My Husband is My Professor and Boss



0It was her first time to see him so angry. So far she had seen him cool and flirty. She sniffed and she wiped her tears.     0

"Why didn't you tell me before." He cupped her face after coming closer to her.     

"How could I have told you. Because of this baby, I didn't want to tie you into a relationship you didn't want. And even so, whenever I mustered up the courage to meet you, every time I would see you with some girl. Even on the day of the reception, I saw you with a girl in the afternoon."     

"How." he whispered in a low voice.     

"I came to meet my friend in the same hotel where you were with her. I saw you two going into the room. I thought she was a rising model." She said while looking in the other direction.     

He became speechless after hearing this. He removed his hand from her face and put his head on her lap. He was regretting that he had done so badly to her.     

She was not a stupid girl, she knew that he was hurt. She put her hand on his head and put her lips near his ear and said in a very loving voice. "It's already too late. Let's go to sleep."     

He poked his head out of her lap and the first thing he did was grab her nape and bring her head down and smash his lips against hers. Placing his hands on her waist, he pulled her down and made her sit on his lap. Her legs were next to his torso.     

He was addicted to her lips. He could not tire of kissing her. There was a different kind of intoxication in her lips that possessed him. While kissing him, she felt something poked in her lower region. It was his little buddy who was ready for her. He broke their intense kiss and looked into her eyes. "Did you go to the doctor for a checkup."     


"Male or female." He asked possessively.     

"Hum." She looked at him in surprise. She had never expected such a question from Ranveer. She looked at his face closely. He was waiting for her reply and seemed possessive about her. His grip on her waist when she didn't answer quickly.     

Seeing that she was not answering he tightened his grip on her waist, "answer me"     

"Obviously the most famous Gynecologist Doctor Joseph. I don't want to take any chances with my baby." He gritted his teeth and changed his expression.     

"You will not go to that doctor again. I will take you to the good lady's doctor," he said, thinking of Dr Gracie.     

"God, look at your face. It's red with anger." Rina started laughing loudly. The sweet sound of her laughter brightened the atmosphere.     

"My dear husband, Doctor Joseph is a female and experienced doctor. You don't need to feel so jealous." She wrapped her arms around his neck.     

"Jealous, I'm not Jealous. I just asked." Instead of looking at her, he looked around the room.     

"Really . Really . Look at me and tell me . "     

" Oh , stop it , " he got up and went to the bed , taking her in his arms . He laid her on the bed and hovered over her. He put his weight on his arm by her side.     

"I hurt you that day. If so, please forgive me. I am ashamed of myself." He lowered his eyes. Thinking of that night, her heart sank. She took a deep breath and lifted his face in her delicate hands. "Just don't do it again. I can't stand it if you do it again."     

"I swear on my baby it won't happen again."     

"Ranveer, you didn't even ask me if this baby is yours or not. What If this baby belongs to someone else." Hearing this, a smile appeared on his lips and he replied casually.     

"You are not like me, Rina. Then there was no reason to doubt."     

"Thank you."     

"No, you don't thank me. In fact I am very grateful to you."     

I will take you to the doctor tomorrow. I want to ask her something personally. "     


"Let's go to sleep now" He closed his eyes taking her in his arms. He felt like completed and closed his eyes with a small smile on his face.     


It had been more than fifteen days since they came back. The wounds on her body were almost healed. Seven days before She had also rejoined her university and job. Her pregnancy had also completed four months and the fifth month had begun. Everything looked normal but the reality was something different.     

When they came back, there had been a lot of changes in her behavior. Her distance with Alex was increasing day by day. In fact she started ignoring Alexander. She stopped talking to the house staff and did not even stand in the shadow of any men. Her behavior also changed with Raina and Emily. With David, she had stopped talking. Even in the university, she used to stay alone most of the time. In other words we can also say that she isolated herself. She had not even called her mother even once in the last fifteen days. She had removed Alexander from her life. She would wake up after he left for work and pretend to be asleep before he came.     

If she accidentally sees him eating breakfast, lunch or dinner at the dining table, she will go back to the room. Seeing her reluctance, even the staff was not trying to talk to her deliberately.     

Even today she will do the same. She came down only after he left for work and having her breakfast alone. She had only taken a few bites of the pancake when she felt the heaviness surrounding her.     

Her eyes widened when she realized the reason for this changed environment. Her body got goosebumps and she quickly stood up after sliding the plate in front of her. Not paying attention to this, she dropped the dining chair and ran from there to her room.     

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