Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Medicinal Formula Makes Me a Shareholder

Medicinal Formula Makes Me a Shareholder

0"Hell, Mr. Chen. It's been quite some time since we last met. How are you doing?"     

Madam Diana was very polite – displaying gracefulness and reliability.     

"I'm fine. Thank you for your concern. May I know the reason for this call?"     

"Do you still remember the project that I mentioned to you last time when we met at the film base?"     

"Of course, I remember!"     

'Is the project going to kick start soon? With that being said, I can finally meet Mengchen as a business partner!"     

Chen Xiaobei was ecstatic just by thinking about it.     

"The location of the project and construction scheme are set in stone. Everything can begin right away! I would like to ask if Mr. Chen is available to work on this project with us?"     

"I have the time! However, Madam, you have not told me what kind of project this is?"     

Truthfully, Chen Xiaobei did not really care about the nature of this project. For the sake of Lan Mengchen, Chen Xiaobei would definitely be a part of the project no matter what Madam Diana was planning to do.     

"Women's skincare! This is one project that I'm confident that it will go well. Whether is now or the future, it has a lot of potential in this present market!"     

"This… To be honest, I have zero knowledge when it comes to skincare. Why me?"     

"Because you are an expert in the field of Chinese traditional medicine!"     

"If one wants to earn cash from skincare products, the person must have his or her own secret recipe! Including Chinese traditional medicine in the skincare products would achieve zero side effects! The final product will cause a stir in the market if the effect is great!"     

"Include Chinese traditional medicine in skincare products? Of course... It just might work!"     

Lots of traditional medicinal formulae emerged in Chen Xiaobei's mind when he thought about it. The science behind Chinese traditional medicine was complex but replacing those chemical substances with Chinese medicinal ingredients should not be hard to achieve.     

"I knew it! Mr. Chen, you can do it! Since the company has just started, we are going to need the formula for skin whitening and moisturizer for now. Please prepare some samples if you have the time. I will ask my people to come and pick you up three days later to test the samples!"     

"No problem!"     

"Oh right, regarding the way we work together. I will give you two options here. One, I will pay you a huge sum of money to purchase your secret recipes. Two, I will use twenty percent of the company share in exchange for your secret recipes. In other words, you will become one of the shareholders of the company and you will get a share of the profit that we earn!"     

"I choose the latter!"     

'By choosing this option, I will become Lan Mengchen's colleague! Having an office romance is awesome!'     

"No problem! Just to inform you, there will be another shareholder that would like to provide us with his formula as well. Three days later, we will test your sample and his at the same time. The loser will have to leave and the winner will stay!"     

"Heh heh. Madam Diana, you are business savvy. Don't worry, I will not lose!"     

"I like your confidence! We shall see each other in three days. I'm looking forward to the surprise that you are going to show me."     

"See you in three days then."     


Everything went by really smoothly in that three days. Feng Qingyang had already crafted two hyperrealistic human masks. As expected, the masks that Li Xiang showed to his king managed to slip by without any suspicion raised. Meanwhile, a total of six Taiyi Life Enhancement Pills were produced. Without the spiritual pearl from the Chinese knotweed, the production was reduced greatly. However, six Taiyi Life Enhancement Pills would definitely bring in a huge fortune to Chen Xiaobei.     

NeZha, Hong Hai'er, and Lin Nan's preparations for their upcoming show were going smoothly. With the help of Zhang Wen, every department in the film base gave them the green light to everything.     

The South Pole Jade Spirit Fruits were finally ready to be harvested – a total of ten. Chen Xiaobei was unwilling to eat them. He saved them all for the growing mother worm. Since everything went by so smoothly, Chen Xiaobei had all his attention focused on growing the voodoo worms. With his utmost care, three pairs of voodoo worms were successfully grown. They would turn into his secret weapon in a few days!     

In the afternoon of the third day, Chen Xiaobei traveled to the Chinese medicinal ingredient market to purchase the items that he needed to create the skincare products. Within an hour, he successfully made two bottles of samples. One of it looked like black sesame soup and the other one looked like clean water. Both of these samples were stored inside a mineral water bottle – seemingly very ordinary.     

The second morning.     

Chen Xiaobei traveled to a high-rise building in the middle of the city on time. Immediately, he took the elevator to the 33rd floor. This whole floor was rented by Madam Diana for her business. Considering that she just rented it not too long ago, the floor was still rather empty. Only the meeting room was being set up for the time being. There were already four people sitting in the meeting room. Madam Diana and Lan Mengchen were sitting on one side. On the opposite side, there were two men in suits sitting there. One of them was in his fifties and Chen Xiaobei did not recognize him. The other person next to him was in his twenties and was a familiar face to Chen Xiaobei.     

"Yap Tianlin?"     

With his gaze narrowed, Chen Xiaobei did not expect that the lecherous bastard, Yap Tianlin was one of the shareholders. Fortunately, Chen Xiaobei fed him Mengpo Soup when he visited him at the hospital. Hence, he did not need to worry about being recognized by him. The thing that upset Chen Xiaobei was the way Yap Tianlin looked at Lan Mengchen. He looked like he could not wait to gauge his eyes out and stick them on Lan Mengchen.     

'It seems like I have to look for a way to kick this lecherous bastard out of this game! I will never allow him to interrupt me to have fun with my goddess!'     

With his eyebrows raised, Chen Xiaobei was planning something in his mind while marching into the meeting room.     

"Mr. Chen! You are here! Welcome! Welcome! Everyone is finally here! Let me introduce this person to all of you! He is the miracle doctor that saved my life before! This lady is Lan Mengchen, one of the shareholders of this company!"     

"Hello, Ms. Lan!"     

With his hand out, Chen Xiaobei walked towards her.     


Lan Mengchen blushed when she shook hands with Chen Xiaobei. Seeing that happened in front of him, irritated Yap Tianlin and he was close to telling Chen Xiaobei off. Earlier, he was trying to shake hand with her but she rejected him unkindly.     

'Who the hell is this kid? He has no right to shake hands with Lan Mengchen!"     

"The person right here is Mr. Yap Tianlin. He too is one of the shareholders of the company."     


Yap Tianlin harrumphed with his chin raised. He then crossed his arms while putting on an arrogant look. He had no intention to shake hands with Chen Xiaobei.     

Madam Diana was really good at observing people. Immediately, she changed the topic when she realized something was wrong.     

"Mr. Yap. Everyone is here now. Do you mind introducing this friend of yours to us?"     

"My friend right here is someone that you can't imagine!"     

With a smile on his face, he stood up and prepared to introduce this person with a grand gesture.     

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