Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms




Without saying anything, Chen Xiaobei used his fist to shatter the glass of the cockpit. He then held Niya by her collar and dragged her out of the cockpit.     


Right after the glass was shattered, the violent air current dragged the pilot out of the cockpit. Within seconds, the pilot was nowhere to be found anymore. Without a pilot, the airplane started to crash into the sea like a kite without a string. It exploded once it hit the sea.     

"Master… Master Messenger… It's all my fault… Please spare my life… I'm willing to kiss your feet to show that I'm forever your loyal slave… Please just spare my life…"     

One could see that Niya was drenched in her own pee. She never thought that Chen Xiaobei was so powerful that he destroyed almost an entire carrier fleet! Within a minute, four Destroyers and five F-22 Raptors had turned into ashes! With that being said, it was totally possible for Chen Xiaobei to destroy an entire carrier fleet within three minutes! To Niya, Chen Xiaobei was no longer a human being! He was a god!     

Filled with fear, Niya would not say no to Chen Xiaobei even he asked hundreds of men to gang rape her! This extreme fear managed to make Niya succumb to Chen Xiaobei's will completely. Unfortunately, Chen Xiaobei would never forgive a bitch like her!     

"You are not worthy of becoming my slave!"     

Without a hint of emotion on his face, Chen Xiaobei let go of Niya like a piece of trash– causing her to fall hundreds of meters from the sky.     

"Commander… That… That kid just tossed Ms. Niya from… That kind of height! She will definitely turn into a pile of bloody mush once she hits the ground! Shit… Our plan is such a failure…"     

Inside the aircraft carrier, the officers were screaming hysterically.     


Before they could finish their sentence, Niya had already landed on the deck of the aircraft carrier. Like a tomato that fell from a high place, Niya's head hit the ground first. In an instant, gray matter and blood splattered all over the floor.     

"Motherf*cker! Why?!! Prepare the nuclear bomb! Rather than sitting here and waiting to be killed! Let's perish together with him!"     

"Perish… Perish together?"     

Upon hearing that, the officers in the control room almost peed their pants! It was true that a nuclear bomb was loaded on the Zuckerberg Carrier! And its power was definitely powerful enough to kill a demigod. However, triggering the nuclear bomb at such distance would definitely wipe out the entire carrier fleet as well.     

"What's wrong? Has fear gotten better of you guys?! This is war! We are holding the glory of our country in our hands! We are the kings of the world! If we are to be killed in battle, we have to make sure that we die with glory!" shouted the chief commander furiously.     

"Commander… You are right! You are making our blood rush! We don't mind sacrifice ourselves to win this battle... B-But…"     

All the officers were looking out the window.     

"But what?"     

The chief commander turned around and looked out the window as well.     


A golden light tore open the night sky and crash unto them like a meteor. The naked eye would not be able to see what was about to kill them because the Jingu Bang was moving at lightning speed. Its powerful presence had caused the entire carrier to shake uncontrollably. Before they realized it, the golden light had already landed on the carrier. Set aside launching the nuclear bomb at Chen Xiaobei, the officer and the chief commander did not even have the chance to scream for help. Just right before the Jingu Bang landed on the carrier, they saw the person that wielded this phenomena weapon. Both of his hands were holding the Jingu Bang and his body was arched back. Like a bow that was ready to shoot an arrow, Chen Xiaobei's body had tensed up immensely due to the amount of strength that he channeled into Jingu Bang.     

"Done… We are so done this time…"     

Everyone in the carrier had lost all hopes.     

"This hit from Jingu Bang is going to make you perish from this world!"     

The Jingu Bang grew once more. Like a golden divine pillar that could destroy everything in sight, the crew were eradicated. All the officers and the chief commander were turned into mush, their bodies nowhere to be found. However, Chen Xiaobei did not stop there. He continued to swing his Jingu Bang at the carrier to make sure that no one could recover it! Like a piece of tofu, the aircraft carrier that cost an astronomical amount of money had turned into ashes!     

Clearly, the power of Jingu Bang could destroy almost everything in this world!     

"A complete loss… We have lost the battle… Run for your life… Now…"     

The aircraft carrier was cut into half like the Titanic. It then slowly sank into the sea. Finally, the naval war had ended and Chen Xiaobei had claimed the victory. Like ants going up a hotpot, all the American soldiers could not escape with the F-22 Raptor because the runway for the fighter jets was destroyed! In the end, they had to escape on lifeboats!     

As for the four Ticonderoga-class cruisers and four Corvettes, they wanted to escape as well but all the electronic devices stopped working all of a sudden. With no other option, they had to escape on lifeboats as well.     

"God… Please forgive us… We will never offend you anymore…"     

"God… Please forgive our ignorance… Do not get on the same level as lowlifes like us!"     

"God… Please…"     

All of a sudden, hundreds of lifeboats sailed away from Chen Xioabei like there was no tomorrow! The begging that came from those American soldiers echoed through the silent sea. Meanwhile, Chen Xiaobei would never kill for sport. So, he had decided to let them leave this place, unharmed. The thing that he did not know was all those soldiers would begin to worship the God of Sea. Some of them even built a yellow skin and black-haired idol with a golden rod in its hand while stepping on a Somersault Cloud!     

In other words, Chen Xiaobei had recruited thousands of disciples for himself.     

"Won! We have won the battle!"     

"Our benefactor is too damn awesome! I think he is really the messenger sent by God of Sea to fight for us!"     

"You are right! He is definitely sent by God of Sea to help us!"     

At the same time, the giant serpent surfaced from the sea and countless sea creatures were cheering behind it. To them, the thing that Chen Xiaobei did was purely a divine miracle! A carrier fleet was singlehandedly destroyed by him! Only god could so something like that! At the same time, all those sea creatures had started to turn into Chen Xiaobei's disciples! All those sea creatures could only be considered as lowly disciples because their life spans were rather short. But, the number of sea creatures could definitely make up for their low life-span.     

Until now, Chen Xiaobei still could not understand too well about the concept of disciples. All he remembered from the Prime of Tongtian was the more the merrier!     


[You have eliminated a fifth-generation villain. You have received 50,000 merit points!]     

"Damn! Is this from killing Niya? This bitch had started a war! She then left behind thousands of soldiers and fled the scene alone! She almost killed thousands of them! She definitely deserved to be killed!"     


[You have eliminated a first-generation villain. You have received 10,000 merit points!]     


[You have eliminated a villain… You have received…]     


[You have eliminated…]     


[Your current merit points is 1,080,000. You need another 1,920,000 merit points to go to the next level. (Charm: 108,000. Luck: 108,000)!]     

In total, Chen Xiaobei received 100,000 merit points from killing all those bad people.     

"My luck has increased significantly! I'm curious about the kind of good things that would happen to me soon!"     

Just when Chen Xiaobei was indulging in his newfound happiness, he saw something.     

"Eh? What is that…"     

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