Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Puzzle Solved

Puzzle Solved

1"Right. This is one of the accessories of the female lead character in the Grand Tale of Tang Dynasty…This here the whole box belongs to her as well…"     

The young employee was confused as he wondered why Chen Xiaobei was nervous.     

"Xiaobei… What's wrong? Isn't this piece of accessory just a replica of the real one?" Song Qincheng asked, puzzled.     

"Let me rephrase that question. Is the design of this bead bracelet the same as the real one?"     

"Yes. It is. Director Zhang cares a lot about small details like this. She wants it to be perfect! All the props here were made in reference to actual historical items. She even invited two reputable historians that studied the Tang Dynasty to have a look at all these props! Especially when it comes to the accessories and costumes; their designs can be found in historical data!"     

"Damn! What a coincidence!"     

Judging from what the young employee told Chen Xiaobei, he could deduce that the Beaded Blood Amber Bracelet in his treasure chest belonged to Wu Zetian! To his knowledge, Song Qincheng is supposed to be Wu Zetian's reincarnation. Light was finally shed on the questions that he had in mind.     

"I'm getting really lucky! The boost on my luck is working really well!"     

What luck? Can you stop talking to yourself?"     

"Quick! Come to the office with me!"     

Leaving Song Qincheng's question unanswered, Chen Xiaobei held her hand and walked away.     

"What's the rush? I still have work to be done here!"     

She could feel her heart hammering in her chest. Failing to resist Chen Xiaobei's dominant personality, she could only give an order to her employees with a flushed face.     

"Everyone, you guys can go home after moving all the stuff in the storeroom. Thank you so much for the hard work!"     

"No problem! You totally leave it to us!"     

Nodding their heads, they had knowing smiles on their faces.     

'Seems like our president is going to do some dirty with our vice-president! Hehehe…"     

Inside Song Qincheng's office.     

Immediately, Chen Xiaobei took out the real Beaded Blood Amber Bracelet from his treasure chest.     

"Is… Is this magic?"     

Widening her eyes, she could not believe that Chen Xiaobei took out a bead bracelet that looked exactly like the prop from his cell phone!     

"Magic or not. It's not important. I want you to take a look at it. Does it look special to you?"     

"Nothing special about it. Its material is different from the prop. That's about it."     

"Look closely."     

Initially, Chen Xiaobei thought that this bead bracelet was going to solve the questions that he had for Wu Zetian. However, nothing magical happened in the end.     

"Kiddo! Are you trying to fool me?"     

With her eyes narrowed, Song Qincheng tossed the bead bracelet on the table. Walking closer to Chen Xiaobei, she bit her lower lip. She had one of her hand wrapped around Chen Xiaobei's neck and the other hand on his forbidden area.     


Chen Xiaobei's eyes widened in surprise and the beast was finally unleashed! This woman right here was the real MILF! With passion, Chen Xiaobei looked into her beautiful pair of soulful eyes. Despite her girlish and innocent look, the look of a temptress was reflected in her eyes.     

"You are just a newbie. You don't have to act like an experienced player here!"     

With a smile on his face, Chen Xiaobei saw through her mind.     

"Don't laugh at me! I'm older than you! I should take the initiative to do it!"     

Feeling embarrassed, Song Qincheng pursed her rose-like lips. Initially, she wanted to muster enough courage to make love to Chen Xiaobei but was now frustrated as she had absolutely no idea what to do next now.     


Seeing that her face was getting redder and redder, Chen Xiaobei stopped laughing and kissed her. Since the both of them had already made up their minds to surrender their bodies to each other, Chen Xiaobei took the initiative to unbutton her shirt. At that moment, Chen Xiaobei realized that Song Qincheng was beyond perfection. This feeling was most probably from his resistance to lust over her body all this while.     

In his embrace was a masterpiece. She trembled lightly when his kisses landed on her sensitive skin. Song Qincheng's perky bosoms were shaking non-stop along with her body. Soon, Song Qincheng's mind went fuzzy. Her mind clouded with endorphins, she pressed Chen Xiaobei'e head to her bosoms when she climaxed.     

As the saying went, a night like this was worth thousands of gold! Chen Xiaobei could still carry on after a few rounds of love war on the bed but Song Qincheng was so happy that she almost passed out.     


Suddenly, the Beaded Blood Amber Bracelet moved.     

"What is happening?!"     

Taken aback, Chen Xiaobei turned around and checked on it. A hundred and eight rays of light were projected from every single bead. From far, an astounding picture could be seen.     

"That… That is the City of God, Luo Yang!"     

Judging from the drawing in the picture, Chen Xiaobei could deduce that it was City Luo Yang, the capital city of the Tang Dynasty!     

"Could it be the answer than I have for Wu Zetian lies in this Divine City Luo Yang?"     

Chen Xiaobei then turned around and looked at Song Qincheng who was still in the state of euphoria.     

'I understand now! This euphoric state allows her to empty herself and a spiritual bridge was built to connect with her past life! That was why the bead bracelet is acting up! Right! That must be it! I'm pretty sure the answer that I want is in Luo Yang! I have never thought that making love with her provides me the hint to solve this mystery! This luck that I have with me is working extremely well!'     

With that being said, Chen Xiaobei pounded even harder. A few moments later, they both climaxed together. He lay on the leather sofa while Song Qincheng lay on his bare chest – staring at the man that made her lose herself temporarily. Now, the both of them were closer than ever after the final barrier between them was broken!     

Wrapping her legs around Chen Xiaobei, Song Qincheng's had transformed from a shy to bold woman. Seeing that Chen Xiaobei had rested enough, she moved closer to him and licked his ears.     

"Kiddo. Do you think you still can do it?"     

"Of course… I can do it again!"     

"Hold on!"     

Song Qincheng put on a grim smile and rushed out the room barefooted with a sweater on her. There was no one outside. Soon, she returned to the room.     

"What did you do?"     

Without saying a word, Song Qincheng took off the sweater and golden dragon robe was presented in front of Chen Xiaobei. An extremely seductive naked body was hiding within the dragon robe. It was more attractive than a fully naked body.     

"Is… Is this Wu Zetian's dragon robe?"     

Gulping, Chen Xiaobei could not move his eyes away from her. During his time in school, he watched a lot of Japanese porn with actresses dressed as teachers, nurses, and housewives. Seemingly, those could not compare with the costume that Song Qincheng was wearing right now.     

'An empress! No one else had done that before!'     

With both of her hands placed on the table, Song Qincheng bent her body and lifted the dragon robe. She then said something naughty with a seductive smile on her face.     

"Boy, come and punish me!"     

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