The Favored Son of Heaven

Information About Brother

Information About Brother


The four fighters' speeds were too fast. They decreased their speeds in order to turn around and attack Qin Fen, but they just so happened to be hit in the buttocks by heat-rays in this moment.


The four loud sounds of explosions happened near simultaneously. Everyone else rubbed their eyes subconsciously, in disbelief that a rookie in aerial combat had performed to aerial combat techniques back to back and eliminated five enemy fighters.

If it had been a genuine ace pilot, then naturally it would be easily to eliminate five non-professional fighter pilots. However, none of the two thousand recruits had undergone professional training. At most, they had done passable virtual training for fun. It was really hard to find one recruit who can handle a one versus five situation, especially a recruit who could continuously perform evasive actions against the pursuit of four enemy fighters. Qin Fen's performance could be said to be near perfection!

The database quickly performed analysis on Qin Fen's aerial combat data and transmitted the result onto the surveillance monitor before the many seasoned soldiers.

"The second best pilot has been discovered," The digitally synthesized voice reported without a hint of emotional fluctuation. All the squad leaders were shocked at this information.

A string of evaluations appeared on screen: His operating technique is on the level of an ace pilot. As for the application of aerial combat techniques, the pilot does not have accurate control of his aircraft's drive power, causing a large waste of energy. His energy consumption for the aircraft is two-fold of an ace pilot's. His accelerated wear-and-tear rate of the aircraft's components is two-fold of an ace pilot's. 

"Ol' Squad Leader, was he just faking it yesterday?"

"No one would fake their skills to be in last place, right?"

Squad Leader Hao had just made some remarks when he inadvertently swept his gaze on the screen to a very bizarre evasive maneuver that Qin Fen performed. He had rushed past his enemies heat-rays and had launched fire against them at the same time, ensuring their destruction.

"That...." Squad Leader Hao gaped slightly. Qin Fen's evasive maneuver made him think of the Shaolin Arhat Fist's Dragon Guard!

Incorporating martial arts into operating a fighter? Squad Leader Hao doubted his own eyes; there must be something wrong with them. It was impossible for a fighter to perform the complete Dragon Guard, but the intent was extremely similar!

Squad Leader Hao stopped talking. He stared tensely at the screen, carefully observing any and all combat movements that Qin Fen performed.

In this virtual aerial combat, Qin Fen's series of attacks soon caused the recruits to understand something. Yesterday's rookie had become today's fighter king!

Qin Fen locked onto the target with the highest detection radius out of all the aircrafts. It was the comprehensive attacker, the Nezha Flying Saucer Space Fighter.

Seeing Qin Fen pounce at it, the Nezha Flying Saucer Space Fighter turned and ran. Though it was an comprehensive attacker, it was not afraid to run even though it couldn't go on the offensive in this state.

Two heat-seeker missiles shot out from the rear of the Nezha Flying Saucer Space Fighter. Qin Fen pushed forward the thrust lever once more, and the fighter could be seen to tremor slightly in the air. The two missiles brushed against the wings of his fighter before turning around and locking onto Qin Fen once more.

"What kind of aerial combat style is this?" said a squad leader who liked to hang around the aerial combat network. He looked at this evasive maneuver for aerial combat, one he never seen before, with utter amazement.

"The Arhat Cloud Walk...." Squad Leader Hao subconsciously answered.

"Arhat Cloud Walk?" The squad leader hao didn't have a response for a time. He was stupefied for a moment before realizing that it was the weightless evasive maneuver from the fitness exercise of fist forms. "Ol' Squad Leader, are you joking? This is aerial combat. It isn't the land combat that you're so good at."

Squad Leader Hao shook his head in silence. Qin Fen had performed a combination maneuverer of a sudden acceleration together with a dodge. He was left with this thought in mind.

Squad Leader Hao carefully observed Qin Fen's fighter. The fighter had gradually changed into something else in his eyes. It was now an expert of the martial dao who could fly, and it was using the Shaolin Arhat Fist as it struck an enemy aircraft down from the skies.

"It isn't impossible."

A voice of ample confidence resounded at the monitoring room's entrance. All the squad leaders turned around at the same time and bellowed with their chests stuck high, "Hello, Battalion Commander!"

"Hello, everyone."

The battalion commander that walked in had a skin tone of wheat. His arms were thick and sturdy, and he give off the feeling of an immovable mountain just by standing. Zhang Jianshan was like his name, an unyielding mountain.

"I heard my old squad leader talk about something a few days ago. Five years ago, he had encountered a special recruit in the military." The battalion commander slowly said, "I heard that the recruit's piloting style was similar to martial arts when he played in the aerial combat network. He had no losses in his battle record back then. The only unfortunate thing was that he only played for three days before getting bored, never logging on to the aerial combat network again."

"I heard of this too." Squad Leader Hao opened his mouth, "Speaking of which, I even met the kid before. Wait! Can he really be...."

Squad Leader Hao suddenly froze, as if he had been struck by lightning. He dashed out of the room and hurried to Qin Fen's sleeping quarters.

The seven recruits were still in the aerial combat network when Sky Battle Network looked at Qin Fen stupefied. A whisper came out of his mouth, "Looks a bit similar. Actually he does look similar! I seem to recall that the other kid's last name was Qin as well."

Squad Leader Hao's throat squirmed, "Don't... Don't tell me... They're brothers...." 

Squad Leader Hao clenched his fists tight as he whispered over and over, "No wonder. No wonder I had a sense of déjà vu when I first met him."

Squad Leader Hao pulled a chair up before the bed. He sat, quietly waiting. So it turned out that the super recruit from five years ago actually had a brother?

An hour passed, and the aerial combat training finally finished.

The recruits took off their helmets, revealing faces of severe exhaustion.

Even though it was virtual aerial combat, it still needed one's complete mental focus. When faced with added punishment in the form of training if ranked in the bottom two-hundred, the recruits could only go all out in preserving their rankings.

Quite a few recruits fell straight asleep after taking off their helmets.

On the other hand, Qin Fen had a face of excitement when he took off his helmet. His battle record had shifted from last place to first place, an enormous difference. He was in high spirits and was positively glowing. He didn't feel even an iota of weariness.

Most especially was what happened after he accidentally used the Dragon Guard in aerial combat. He discovered that he could use the fighter to mimic a portion of the martial dao, a discovery that was akin to discovering a new continent. He experimented repeatedly, and he succeeded repeatedly, shooting down all who had struck him yesterday. 

The recruits in the same sleeping quarters looked at Qin Fen's bed as a first reaction after taking off their helmets. Everyone felt utter shock. Yesterday's rookie had become so strong in just a day.

Wisps of suspicion flashed through Du Peng's eyes before all the recruits discovered the presence of Squad Leader Hao.

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