My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-303 Trauma

CH-303 Trauma

1She didn't recognize his touch in her traumatic state of mind. She tried to free her self from in strong arms as his touch was burning her.     0

She started hitting his back with her small fists as there was no room to hit his chest. The front side of her body was completely glued to his rigid and firm chest.     

"Leave me." She shrieked again and started scratching his naked back.     

"Honey it's me. You know my voice my sweetie. I'm your husband. Just come back to me dear." He started whispering nothing but sweet words in her ear. But still there was no effect on her. After a few moments he pulled her away from his chest and started shaking her body by grabbing her shoulders. Her eyelids were wide open yet she was not ready to see the reality.     

Noticing that she was not ready to come out of her deluded world, Alexander raised his hand to slap her but before his rough and large hand was about to hit her delicate cheek, he stopped his hand in mid-air. What he was going to do? She needed his love in this situation and he raised his hand on her. How did he do it?     

He felt a little ashamed of himself.     

He thought for some time and held up her in his arms in a bridal style. She now started punching her hands and feet in the air. And her nails started scratching his face too. He quickly took her to the washroom.     

He quickly took her into the washroom and then into the shower glass cubicle. He placed her feet on the floor and wrapped one arm around her waist to prevent her from running away and kept her close. He opened the tap of very cold chilled shower on high speed and power and stood under the shower with her. He grabbed her first full hair in his free hand but not in a tight grip and tilted her head back so that her entire face was in direct contact with the chilled water. As the shower water continued to fall on her face, she was struggling to breathe and unable to move due to Alex's tight grip. Now her brain started to think how to get out of this cold water in her head because of which the traumatic incident was left behind somewhere.     

She was trying to breathe but it was impossible for her because of the water and when she tried to open her mouth, water entered her throat which made it very difficult for her to speak. And in this dire situation she remembered only one person and she tried to call his name in a muffled voice.     

"A-A-Alex." Alex had been watching her closely from the beginning. One of her hands was on his chest and the other hand was holding his arm in a tight grip that she was not aware of. It was hardly two minutes he could stand her in the water when his name came out in a muffled voice. It was not clear but it was enough for him to understand.     

He quickly released her hair then closed the shower tap and cupped her face with one hand. "I'm here honey." His voice was sweet and a little guilty.     

"Alex-cold-water-My-Breath." She couldn't even form a proper sentence.     

"Calm down. Now that water won't start again."     

"Yeah, yeah it won't start again," she whispered looking blankly. She didn't not become completely normal but was in better condition than before. She rested her face on his chest and wrapped her arms around his torso before closing her eyes. As usual his heartbeat was doing a very good job of calming her down. Her tense body relaxed into his arms and they both remained in the same position for a while.     

"I still feel touch of their hands on my body. No matter how many times I shower a day, it feels like their touch is still on me. The way he forcibly dragged me from the washroom. How his men brutally beat up your bodyguard who was trying to save me from them." saving this a few moments later Avery broke the silence .     

" How he touched my waist , my stomach and my face . How he had kissed my neck with his dirty lips. " She pulled her face out of his chest and looked at him with pleading eyes. " All these things run before my eyes like a movie and their touch still crawls over my body. I can't even sleep peacefully Alex. "     

Alex was well aware that her nightmares woke her up screaming every night. Because every night he stayed by her side, but he wasn't aware of how she felt about his touch. How deep that things went into her heart and brain.     

"I don't want to feel his touch on me anymore. "     

"then Give me a chance to get rid of the feeling of his dirty touch. Give me a chance to give you the feeling of my touch. " He leaned down and kissed the corner of her lips. "I Promise you won't even dream about their touch. I will fill you with the feeling of love. Just give me a chance."     

She understood what he was talking about but was she completely ready for him. She was in confusion. Seeing the expression on her face, Alex immediately tried to convince her. "Don't think so much. I am your husband. Trust me." Yes he was her husband and he had full rights over her. Although he had already made it clear, this time seeing her situation and not wanting to scare her further, Alex thought it was good to ask her.     

Seeing the sincerity in his eyes she nodded her head slightly and the next moment she was lifted into Alex's arms in a bridal style.     

He brought her out of the glass cubicle and placed her on the washroom floor. The cold shower was now showing it's effect on her body making her shiver.     

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