Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

A Kick in Your Face

A Kick in Your Face

0"Very well. Son of a bitch, your tough guy act is solid – I'd give you that." Wu Jiechao seethed as he stared daggers at Chen Xiaobei. "You might the first to belittle Qing Wu in our long history, but I'll teach you the difference between us and you shall pay for your arrogance!"      3

"Let's start then." Chen Xiaobei grinned calmly. "Everything you say is bullshit until there's a winner!"     

"Fine! People! Bring us two rods!" Wu Jiechao shouted.     

The room was filled with racks that held very manner of weaponry; it was a place that men of Jianghu gather after all.     

One of the onlookers had quickly handed both Chen Xiaobei and Wu Jiechao a rod, and everyone soon took a few steps back to give them enough room to fight.     

Luo Puti knew she could never talk Chen Xiaobei out of the fight, which was why she warned his opponent beforehand. "Wu Jiechao!" She yelled. "You're not allowed to use True Qi, remember that! You better not break the rules or I will wreck you with my own hands!"     

There were many who avoided getting into trouble with Wu Jiechao because they considered him extremely strong. However, Luo Puti could threaten him confidently with her twenty thousand combat power and her pinnacle phase of Qi refining stage cultivation! Only a few individuals in Dragon City could compare especially given her meager age.     

"Hehe… Stop underestimating me. I would never use True Qi because I already feel like a bully just by fighting him with two hands!" Wu Jiechao said arrogantly.     

Luo Puti was not listening to him; she had already turned to Chen Xiaobei and ignored him entirely. "Xiaobei. Be careful, don't act tough if you think you can't beat him." She said with concern.     

"Don't worry. You know better than anyone that I can definitely beat him easily!" Chen Xiaobei winked at her.     

"Son of a bitch! I dare you to act tough now!" Wu Jiechao screamed with envy. Using his rod as a fulcrum he leapt into the air and aimed his legs on Chen Xiaobei. "I'll cripple you with this kick!"     

"Is that right?" Chen Xiaobei smiled evilly and charged at his opponent at an unbelievable speed. He would have been worried if his opponent used True Qi; he was fearless when it comes to pure skill. "I'm going to boot your fucking face if you keep making light of me!"     

"Huh?! What happened? How is that bastard moving so fast?" Wu Jiechao's eyes widened in shock; he never expected Chen Xiaobei to move as fast as himself.     


Chen Xiaobei dodged his attack easily, before kicking down the rod that Wu Jiechao had been using as support.     

"Shit…" Caught of guard, Wu Jiechao lost his balance and fell. Chen Xiaobei was already there waiting for him, and his right foot struck his face as if it was a soccer ball, and the muffled sound of contact was enough to stun the crowd.     


"Ouch… My… My teeth…"     

Wu Jiechao was sent flying for five meters. Two bloodied teeth fell out of his mouth when he tried to speak, and his face was swollen like a pig's.     

"Oh my God! How is this possible…"     

The spectators were extremely shocked; most of them were learned in different kind of martial arts and had seen everything clearly.     

"That kid must be a martial art expert. His health is definitely comparable to Wu Jiechao!"     

"Wu Jiechao is his senior by seven to eight years and had tons of training as well as cultivation since he was a kid. But somehow their health is about the same… It's beyond comprehension!"     

"I knew the brat has talent. He's a martial art prodigy!"     

"You're right, just look at him! He's around twenty now; he's definitely going to become more powerful seven to eight years later!"     

"I never expected to see such a formidable man outside Dragon City! No wonder Luo Puti fancies him!"     


Everyone could not quite recover from the surprise as their opinion of Chen Xiaobei took a complete turn.     

Luo Puti herself was stunned too. "This kid is just too smart when it comes to hiding his true power!" She exclaimed. "No wonder he dared to challenge Wu Jiechao; he has such strong health!"      

"Fucker! You sly bastard! So you were hiding your true power to make me underestimate you?!" Wu Jiechao yelled as he finally stood up and spat a mouthful of blood. He looked so furious he was prepared to eat Chen Xiaobei alive!     

"I didn't hide anything, and I did tell you that your health isn't that strong! It's the truth, but you thought I was just acting tough…" Chen Xiaobei shrugged and smiled with malice. "You're the one who didn't believe anything I said, and now you blame me for that?"     

"You…" Wu Jiechao was momentarily speechless, and then started to shout angrily again. "I wasn't serious just now. Do you really still think you can defeat me? And I'll have my payback – be ready to lose all your teeth! Hell, I'll even become your son if I lose."      

"I don't want a retarded son like you!" Chen Xiaobei shot back, his mouth twitching.     

"Motherfucker! Die now!" Wu Jiechao screamed with violent fury. He charged Chen Xiaobei like a madman and flailed his rod wildly with both hands.     




There was no doubt that Wu Jiechao was accomplished at using the rod. He moved it as fast as the rotor of helicopters, and could have repelled water with his rod if someone splashed a bucket of water at him.     

"Thunder Splitting Rod Skill is Wu Jiechao's signature skill – he is going all out now!" Several people exclaimed when they recognized the move.     

"I'm not sure if Chen Xiaobei could handle it. It's all about skills now since both of them has the same amount of health!"     

"I don't think Chen Xiaobei can win… Wu Jiechao trained on this pole skill before he was born!"     

"This rod skill is really unique – I heard the starting price of the skill book was ten million."     

"Looks like Chen Xiaobei is losing this one."     


Not a single soul in the room believe Chen Xiaobei could win. He was still a young kid after all.     




The pair fought intensely with their rods within the circle, the sounds of each strike echoing in the air briefly. None of the people in the crowd could believe how fast they moved!     

"No way! Chen Xiaobei is still not losing side… Anyone knows what skill he is using now?     

"No idea. It looks quite unique… And it appears to be both simple and complicated at the same time!"     

"The brat is really good! Wu Jiechao still can't take him down even after twenty years to mastering this skill!"     

In not more than ten seconds, everyone changed their minds and started to think that Chen Xiaobei has a chance. It was then that Luo Puti said something that no sane mind would.     

"Wu Jiechao is not winning. Chen Xiaobei will beat him in ten moves!"     

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