Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

The Pride of Chanism

The Pride of Chanism

2"Boss Shi! How can you say something like that? I don't want to talk to you anymore!"      1

Ma Feifei was trying her best to please Shi Haoxiang. She even landed a few playful punches on his chest. However, she still failed to divert Shi Haoxiang's attention back to her. Looking at Song Qincheng, Ma Feifei's face turned gloomy. Being envious of her was the only thing she could do right now.     

Her soulful eyes, elegant nose, seductive red lips, and onyx black long hair were enough to make Ma Feifei feel inferior. In office attire, her extremely voluptuous body figure could be seen. The combination of her ample bosoms, imp-thin waist, and long legs were the characteristics of a masterpiece!     

Ma Feifei was after all an uprising superstar. However, she lost all her confidence in Song Qincheng's presence. Comparing with others was no different from a reality check.     

"Shi Haoxiang! I'm not here to argue with you! I need you to clarify something with me!" said Song Qincheng angrily.     

"Hehe… There is nothing to be clarified between us! Last time, you and your jungle man did something really horrible to me! Don't expect me to treat you politely!"     

"There is no one to blame but yourself! We wouldn't have done those things to you if you did not mess with us! Have you forgotten the pain from your recovered wounds? How dare you mess with us again?! Don't blame me for not reminding you! I have called my hubby to come here to deal with you! Soon, he will be here! Seems like you are keen to take in some shit again! I will make sure my hubby satisfies your cravings later!"     

"What?! You called your husband?!"     

Shi Haoxiang took in a deep breath. Remembering the way Chen Xiaobei defeated his bodyguards with extreme strength, Shi Haoxiang's heart skipped a beat. He almost threw out the breakfast that he had earlier when he thought about all the shit that Chen Xiaobei forced him to consume last time.     

"Boss Shi! What happened to you? You don't look well! Don't be afraid, Boss Shi! This is a company and there are a dozen security guards here! We can always call the police if our bodyguards can't deal with him!"     

Ma Feifei tried to console Shi Haoxiang while touching his chubby face.     

"That's right! I can call the police to protect me! The citizens of China are protected by laws! I will not hesitate to call the police if you guys try to harm me!"     


Realization dawned upon Song Qincheng and an uneasy feeling crept up to her.     

 During the last incident, Shi Haoxiang chose not to contact the law enforcement because the whole incident was just too embarrassing for others to know. However, this time was completely different. Chen Xiaobei would be sued by Shi Haoxiang and put behind the bars if he hurt him physically in his company!     

However, NeZha, Hong Hai'er, and Lin Nan would lose the opportunity to perform in front of national TV if Shi Haoxiang was not being dealt with! Song Qincheng felt a tinge of sadness when she thought about how hard the three of them trained every day to be able to perform on stage flawlessly.     

All their sweat and blood would be wasted if their opportunity to perform on the stage was canceled. Standing and watching this kind of unfortunate event happening would anger any ordinary human being!     

'Based on their bold personalities, the three of them will definitely burn this building down if they know this horrible news!"     

"What now? Afraid of me, right? I've been in the entertainment industry for more than thirty years! You guys are not even qualified to play this game with me!"     

"What do you want from us? What do I have to do stop you from destroying our show?!"     

Left with no options, Song Qincheng had to take a step back.     

"What do I want? Easy! Take off all your clothes now and crawl towards me! Serve me well and I might change my mind!"     

"Boss Shi… How can you do this to me? You have me. Why do you want that coquette to come into your life? I will not let this happen! No way…" Feeling nervous, Ma Feifei quickly used a sulky tone to make Shi Haoxiang changed his mind. She was forced to serve the fat and ugly pig Shi Haoxiang to acquire the opportunity to perform on Fruit Channel! Remembering that she had come a long way to get to where she was today, she would never allow Song Qincheng to rob her of this golden opportunity!     

"Boss Shi… My dear…"     

Hoping that Shi Haoxiang would change his mind eventually, Ma Feifei continued to beg Shi Haoxiang in a sulky tone.     

"Get lost! Who do you think you are? Look in the mirror! Do you really think your ugly look can compare with Song Qincheng? You are not even qualified to become her servant!"     

To her surprise, Shi Haoxiang pushed her down to the floor.     

"Boss Shi… You…"     

Frustrated, Ma Feifei just wanted to kill herself right now. However, she knew clearly that Shi Haoxiang was always a heartless animal. He was the kind of person that would not hesitate to kick you down off the bed after having sex with him!     

"What say you? Are you going to give me what I want? My goddess! You have five minutes to think about it! I'm going to have to have a meeting with my board of directors later. Otherwise, you'd miss this window of opportunity to redeem yourself!"     


With a wrinkled forehead, Song Qincheng kept on checking her phone for the time. There was no way in hell that she would give what Shi Haoxiang wanted from her! Her only hope was for Chen Xiaobei to get here as soon as possible since the whole thing had turned into a dead end.     


Somewhere in the heavenly realm.     

Jiang Ziya and Lei Zhenzi were sitting beside the Golden Lotus Pond – enjoying their afternoon tea. A purple gold ancient mirror was floating in the air, showing the current scene of Shi Haoxiang's office.     

"Shishu Jiang! You are really good at predicting stuff like this! Just like what you predicted earlier, the whole thing had turned into a dead end! There was no way for Chen Xiaobei to solve it!"     

"Hehe… Everything is under my control. Once NeZha and Hong Hai'er lose this opportunity, they won't be able to recruit enough disciples in time! And, I will take back all the thing that Chen Xiaobei had taken from me!"     

"That's right! A bet is a bet! Not even the Prime of Tongtian can protect him from that! Haha! This time, we are going to earn back what we lost! Next time, we are going to make him lose everything that he possesses! I want him to kneel in front of us and beg! By then, he will not dare to act tough in front of Chanism anymore!"     

"Within these three realms, those who go again Chanism will pay the price! This is our pride!"     

"That's right! No one can disrespect us! I wish time would pass faster! I can't wait to watch Chen Xiaobei's defeated look!" said Lei Zhenzi excitedly while rubbing his hands in glee.     

"There's no need to rush! Everything is set in stone now! All we need to right now is wait for the drama to be unfolded! Isn't this a kind of enjoyment as well?"     

With a smile on his face, Jiang Ziya was certain that Chen Xiaobei had lost this bet.     


Inside Shi Haoxiang's office.     

"Boss Shi! Boss Wei is here. Should we kickstart the board meeting now?"     

A secretary came knocking at Shi Haoxiang's office.     

"Yes! I'll be there in a while! Song Goddess! No more redemption for you guys!"     

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