Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Be Its Master with a Drop of Blood

Be Its Master with a Drop of Blood

0"Bastard! You really must have a death wish! You better tell me why you called me a frog that lives at the bottom of the well! If not, I'm going to make sure you'll experience something that is worse than death!"      0

Upon hearing that, Liu Xuanxin was so terrified that she almost cried. Her biggest hope right now was that her pleas would work on this evil white snake spirit. To her surprise, Chen Xiaobei taunted it once again! This was no different from sending the both of them to hell!     

"I have told you that fact speaks louder than words! To you, Spiritual Items and ancient factions might be the most powerful things on this earth! That is because you look at the world from the entrance of the well! I'm not going to bother to argue with you! I will crush your little world and broaden your perspective!"     


Immediately, Liu Xuanxin's eyes were filled with surprise, curiosity, anticipation, doubt, and other complex emotions.     


At the same time, the white snake started to laugh.     

"Bastard! Try not to act tough before you die! You can't even move your finger right now! How are you going to do anything to me? Idiot!"     

That's why I told you that you are a frog! I don't even need to move any muscle on my body to trigger a high-tier Spiritual Item!"     

"Sheer will alone is more than enough!"     



Followed by Chen Xiaobei's roar, a stream of lightning came out of nowhere and surrounded his left thumb – like a vicious snake!     



The moment the lightning appeared, evil white snake spirit let out an agonizing scream. The spirit that bound around Chen Xiaobei could feel that its body was being burned by lightning. Immediately, it let go of him. A couple of black wounds could be seen on its body and black smoke was coming out from it. Clearly, it had suffered a major injury.     

"What the hell is going on? How did you summon lightning to your hand? Ouch… Pain… It's so painful…"     

The evil white snake spirit's face contorted while it screamed in anguish. Clearly, lighting was its kryptonite!     

"Is… Is this how someone controls the weather with only sheer will? How is this even possible? My grandfather had trained for a few decades but he still failed to achieve Celestial cultivation! He is going to die of anger if he saw that you have already achieved Celestial cultivation!"     

"I don't have Celestial cultivation! This Wrath Bolt Ring allows me to summon lightning anytime I want! This is a Spiritual Item! A pure Yang Spiritual Item!"     

"What?! Pure… Pure Yang Spiritual Item?"     

Upon hearing that, the evil white snake spirit screamed in fear. The Wrath Bolt Ring was the end product of the combination of the Duskdawn Ring and Pure Yang Lightning Catalyst! When Chen Xiaobei created this ring, he intentionally kept all the Pure Yang Spiritual Qi inside the ring. That was why its appearance was no different from an ordinary ring.     

The lightning that Chen Xiaobei summoned was double the Pure Yang attribute! In other words, this ring was the most powerful kryptonite to all evil spirits! Unless he encountered some really powerful evil spirits – dealing with ordinary evil spirits with this ring was actually more than enough. Seemingly, this evil white snake spirit's Dao Path was still rather low. Taking a hit from the Wrath Bolt Ring would be lethal for it.     

"Lightning! Spear!"     

Shouted once again, the lightning snake entwined around Chen Xiaobei's arm moved to his palm in a straight direction – turning into a lightning combat spear!     


Like a deity descending from heaven, Chen Xiaobei held the lightning combat spear in his hand with thunder roaring behind his back. With him at the center, his surroundings shook. It was as if a series of lightning bolts were going to ravage the land.     

"So powerful… Is this a Spiritual Item? It is definitely more powerful than all those magical items that I've seen before! This is really terrifying!"      

Staring at Chen Xiaobei petrified, Liu Xuanxin's crystal clear eyes were filled with little stars.     

"Bas… No! Boss! Boss! Master… Please take back the lightning… I can't take it anymore!"     

Before Chen Xiaobei could finish his words, the evil white snake spirit was almost scared to death.     

"I will let your friend go right now. I'm more than happy to send the two of you off in a very polite manner! From today onwards, let's not cross each other paths anymore! Okay?     

Right after that, it put Liu Xuanxin on the ground gently. Its humungous body minimized into a tiny spirit – staring at Chen Xiaobei fearfully like a rat seeing a tiger.     

"I'm not pleased! My friend apologized to you just now as well! However, you pushed her apology aside!"     


"Oh right! There is a precious item inside the jade box! I will give it to you as a gift! Please let me go this time! Is that okay?"     

"No! After I kill you, I can take possession of the jade box and the thing inside it! I don't need you to give it to me as a gift."     


The white snake evil spirit began to cry. It would not have offended Chen Xiaobei if it knew it would end up in such a terrible circumstance! Things would have turned out differently if it let them go when Liu Xuanxin was begging for their lives. Thinking about this, the evil white snake spirit felt so regretful about the path that it chose.     

"Nothing to say now? Die!"     

Glaring at the white snake evil spirit, he lifted up his hand and prepare to toss the lightning spear at the evil white snake spirit.     

"Master! Hold on! Listen to me first! I'm the spirit of the Spiritual Item that lies inside the box! The ability, Dragon Bind is possessed by me! If you kill me, this ability will disappear together with me! In other words, a good Spiritual Item will be wasted! However, if you are willing to transmogrify me, you can keep me as your personal Spiritual Item! In other words, I will belong to you for eternity! Only serve you! And I will be able to keep my life! You will get yourself one more Spiritual Item! This is killing two birds with one stone! What do you think?"     

Upon hearing that, Chen Xiaobei's initial decision wavered. Though he wielded Jingu Bang before, it required a lot of Spiritual Qi just to swing it! As compared to a Spiritual Item, it was definitely more economical to use a Spiritual Item instead of a Divine Item. Also, the ability Dragon Bind seemed really powerful. If it could bind a powerful elite like Liu Xuanxin, he could use it to control his enemies in a surprising manner. One more trump card would be added to his treasure chest!     

"Okay! I like your suggestion! Tell me, how should I transmogrify you?" Chen Xiaobei deactivated his lightning combat spear and said calmly.     

"Use your blood! Place a drop of blood on the white jade box and my mind will open up to you! I will build a Spiritual Link with you and recognize you as my master officially!"     

"Alright! Let's try!" said Chen Xiaobei with a smile of anticipation.     

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