Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Mystical Yin Holy Hexworm

Mystical Yin Holy Hexworm

2Ding!      2

[Divine Ear Talisman: Crafted by Shunfeng Er personally. It's a basic tier talisman. It allows the users to enhance their hearing ability after using it! Do you want to withdraw it?]     

"Yes! Right now!"     

Immediately, Chen Xiaobei took out a yellow talisman from his treasure chest. This talisman was similar to God's Eyes Talisman. There was a series of complex runes on the talisman, with a golden ear painted at the center. With his sheer will, the talisman started to burn on Chen Xiaobei's palm. The fire did not hurt his hand. Instead, a golden ear afterimage was formed after the talisman burned to ashes. It then flew to Chen Xiaobei and landed on his ears.     


Suddenly, Chen Xiaobei could feel that his ears had undergone some magical changes. Within hundreds of meters in radius, Chen Xiaobei could hear the movement of grass. He could even identify the direction of the wind blowing at the grass. Around a couple of meters away, there were bug buzzing and Chen Xiaobei knew exactly the number of bugs around him just by listening to the sound of their movements. The sound of birds' heart pumping and breathing could be heard clearly as well.     

The most magical part of all was Chen Xiaobei managed to filter out all the noise that the did not want to hear. With only his will, he could focus on the direction of the sound that he wanted to listen to. He would not be disturbed by other unnecessary noise.     

"Damn! So, this is the divine effect of Divine Ears Talisman! This is incredible! Let me try now! I want to listen to people talking behind this wall!"     

Immediately, Chen Xiaobei placed his focus on the wall of the pagoda.     

In an instant, it was as though the thick wall in front of Chen Xiaobei disappeared. He could listen to their conversation clearly.     

"Try one more time! The Mystical Yin Seal has to be broken as soon as possible! If not, you will miss the best timing to retrieve the Mystical Yin Holy Hexworm! If that happens, my twenty years' worth of planning will be wasted!" said Liu Xiyuan.     


Immediately, Liu Chunyi went and sat across Liu Xuanxin. Following by that, the two of them started to make some complex hand gestures. It seemed like they were about to unleash some magical skills.     

"Twenty years' worth of planning? What is Liu Xiyuan trying to do?"     

Upon seeing that, Chen Xiaobei felt even more curious.     

"Mystical Yin Seal, Mystical Yin Holy Hexworm. What in the world is going on? Could the Liu Family have something to do with the witch tribe?"     

"It seems like Mystical Yin Holy Hexworm is the answer to all my questions!"     

"Right! I can ask Taiyin True Deity about it! He knows all kinds of hexworms in this world!"     

While Liu Chunyi and Liu Xuanxin were still trying to cast the spell, Chen Xiaobei took out his cell phone and tapped into his chatting app.     

Taiyin True Deity: Brother Xiaobei! How can I help you?     

Chen Xiaobei: Brother! I would like to ask you something. What in the world is Mystical Yin Holy Hexworm? What can it do?     

Taiyin True Deity: The ability of Mystical Yin Holy Hexworm allows it to feed on others and consumeSpiritual Qi! A single Mystical Yin Holy Hexworm could devour all the Spiritual Qi that lies within the Spiritual Pulse of an entire planet!     

Chen Xiaobei: Damn! That is insane! :grinning_face_with_sweat:     

Taiyin True Deity: Yea! If the Mystical Yin Holy Hexworm is still breathing, the entire earth would be destroyed! That is why I'm asking you did you hear it wrong?     

Chen Xiaobei: The one that I mentioned just now could be the descendant of Mystical Yin Holy Hexworm! After hundreds of generations, this particular Mystical Yin Holy Hexworm is not as powerful anymore! And I heard about the Mystical Yin Seal as well! What does Mystical Yin Holy Hexworm have to do with the Mystical Yin Seal?"     

Taiyin True Deity: Mystical Yin Seal? Now I understand! The hexworm that you mentioned just now is the descendant of the first Mystical Yin Holy Hexworm! Its ability is to feed on others' strength and cultivation! Once the seal is broken, the person can retrieve the Mystical Yin Holy Hexworm! After that, the person can use some secret technique to modify the Mystical Yin Holy Hexworm – allowing the person to transfer the absorbed strength and cultivation to himself or the other person! By doing that, the person's cultivation and strength will receive a huge boost instantly! It can even allow the person to breakthrough his current cultivation!     

"Parasite! Devour! Transfer strength! With that being said, Liu Xiyuan is planning to let the Mystical Yin Holy Hexworm feed on the strength and cultivation of Liu Xuanxin! After that, he will transfer it to Liu Chunyi!"     

"I was right! That must be it! That is why Liu Xuanxin's illness could not be cured! Considering that Liu Xuanxin's combat power is 45,000, Liu Chunyi will receive a huge boost in power even if the Mystical Yin Holy Hexworm does not transfer all of her power to him! By that time, Liu Chunyi will be able to dominate the martial arts competition and top the leaderboard with his new gained strength! He then will receive an opportunity to join those ancient factions! So, this is the twenty years' worth of planning by Liu Xiyuan!"     

Chen Xiaobei: Brother! One last question! After removing the Mystical Yin Holy Hexworm, what would happen to the host?     

Taiyin True Deity: There will be side effects! Once the Mystical Yin Holy Hexworm drains all the strength and cultivation from the person, his or her vitality will be gone as well. Shortly after that, the person will start to fall ill and he or she will never be able to recover from it! Normally, the person can only live for another three years!     

Chen Xiaobei: Damn! This is sacrificing one's life to improve the strength of the other person!     

Taiyin True Deity: You are right. The Ancient Divine Witch used the real Mystical Yin Holy Hexworm to drain the Spiritual Qi of the entire Spiritual Pulse to improve his cultivation! As a result, all life of the land vanished. Nothing could ever grow on it again!     

Chen Xiaobei: Brother, talk soon! Someone is going to retrieve the Mystical Yin Holy Hexworm really soon!     

After a short goodbye, Chen Xiaobei pocketed his cell phone. Looking at pagoda, something big had happened. There were eight seal shaped runes with a strange light on Liu Xuanxin's body. As time went by, the seals were broken one by one. The Mystical Yin Seal would be broken completely after the eight seals disappear.     

At that moment, Liu Xuanxin exclaimed in pain. "Grandpa… My chest hurts… It's so painful that as if someone is trying to rip my chest open!"     

"Hang on to it! It's almost done!"     

All Liu Xiyuan focused on was the last seal. Clearly, he did not care about the pain that his granddaughter was experiencing!     

"I can't hang on to it anymore… If this goes on… I'm afraid I will die…"     

"Xuanxin! You have to endure the pain! Once this process is over, your illness will be gone for good! You want to live like an ordinary girl, right? Shopping, traveling and get into a lovely relationship with a boy! Think about all those stuff! Don't focus on the pain! It will soon be over!" said Liu Chunyi.     

Like his grandpa, Liu Chunyi too was focusing on the last seal. Seemingly, he did not notice Liu Xuanxin was suffering greatly.     

"Shameless liars! These two bastards are not trying to cure Liu Xuanxin's illness!"     

It was apparent that Liu Xuanxin was unaware of the situation. She thought her illness would eventually be cured so she could live like an ordinary girl again! She did not know she was slowly walking towards hell.     

"I have to do something about it!" said Chen Xiaobei determinedly.     

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