Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Ten Thousand Years Old Ambergris

Ten Thousand Years Old Ambergris

1"Us? We are more than happy to become your slave… Please take us in… We beg you…"      2

Immediately, all those bodyguards started to kowtow at Chen Xiaobei. They knocked their heads on the ground so hard that the deck of the yacht almost cracked! Also, they could not figure out what Chen Xiaobei just fed to Hades and Focker. That was why they thought Chen Xiaobei would spare their lives as long as they volunteer to become Chen Xiaobei's slave! To them, this was the best way to stay alive.     

"Who's the person that wanted to kill me just now?"     

Chen Xiaobei stared at those bodyguards icily.     

"Mr. Messenger… It's my fault… Please forgive me… From today onwards, I will become your most loyal dog! I will listen to whatever you tell me to do!"     

Promptly, the baldy crawled towards Chen Xiaobei. In order to show his absolute loyalty to Chen Xiaobei, he lifted his hands and begun to slap himself nonstop. He had channeled True Qi into his palms. That was why his mouth started to bleed. One had to know that the baldy was an elite with 45,000 combat power! Normally, others had to succumb to his dominant presence. However, he had undergone a complete change of character when Chen Xiaobei was standing in front of him.     

Since Focker and Hades had already kneeled down on the ground, there was no way that he was bold enough to continue acting tough.     

"Alright! I'm in good mood today! I'm going to spare your life!" said Chen Xiaobei while waving his hands.     

Sighed in relieved, the baldy could feel the stress on his shoulders was finally gone. He then started to lie on the ground in a relieved manner like a pile of mud.     

"Listen carefully! From today onwards, no yachts are allowed to pass through the holy sea! Those who break the rules will receive brutal consequences from me!" said Chen Xiaobei.     

"Yes… Yes... Yes… We will remember your order!"     

Everyone on the yacht started to nod like madmen. None of them dared to raise any objections.     


On the surface, Chen Xiaobei did not show any emotion on his face. However, he was actually laughing in his mind. The truth was he could no longer wield his Jingu Bang. All those bodyguards that kneeled in front of him could actually defeat him easily! However, none of them had the guts to treat Chen Xiaobei's order as a joke. Seemingly, they were going to do take him seriously from today onwards! This was the power of absolute strength!     

Upon seeing that all those True Nirvana elites feeling afraid of him, Chen Xiaobei could not help but sigh that he was still too weak. If he was as powerful as Monkey King and possessed a powerful weapon like Jingu Bang, that would be really awesome!     



Clearly, he knew that he had to continue to train harder to become more powerful! Now, the power gap between him and the Monkey King was still really big and it was definitely going to be a long journey. As long as he did not stop moving – someday, his dream of becoming someone as powerful as the Monkey King could definitely come true!     

The thing that rendered Chen Xiaobei frustrated was the lack of Spiritual Qi. This time, he had invested a huge amount of Spiritual Qi on Jingu Bang! The amount of it was equivalent to 10,000 Spiritual Stones! As a result, the Spiritual Qi inside the green jade gourd had definitely gone down a lot! Without Spiritual Qi, his training would come to a complete halt. Looking for more Spiritual Qi was going to be really troublesome.     

"Prosperous… Our benefactor is going to be prosperous!"     

At that moment, hundreds of thousands of sea creatures started to gather around Chen Xiaobei and cheered for him. The fact that no yachts from Paradise Island were going to pass through this area finally brought them peace! That was the most exciting news for all the sea creatures.     

Actually, this naval war was actually triggered by the conflict between Chen Xiaobei and Niya. Asking the yachts not to pass through this area anymore was actually regarded as a favor without troubling himself.     


Suddenly, the giant serpent surfaced from the bottom of the sea.     

"My benefactor! Catch it!"     

When the giant serpent opened its mouth, a black stone that was as big as an egg was passed to Chen Xiaobei.     

"What is this? It's so heavy!"     

In a casual manner, Chen Xiaobei tried to catch the black stone with only one of his hand. And he almost dropped it on the floor. Nobody would have thought that the tiny black stone would weigh hundreds of pounds! That was truly unbelievable!     

"Oh my god… This… This is the hundred thousand years old Ambergris!"     

Upon seeing that, Focker and Hades squealed with an inconceivable look on their faces. The truth was Focker and Hades had seen a lot of wondrous and precious treasure throughout their lives. Even if a diamond that was as big as a diamond was placed in front of Chen Xiaobei, he would not even pay attention to it. Who would have thought that Focker would squeal like a woman? One could definitely imagine that the value of the black stone was remarkably precious!     

"So, this is Ambergris? It doesn't look like the one that was recorded in the medical book that I read!"     

Clearly, Chen Xiaobei was disappointed. According to Compendium of Matera Medica, Ambergris was also known as whale's sperm. It could dispel phlegm and open the orifices, promote circulation of Qi and blood, dissipate foreign matter in the stomach, and cure cough and dyspnea. It was an extremely rare medical ingredient. The black stone was completely different from the one he knew. Especially the texture! It felt like a piece metal or stone, yet not at the same time.     

"That is Ambergris! You are right! It was laid at the bottom of the sea for a very long time! Hence, the essence of Spiritual Qi in the ocean was absorbed by this particular Ambergris! Hundreds of thousands of years later, all the accumulated Spiritual Qi shaped and this Ambergris! One of the ancient books in my family stated that there is a chance to find a ten thousand years old Ambergris in this sea area! That is why I spent so much effort and money to build Paradise Island!"     

Upon hearing that, Chen Xiaobei was taken aback. With that being said, the value of the Ambergris was higher than the entire Paradise Island! Just by thinking about it would make one feel terrified.     

"Hehe… This guy knows his stuff pretty well!"     

Of course, only Chen Xiaobei could understand the giant serpent.     

"What can this thing do to me? Why are you giving it to me?" asked Chen Xiaobei in a curious manner.     

"First, I want to show my gratitude to my benefactor for helping to solve this problem! I have told you earlier that I will reward you abundantly! This ten thousand years old Ambergris is my gift for you! As for its effect, it is actually an easy guess! Throughout the ten thousand years, this Ambergris was laying on the bottom of the ocean, undisturbed. Though its speed of absorbing Spiritual Qi was rather slow, time was the factor that made this Ambergris so valuable! A Spiritual Droplet was formed within its core. Upon consuming this droplet, three thousand combat power will be added to the person or animal!"     

Chen Xiaobei felt really excited after listening to the giant serpent.     

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