Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Like a Frog at the Bottom of the Well

Like a Frog at the Bottom of the Well

1Chen Xiaobei dove into the river. Feeling curious, Liu Xuanxin followed right behind him. As it was a forest river, it was not polluted. The river was not deep and the water was crystal clear. With the help of moonlight, one could see the bottom of the river clearly. There was a hole at the bottom of the river which was where he was headed.     3

There were lights blinking inside the hole. Judging from the cracks surrounding the hole, this hole was formed when Xiaobei landed on the river bed. What a coincidence! They could see another U-shaped exit as they dove deeper. When they swam up, the mysterious light became brighter and brighter.     



When Chen Xiaobei and Liu Xuanxin surfaced from the water, they had come to an entirely different world, surrounded by black and gray walls. Other than the water passage, there were no other entrance or exit. There was a staircase in front of the passage.     

"Let's go. We shall check it out!"     

Chen Xiaobei and Liu Xuanxin then walked up the stairs together. At the end of the stairs, they could see a platform shining with bright light. Clearly, the mysterious light that they saw earlier came from here.     

"What… What is this?"     

Upon climbing up the stairs, Liu Xuanxin could not help but purse her lips. A well-designed white jade box was placed on the platform. The dragon carving on the box was so realistic and detailed that it could beat any jade carver in this world. Considering that the box was emitting white light, it was definitely not an ordinary item.     

"Just open it and see what's inside!" said Chen Xiaobei with a smile on his face. He wanted to open the box that laid in front of him     

"Shit! Dodge!"     

Suddenly, Chen Xiaobei screamed and was about to push Liu Xuanxin away. However, it was all too late.     


A thunderous roar echoed around them. In an instant, his body was bound by pillar-shaped rays. Following that, the same thing happened to her as well. The two of them could not even move a muscle.     

"What is going on? What is this thing?" asked Liu Xuanxin in shock.     

"It's an evil white snake spirit!"     


Right after Chen Xiaobei finished talking, a giant snake popped out from the jade box. Judging from the size of its body, this white snake was like the mini version of the giant serpent that Chen Xiaobei encountered earlier. However, this white snake was not the same species as the giant serpent. There was a white horn on its head and two tails at its back.     

"Something is not right! I don't have Yin Yang Eyes. Why can I see it?!"     

Liu Xuanxin had been living in the Jianghu for quite some time. That was why she was not surprised when Chen Xiaobei mentioned evil spirit. The thing that surprised her was she could not understand how she managed to see its true form.     

"If I'm not mistaken, there should be a Spiritual Item inside the white jade box! This white snake is the materialized form of the Spiritual Item. So even ordinary human beings can see it!"     

"Spiritual Item?"     

It seemed that Liu Xuanxin was not too familiar with this term. However, she did not have much time to ponder upon it as death was approaching.     


The evil white snake spirit flicked its tongue out and looked at the two puny humans that stood in front of him. Its ice-cold stare finally landed on Chen Xiaobei.     

"Kid. I'm surprised that you know about Spiritual Items at your age!"     

"A Spiritual Item is no big deal! Why are you so surprised that I know about it?"     

"Such an arrogant tone! A Spiritual Item is more powerful than magical item! Other than some of the ancient factions in Jianghu, no other factions possess Spiritual Items!"     


"You are just a sealed Spiritual Item trapped in this cave! I know you have fused with this white jade box! That is why you think Spiritual Items are really powerful! Do you know that I have used Divine Items to defeat my enemies before? You are just a Spiritual Item! Please stop showing off in front of me!"     

Upon hearing that, Liu Xuanxin was so shocked that she did not know how to react anymore. She would not have believed what she just heard if it was others that told her about it. However, Chen Xiaobei was now the one that talked about it. Immediately, her mind told her to believe in him. After all, she had seen Chen Xiaobei do a lot of unbelievable stuff.     

Summoned lighting with sheer will!     

Invisible True Kang!     

Tossed out missiles from his sleeves!     

Only deities could do such a thing!     

"Bastard! Stop acting tough in front of me! Do you really think you are the real Monkey King just by wearing his mask on your face? I will never believe that you have played with Divine Items before! From what I can see here, I know that you have played with your balls before! Definitely not Divine Items!"     

"You don't believe in me? I'm going to take out a Spiritual Item and show it to you!"     

"Hmph! I don't believe that a bastard like you possess any Spiritual Items! I'm starting to doubt if you even know what an ancient faction is!"     

"I'm going to beat you with facts! I'm too lazy to talk to you right now! All you need to do is open your eyes and look at it!"     

"Look at it? Alright! I'm going to stand right here and look at you! My ability allows me to bind anyone in this world! The two of you can't even move a finger! How are you going to take anything out? You are going to trick me to let you go! That is impossible! Hahaha!"     

"I thought you have seen a lot of things in this world! It seems like you are just another frog that lives at the bottom of the well[1]!"     

"Bastard! It seems like you want to throw your life away! Your life is my hands! Don't you dare make me angry! Initially, I wanted to absorb all your Qi! I should kill you first since you are so damn annoying!"     


"Mr… Mr. Snake! Please don't kill him! I will apologize to you on his behalf! Sorry… Sorry…"     

Liu Xuanxin felt so worried was because it was obvious that her body was restricted by a mysterious force. It was true that they could not move a single muscle. Like dead meat on chopping board, there was nothing he could do save themselves. Other than begging for their lives, they had no other options.     

"Beg? Who's the stupid one here? I have waited here for hundreds of years to have a taste of fresh Yang Qi! You have no right to ask me not to kill him!"     


Rendered speechless, Liu Xuanxin had lost all hope. Though she had powerful cultivation, there was nothing she could do when her power was restricted by a Spiritual Item.     

"Do you know why I called you a frog that lives at the bottom of the well?" asked Chen Xiaobei with a smile on his face.     

[1] Idiom which means narrow-minded     

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