leaderboard!"     

"This is really scary! How did that little bastard force our faction leader to use this skill on him? He is not worthy!"     

"This like using a cleaver to kill an ant!"     

"Cut the crap! Step back now! If not, we will be killed by this skill as well!"     


While commenting on this matter, the crowd quickly stepped back as far as possible. All of them feared that they might be injured or killed by Liu Xiyuan's ultimate skill. Suddenly, a shocking scene was presented in front of them!     





All the swords of ten thousand people left their sheaths. It was as if they were alive! Ten thousand long swords elevated to mid-air and formed a sword river – rushing towards Liu Xiyuan. The sword river then started to circle and turn like a real dragon.     

"Grandpa! It's not necessary for you to get so angry!"     

Clearly, Liu Xuanxin was shocked by the fact that his grandpa was so angry. She knew better than anyone that Liu Xiyuan was going to kill Chen Xiaobei for real. One should know that Ancestral Invocation: Myriad Swords was the signature skill of Xuanjian Faction and it would only be passed down to a male heir, but not female or outsiders. Even though Liu Xuanxin was considered a genius, she was not eligible to learn the skill no matter what. She had not even seen this before. One could imagine that the value and meaning behind this skill were extremely high!     

Liu Xiyuan would only use this skill when he faced off some really powerful enemies like the general of Thunder Kirin Squad that he fought seven years ago. Other than a top-tier battle like that, Liu Xiyuan would never use this skill. To Liu Xuanxin, not only would this skill turn Chen Xiaobei into minced meat, but it would also lop off the entire cliff. That was why the disciples of Xuanjian Faction said that Liu Xiyuan used a cleaver to kill an ant.     

However, the thing that they could not understand was all of them including Liu Xuanxin expected that Chen Xiaobei could be defeated easily. Only Liu Xiyuan treated Chen Xiaobei in a completely different manner. Using an ultimate skill in the beginning of the battle proved that he saw Chen Xiaobei as an extremely powerful elite.     


The sound of all those swords rubbing into each other sounded like a dragon roaring in the sky. It was definitely beyond terrifying!     

"Little bastard! Do you have any last words?"     

Glaring at Chen Xiaobei, Liu Xiyuan used both hands to control the sword dragon. It was all set to attack Chen Xiaobei any time he wanted.     

"To be honest, this skill is actually pretty cool! Ancestral Invocation: Myriad Swords! Like a hundred meters long sword dragon! F*cking awesone!" said Chen Xiaobei solemnly.     

"Hmph! I'm glad that you actually know that this is beyond awesome! Considered it as an honor to be killed by Xuanjian Faction's ultimate skill! You can show off to other spirits when you go to hell!" said Liu Xiyuan arrogantly. He had already assumed that he was going to win this battle.     

When it came to Ancestral Invocation: Myriad Swords, this old man was confident enough that this skill could defeat all kinds of enemies in this world.     

"Let me finish my words first!"     

"What do you want to say? Are you thinking of begging for your lives? That works for me! Kneel before me and kowtow until I'm pleased! Then you can keep your life!"     

Upon hearing that, Liu Xuanxin let out a sigh of relief. She never thought that her grandfather would show mercy to Chen Xiaobei. As long as Chen Xiaobei could put his ego down, he would get to live to see another day! As compared with life, a person's ego was nothing! However, she still did not know Chen Xiaobei that well. To most of the people, life was definitely more important than one's ego!     

Chen Xiaobei was different!     

He would rather choose to be killed than asking him to put his ego down and bow to someone. Moreover, he was confident enough that he was not going to die in this battle even though his opponent was the legendary Liu Xiyuan!     

"What I want to say is this sword dragon was formed by your metal attribute True Kang. It does look really cool and powerful! However, it will not be able to harm me!"     


Everyone was stunned after hearing Chen Xiaobei's bold claim.     

"This little bastard is crazy! How dare he said that such terrifying skill is not going to do a thing to him?"     

"Getting our faction leader ever angrier will only speed up his death!"     

"I can see the ending! Our faction leader will turn him into ashes! He will cease to exist after this battle!"     


The crowd stood really far away from Chen Xiaobei. To them, Chen Xiaobei was just another ignorant fool.     

"This guy… Can't he just let go of his ego this time… He is doomed…"     

Liu Xuanxin had completely given up on all hope. She thought that Chen Xiaobei would choose to kowtow at Liu Xiyuan to keep his life. Not only did Chen Xiaobei refuse to bow to Liu Xiyuan, but he also managed to further anger him – like adding oil to fire!     

This was definitely suicidal!     

"Great! This is just great! Very well! I have been dominating the Jianghu for more than few decades! I have seen all kind of people throughout my time in Jianghu! You kid, are definitely the best at acting tough! Since you claimed that my Ancestral Invocation: Myriad Swords is useless on you, I shall use this useless skill to send you to hell! Sword! Dragon roars!"     

With a roar, Liu Xiyuan swung his hands forward. His metal attribute True Kang was going to drive all the swords to attack Chen Xiaobei!     


Thousands of swords compressed – making it became bigger and bigger. In an instant, countless swords formed into a giant dragon head and surrounded Chen Xiaobei completely.     

"So powerful! It seems this skill has improved a lot!"     

"That's right! That sword Qi is enough to tear us into pieces into we stand close to it!"     

"Without a doubt! That kid will definitely turn into ashes!"     

Ten thousand people exclaimed in astonishment. Just by looking at the terrifying sword formation, it was enough to send a chill down their spines. All of them expected that Chen Xiaobei would be killed instantly. Even Liu Xiyuan put on a victorious smile on his face, arrogant and proud.     

"How… How is this even possible?"     

Suddenly, Liu Xuanxin shouted out loud behind Chen Xiaobei.     

"What happened?"     

Everyone else's vision was blocked by the giant dragon head. They had no idea what had happened at the back of the dragon head.     


Following by that, a loud explosion could be heard echoing in the sky. The flame was so bright that all the darkness was being chased away – turning a night sky into a bright heaven. After that, the dragon head shattered into pieces. All those swords turned into scraped metal and fell to the ground.     

"Old man! What are your last words?"     

Standing firm and arrogant near the flame, Chen Xiaobei had everything under his control.      

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