Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

None of My Business

None of My Business


Chen Xiaobei's Qi was so powerful that it shook the air. With his True Qi being channeled to his entire body, the air around him crystallized from gas to solid, materializing what he had in mind! Once True Kang materialized, it was actually more powerful than the real armor and weapon!     

"Strange… My True Kang… Why is it transparent?"     

Chen Xiaobei was struck by confusion and frustration. Normally, the True Kang of others looked like metal, frost, or even lightning! Definitely cooler than Chen Xiaobei's True Kang. It was as if his True Kang did not exist.     

"I'm pretty sure that my True Kang has materialized!"     

He swung his hand and felt a layer of armor being formed around his hand. It was definitely powerful enough to block any sword or saber! It could even deflect a bullet from a handgun!     

"Why is it transparent?"     

After regaining his composure, Chen Xiaobei came to a conclusion.     

"Could it be this has something to do with the Scripture of Heaven and Earth?"     

Luo Puti and Xiaobei preferred Yang Ice attribute Spiritual Qi!     

Tai Yitan from Miaojiang absorbed lightning attribute Spiritual Qi to train himself since he was a kid!     

Lastly, Xiangyu preferred gold attribute Spiritual Qi!     

"All their True Kang could be seen with the naked eye. They focused on absorbing the type of Spiritual Qi that they prefer when they train themselves! As for me, I absorbed all kinds of Spiritual Qi when I trained with the Scripture of Heaven and Earth! It allowed me to absorb all kind of Spiritual Qi effectively! That is why my True Kang's form could not be seen by the naked eye!"     

"That must be it! I have to re-study the Scripture of Heaven and Earth! I think I will be able to look for the answer that I want!     

Immediately, Chen Xiaobei started to recall everything that he learned from the Scripture of Heaven and Earth. When he first started training with it, all he did was memorize the scripture. He did not go deeper to discover more stuff from it. After thinking it through, he came to a realization.     

"The Scripture of Heaven and Earth is everything! At the same time, it is nothing!" he exclaimed.     

"First thought! Everything must go through evolution!"     

"Appearance! Form from your will!"     

Reading the scripture out loud, something magical happened to Chen Xiaobei's True Kang.     

Wind beneath his feet!     

Frost formed around his leg!     

Water dragon circle around his hand!     

Green wood formed around his arms!     

Soil started to gather on his stomach!     

His chest was flaming!     

The ball of lighting could be seen in his eyes!     

A chaotic aura was formed on top of his head!     

"Damn! The Scripture of Heaven and Earth is the most powerful creation of my Sifu! Who else can create something as powerful as this! Who else?!"     

Chen Xiaobei felt really excited after discovering something huge from it.     

"Normally, one's True Kang only consists of one attribute! As for my True Kang, I can change to any kind of attribute with just a single thought!"     

Immediately, Chen Xiaobei True Kang's was changed to lightning attribute after he put some thought into it. It was almost as powerful as Tai Yitan's True Kang! Following by that, he changed it to frost attribute – it was exactly like Luo Puti's True Kang!     

"This is insane! When I combat with enemies, I can always choose the attributes that counter their attributes! In other words, I have the advantage with me when the enemies have the same combat power with me!"     

"By changing the attribute, it allows me to hide my true identity. No one can recognize me when I this special True Kang during stealth ops! The most important thing is by choosing a different attribute to counter my enemy can boost my combat power indirectly!"     

With Scholar Heart, Chen Xiaobei discovered the many benefits that came with the Scripture of Heaven and Earth! In the end, Chen Xiaobei found out that his combat power could be boosted to 39,000 – double of his previous combat power. Other than that, his True Nirvana cultivation could handle all kind of attributes. This breakthrough that he had this time was definitely beyond his expectation.     

"Now, I need to deal with another problem. My health! I don't think 30,000 health can handle 39,000 combat power! Considering that the martial art competition is just around the corner. I have to give my health a boost as soon as possible! There's not much Spiritual Qi left inside my green jade gourd! I have to look a new source of Spiritual Qi as soon as possible to boost my health to 39,000!     




Suddenly, Chen Xiaobei's cell phone rang non-stop. Actually, there were incoming messages that kept on bugging Chen Xiaobei earlier which he ignored.     

Jiang Ziya: Shidi Xiaobei, are you there?     

Jiang Ziya: Shidi Xiaobei, please reply my message as soon as possible!     

Jiang Ziya: Shidi Xiaobei! This is a life and death matter! Say something, please!     


Jiang Ziya's messages kept on popping up in Chen Xiaobei's cell phone. Clearly, he was desperate to get in touch with Chen Xiaobei.     

"Damn! It seems like Sifu's plan has started working! The more desperate he is, the more I don't want to reply his messages! He was basking in joy when he took away all my merit points! Now, he wants to get in contact with me? No way!"     

Dematerializing his True Kang, Chen Xiaobei proceeded to put his cell phone on silent mode. He then went and checked on his three pairs of mother-child voodoo worms. These three pairs of worms were not mature yet as more Spiritual Qi was needed to help with their growth. To Chen Xiaobei, spending a huge amount of Spiritual Qi on them was inevitable. Now, the lack of Spiritual Qi was his primary concern.     

Spiritual Qi was needed to strengthen his body.     

Spiritual Qi was needed to help with the growth of voodoo worms.     

Spiritual Qi was needed to activate the Soul Consuming Enigmatic Jade.     

"Oh right! I can take advantage of Jiang Ziya's problem and ask him to give me a huge amount of Spiritual Qi! It's time for me to make him pay back for what he did to me! Hehe! Jiang Ziya! Don't blame me for treating you badly!"     

Immediately, Chen Xiaobei took out his cell phone and started to reply Jiang Ziya's messages.     

Chen Xiaobei: Shixiong Jiang, what can I do for you?     

Jiang Ziya: Damn! Finally! Shidi Chen, I've been waiting for you to reply me! Something bad happened and it's really serious!     

Chen Xiaobei: Cut the crap and goes straight to the point! I'm a busy man!     

Jiang Ziya: It… It's Lei Zhenzi! Earlier, he borrowed the Divine Whip from me! Somehow, he encountered an extremely powerful monster! And there is a crack on the Divine Whip after he used it to defeat the monster!"     

Chen Xiaobei: Why is it a big deal?     

Jiang Ziya: Shidi Chen, I assume you have no idea about the origin of this weapon. The Divine Whip was given to me by Primordial Lord of Heaven! This weapon has always been the symbol of Chanism! Our reputation will be jeopardized if others find out that there is a crack on it! Lei Zhenzi and I will be punished severely if Primordial Lord of Heaven finds out about it!     

Chen Xiaobei: Oh? It seems like this weapon is really valuable to you guys! What kind of punishment are you talking about?     

Jiang Ziya: If it's just a light punishment, millions of merit points will be deducted from us and a thousand hits from the Divine Flame Enigmatic Cane! As for the heavy punishment, we will be held in the Ice and Fire Interdimensional Realm for hundreds of years! The most important is our reputation in Chanism will be affected once others know that we are punished by the Primordial Lord of Heaven!     

Chen Xiaobei: Hehehe! That sounds really serious! Not only will the two of you be punished severely but also turn into the least important deities in Chanism!     

Jiang Ziya: That's right! This matter is really serious!      

Chen Xiaobei: So, it is very serious. What does that have to do with me?     

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