Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Are You Coming?

Are You Coming?

0Ding!      2

[Twelve-Winged Golden Cicada Larva; the offspring of a mythical creature that once walked the earth before humans. The Primeval Lord of Heaven found this bug inside the cracks between lost dimensions! It is extremely precious! Do you want to take it?]      


A golden bug the size of a coin appeared in Chen Xiaobei's palm, its outer shell giving it an armored appearance. It had no wings but he could sense the distinct demonic aura that surrounds it.     

"Is this thing really a cicada? It looks like some alien crap!" Chen Xiaobei sighed as he examined it closely.      

"Wait, I should make it imprint on me as its master first!"     

Placing one of his fingers lightly at the back of the cicada, he formed a bridge of trust with his True Qi. From this moment forth, the Twelve Wings Golden Baby Cicada was his second Spiritual Beast!     


The golden bug awakened from its long and deep sleep, and moved around Chen Xiaobei's palm as a sign of good will     

"Hmmm, I should give you a name… Twelve-Winged Golden Baby Cicada is just too long…"     

His mouth twitched as he watched the golden bug, "Twelve wings… And, you are my second Spiritual Beast… I think I'll call you Xiaoer (Little Two)!"     

The golden bug was stunned. It shook its head and quickly said in Zoolingualism: "I don't want that name! I'm not second! I refused any name related to two!"     

"Haha! Xiaoer! That's so cute and funny!" Yap Liangchen laughed – unable to hear the insect since he did not understand Zoolingualism.     


Angry, Xiaoer turned and roared at Yap Liangchen. The golden rays that reflected off its body swiftly rose like a cloud of smoke as it transformed into a menacing insect with twelve metal wings! At the same time, its demonic aura spread into the air and charged at Yap Liangchen like a storm!     

*Deep breaths*     

"What a terrifying bug!" Yap Liangchen said, breathing heavily. His heart hammered furiously as his pupils contracted and his forehead poured cold sweat! The demonic aura from Xiaoer was actually making an elite combatant with ten thousand combat power tremble in fear.     


Chen Xiaobei used his finger to prod Xiaoer gently. "You can't terrify our allies!" He ordered.     

"Alright, understood…" Xiaoer may be hot-tempered but it would always obey Chen Xiaobei. It quickly dispersed its aura of terror.     

"I'm going to introduce my family to you after this but remember, you are not allowed to terrify them either – you will learn to protect them instead. Understood?"     

"Understood." Xiaoer nodded obediently.     

Chen Xiaobei proceeded to look up on his other loot.     


[Pure Yang Sword of Talisman; a Pure Yang Item for Exorcism. It can kill every type of evil spirits except for the Evil Spirits King! Do you want to take it?]     

"Damn! How powerful is an Evil Spirit King? So, this thing can kill all kinds of evil spirits with a single slash and I had to waste it on a five-star evil spirit… Damn it…" Chen Xiaobei was upset.     

However, when he gave it some thought he realized that there had been no other way for him to defeat that evil spirit yesterday; everyone would have died at its hands otherwise. And then he became even happier when he recalled that there was two billion in his bank account right now.     


[South Pole Spiritual Jade Fruit; planted by Nanji Xianweng. It is a One-Star Spiritual Fruit from the southern heaven! It contains a small amount of Spiritual Qi and tastes ordinary. Do you want to take it?]     

"Damn! Every disciple of the Primeval Lord of Heaven is super stingy! How dare he throw garbage like this to the group?" Chen Xiaobei said haughtily as he quickly took it out.     

Three pieces of fruit that were as big pigeon eggs appeared in his hand. It had a white and round appearance.     

"Hold on, the Spiritual Qi is rather concentrated!" Chen Xiaobei noted in surprise. "I understand now! To those deities, it's a small amount of Spiritual Qi; but to humans it's highly concentrated!"     

"That's right! I could feel it; the Spiritual Qi inside these fruits are more concentrated than the Spiritual Qi inside the Flaming Cloud Spiritual Pendant!" Yap Liangchen exclaimed in astonishment!     

"Haha! In other words, this is good stuff!" Chen Xiaobei said, and suddenly came up with a bold thought. "What if I consume all the flesh and plant the seeds? Does that mean I would get an unlimited supply of Spiritual Qi?" He asked excitedly.     

"Bro Bei! You're so smart! Just like the First Love Peach – plant more, and we won't have to worry about our source of Spiritual Qi anymore!" Yap Liangchen's face lit up.     

"Let's go to the kitchen now! I'll share it with everyone!"     

Without hesitation, Chen rushed to the kitchen and cut the fruits into eight portions. He would share them with his parents, Xiaobai, Sirius, Xiaoer, Yap and Xiangyu.     

After cutting the fruits, Chen Xiaobei took the three seeds.     

Xiaobai and the rest of the Spiritual Beasts went out to train after absorbing the Spiritual Qi from the fruit. Chen Xiaobei then went to give some to his parents and Xiangyu.     

His dad had been playing Chinese chess with Xiangyu; the latter had grown obsessed with it after learning it. It was almost as if he could not stop playing – although there was a clear reason behind his obsession.     

Many years ago, Xiangyu had been betrayed by his best friend Liu Bang. Xiangyu had always thought of him as his flesh and blood but in the end, he was set up and murdered by Liu Bang in cold blood! Naturally, Chen Xiaobei did not talk about it if Xiangyu did not mention it first.     

"Come! Come and try a new fruit that I got recently!"     

Chen Xiaobei handed the plates of fruits to his parents and Xiangyu. It could not be denied that heaven and the mundane had different takes over different things – the system claimed that the fruit tasted ordinary but everyone was astonished by its sensational flavor!     

"Xiaobei! What kind of fruit is this?!" Chen's mom gave her compliments. "It's mouth-watering! I think it tastes even better than the First Love Peach!"     

"It flavor is amazing, and I could feel a stream of energy entering my body too! I feel great!" Chen's dad also praiseful too.     

Meanwhile, Xiangyu was calm. "This Spiritual Fruit can really help with your current training!" He whispered to Chen Xiaobei. "You have to eat more!"     

Chen Xiaobei knew this before Xiangyu mentioned it; he had been looking for a suitable place to plant the seeds.     


Suddenly, his cell phone rang. It was Luo Puti.     

"Luo the Goddess! How can I help you?" Chen Xiaobei answered the phone happily.     

"There's a special auction in Dragon City tonight! Are you coming?" Luo Puti simply cut to the chase.     

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