Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Get Lost from Here

Get Lost from Here

1"So, this is the case. Half a year ago, my son was assigned to carry out an assignment for the faction. He ended up with heavy injuries when he returned home. Unfortunately, the doctors couldn't do anything about it. In the end, I had to beg Liu Chunyi several times to ask him to ask Elder Luo to heal my son. However, Liu Chunyi rejected me each time."     

"Initially, I thought Liu Chunyi was too busy to do me this favor. Sometime after, I heard that my son offended him before. That was why he refused to do me this favor! Even though I was furious, I did not dare to criticize him. I was hoping that Liu Chunyi will not hold any grudge against my son someday."     

"However, I came to a realization earlier that Liu Chunyi doesn't even care about us! I guess he has decided that he would not help me no matter what. So, I was left with no options but to come and beg you for help. I fear that my Qi Family will cease to have a next generation if it delays any longer since he is my only son!"     

Upon hearing Elder Qi's story, everyone was really angry.     

'Liu Chunyi is such a despicable person! What a shameless bastard! The crowd couldn't wait to slap him a few times diffuse their fury!"     

"Alright, I will help you."     

"Thank you, Master Chen! Thank you so much… Please accept my bow…"     

Initially, Qi Yuehuo thought that Chen Xiaobei would definitely make things difficult for him. He was expecting Chen Xiaobei to ask for something from him. Little did he know, Chen Xiaobei agreed to help without asking for anything in return. It was enough to touch the deepest part of his soul. Immediately, he knelt down in front of Chen Xiaobei.     


A peaceful night passed.     

On the second morning, Qi Yuehuo led Chen Xiaobei to the best hospital in Dragon City. As for Li Xiang, Chen Xiaobei asked him to wait up until he helped out Qi Yuehuo.     

In the intensive care unit of the hospital.     

Qi Yuehuo's son, Qi Zhenxin was lying on the sick bed. He was wide awake but looked lethargic. At that time, a famous doctor was doing some routine checkup on the patients with a nurse.     

Seeing Elder Qi and Chen Xiaobei entering the room, the doctor greeted them.     

"Elder Qi! Morning! Why are you here at such an early hour?"     

"Good morning to you too. I have invited a miracle doctor to heal my son! That is why I'm here at this hour!"     

"Miracle doctor? Where is he?"     

Dr. Jiang tried looking around but he did not see anyone coming into the room. Immediately, Elder Qi pointed at Chen Xiaobei and said, "This is the miracle doctor that I mentioned earlier!"     

"What? Elder Qi, you must be kidding me, right? This kid is a miracle doctor?"     

Dr. Jiang could not help but roll his eyes at Chen Xiaobei. Considering that he had been working in the medical field for decades, he knew clearly that was only so few could earn the title, miracle doctor! All of them were reputable elderly.     

"If this kid is a miracle doctor, then, I should call myself the god of healing!'     

"Father… This doesn't sound right to me… How old is this teenager?" Qi Zhenxin asked weakly.     

"Watch your tongue! Where are your manners? Do not offend Master Chen! If not, your wounds will not be healed for the rest of your life!"     


Bewildered, Qi Zhenxin did not believe in Chen Xiaobei but he did not dare to defy his father – his kept silent immediately. Witnessing this farce, the young nurse was trying her best to hold back from laughing. To her, Elder Qi was not in his right mind anymore and Chen Xiaobei was just a quack that he met in the market! Of course, she was just a new employee with a low position in the hospital. That was why she did not express her thoughts through words.     

On the other hand, Dr. Jiang possessed a completely different position in this hospital. As Qi Zhenxin's attending doctor, he had the right to say whatever that was on his mind.     

"Elder Qi, you cannot believe in this kind of Jianghu quack! I wouldn't mind if you asked a quack to heal your son if your son is diagnosed with light injuries or illness! Mr. Qi's illness is really serious! One wrong step could cost his life! Leaving him to a quack is equivalent to murder!"     

"Mr. Jiang, don't you worry! I'm confident in Master Chen's healing skill! We will bear all the consequences if things go awry!"     

"No way! I'm the attending doctor of Mr. Qi! I will never agree to it! Mr. Qi needs to leave this hospital if you insist on letting this quack heal him!"     

"You… You can't do this to me! My son will not survive if you ask him to leave this hospital now!"     

"I don't care! This is my hospital! You are obliged to follow our rules!"     


Elder Qi was so angry that he could not wait to slap the bastard.     

"Can I say something?" Chen Xiaobei voiced out suddenly.     

"Speak your mind! Get lost after you say what you want to say! Do not interrupt my routine checkup on my patient!"     

"Hehe… Actually, I demand you to get lost from here!"     

"Son of a bitch! How dare you speak to me like this?! Have you heard of my name, Jiang Wenbin?! No one would dare to speak to me rudely in this hospital!" said Dr. Jiang with a condescending glare.     

'This kid is so arrogant! Going against Jiang Wenbin will not land you any benefits in this hospital!'     

Elder Qi and Qi Zhenxin were left in an awkward situation. That was because Jiang Wenbin's identity was special in this hospital. Going against Jiang Wenbin was equivalent to going against the whole hospital. The consequences could be quite dire.     

However, Chen Xiaobei was adamant. "You refuse to get out? Alright, I will ask someone to shoo you out!"     

"You want to look for people to shoo me out from my hospital? Hmph! Have you forgotten you are standing in my territory?!"     

Immediately, Jiang Wenbin took out his cell phone and called security.     

"Chief Wang, being a few security guards to 033 intensive care unit! Right! Now!"     

At the same time, Chen Xiaobei took out his cell phone and called someone as well.     

"Jiang Zihua! Come to 033 intensive care unit now!"     

"Who… Who did you just call?"     

Standing there shocked, the name, Jiang Zihua was well-known in this hospital!     

"Good morning director… Hello director… Director, why are you running? Slow down…"     

Soon, a series of greetings could be heard outside the room. The person was none other than the director of this hospital, Jiang Zihua! Running with urgency, Jiang Zihua put on a smile when he saw Chen Xiaobei.     

"Miracle doctor Chen! Long time no see! You should have called me before you came here! I would want to welcome you personally at the entrance of the hospital!"     

"Cut the crap! Ask that crook to get out from this room!"     

Chen Xiaobei pointed at Jiang Wenbin in an impatient manner.     



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