My Husband is My Professor and Boss

Ch-297 Do not Go. pat-1

Ch-297 Do not Go. pat-1

1"I want to answer your question" she said clutching her dress in her timid voice. She was very nervous, it was clearly seen on her face.     

He looked at her for a moment and said in gental tone, not wanting to scared her again. "Come here. "     

He said in a gentle voice extending his hand towards her.     

"No I'm good here." She fisted her dress in both her hands.     

"Love, there is no need for you to stand there, come closer to me," he said again in a loving voice.      

"Actually I'm fine here."     

"Avery, I told you to come here." Her eyes widened when he heard her full name come out of his mouth. It was rare for him to take her full name and he used to take her full name only when his temper was high. And that was now. Seeing that she was still standing in her place, his voice increased. "What's your problem. Don't test my patience Avery." He snapped at her making her flinch. Fear of him immediately appeared in her eyes, which did not hide from him.     

"Fuck, I did it again." He cursed himself under his breath and ran his hand through his thick hair. "Honey, you know very well that if you don't come near me, I can come there. But I don't want to do that." He sighed and rested his head on the headrest and closed his eyes. "I want you to take towards me. "     

"Don't you think that your behavior is hurting me. It's been fifteen days since we are back but you haven't spoken a single word to me. Seeing your distant behavior hurts my heart. I know you used to pretend to sleep whenever I came back from work. Which used to break my heart because I wanted my wife in my arms.     

But still I ignored everything but at least I should know the reason behind your behavior. Avery, I can put up with anything in the world but not your ignorance. I can fight the whole world alone but I am unarmed before you. " The depression and sadness in his voice broke her heart. How could she not think how her behavior would affect him. How could she be so selfish. She made her strong and sturdy husband miserable in her self-pity. She wanted to hold him. She wanted to hug him. But she was standing so numb in her place that not a single part of her body moved.     

A strange silence spread in the study room for a while and then he suddenly got up from his chair and approached the couch. He picked up his suit jacket from the arm of the couch and placed it on his left arm.     

"Anyway I'm sorry for my earlier behavior. I shouldn't have forced you. But what can I do? I was so frustrated." He came closer to her and placed his hand on her cheek. "Take your time. I won't force you after this and I'm sorry again for hurting you." Saying this he left the study room and she was still standing in her place like a statue. What she did? Her hands started shaking.     

He was walking towards the main door of the mansion but his heart was still in the study room. He wanted to turn and go to her right now but he had given her his word that he couldn't go back on. He was still in his thoughts when a small force hit his back and fragile hands wrapped around his waist. He didn't even take a moment to recognize the touch. This was his younger wife. "Please don't go." Her voice was pitiful. "Please, forgive me." She began to rub her face against his broad back and tightened her grip around his torso. He stood still there for a moment. He did not even put his hand on her hand. And not even take her in his arms. He wanted to do both but he clenched his fist and jaw to control himself.     

"Leave me Avery. I'm running late." His voice was emotionless.     

"No, no." She tightened her grip. 'Please don't go. In my self pity I didn't think about what you were feeling. "     

"It's okay, you don't need to worry now. " The staff who were in the living room were very sad to see the situation of the two of them. They wondered who had cast an evil magic on their young Master and young Madam that everything had changed between them since they came back.     

Seeing that Avery was not willing to let go of her grip, Alex finally placed a hand on her arm which made her feel better. He released her hold on him and she thought he would turn around. But this was reversed when he left without even looking at her. At this time she understood the depth of the seriousness of his situation.     

She now understood how hurt he must have felt because of her neglect. It was the clear feeling of rejection. But still there was a voice from a corner of her heart told her that she had faced worst condition at the beginning of their marriage and when he told her the reason behind his behavior, she even forgave him. Now why is he not understanding her? Just as there had a reason for his behavior, there is also a reason for her behavior. He does not understand that she is afraid of something.     

Alexander's chauffeur had opened the back door of the black car for him and he was about to step into the car when Avery screamed. "Alex, please stop." Her scream took everyone focus on her.     

This time too Alex wanted to ignore her but he couldn't and without his permission his head turned towards the main entrance of the mansion where his wife was standing. She looked very broken and when he ran his eyes over her whole body he saw that her delicate feet had no footwear. Before he could react, she ran near him.     

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