My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-281 Horrible.

CH-281 Horrible.

0He was sitting on the side of her bed and she was in a calm position on the bed. like she was sleeping very peacefully. More than three hours had passed but still s, he was not conscious. He was getting worried now.     

He was about to call the doctor when she started whimpering. The calm expression on her face started to become horrible. Like she was afraid of something. Tears began to flow from her eyes. She started whispering something. Like she was facing something terrible in her unconscious state.     

It was a bad consequence of what had happened to her. Alexander quickly got up from his stool and approached her. He took her face in his hands, "Open your eyes dear. Everything is fine. you are safe now. Our baby is safe. you made it my dear."     

He started patting her cheek slowly. But there was no use. She was so immersed in her agony that she thought it was real. Alexander caught some of her words. She kept repeating, " my Baby don't go, come to mommy. "     

His heart ached to see her in such a state. He grabbed her shoulders and started shaking her body. "Fuking hell! Open your eyes Ave and see reality." This time there was a roar in his voice. But Avery was still in the same state.     

"Nooooo..... " Just as he was about to call the doctor, Avery screamed and sat up straight away. Like the bed pushed her from below.     

She started crying loudly. "My baby is gone. My baby is gone." She started chatting like a mad person.     

'Now It is great.' Alex thought. Her body was already fragile and this madness may affect her body badly. Without a moment's delay, he sat beside her and cradling her body in his arms he pulled her onto his lap. He pressed her face into the crook of his neck and moved his lips to her ear.     

"Listen to me. Nothing happened to our baby. our baby is healthy and safe. You didn't let anything happen to our baby." He started moving his hand up and down on her back. " Come back to your senses and see that you are not in that room any more. come back to me, my love." She was conscious but her mental state was not stable.     

Somehow Alexander's words soothed her and she closed her eyes again. When Alexander felt her even breath on his neck, he grabbed the back of her head and pulled her face out of his neck. Her eyes were closed but this time she was asleep. He kissed her head and gently laid her on the bed. The bed was comfortable enough for both of them so he also stretched his body on the bed and lay on her bed. Not wanting to hurt his wounds, he didn't pull her into his arms and just wrapped his arms around her waist, facing her.     


Vijay Pratap was told by Alexander to come directly to the airport but he did not tell the exact time. He was constantly waiting for his call. His daughter was already packed their things and kept asking him about Avery.     

Avery's number was showing unreachable. So Sarah was trying to call Alexander but he was also not receiving her call. She started to feel frustrated. She wanted to see her daughter as soon as possible. It wasn't that Alexander hadn't seen her incoming call but he didn't want to deal with her right now. He could handle her later.     


More than an hour had passed but still Alexander had not come out of the room.     

Ethan was waiting for him. He had Avery's report in his hand which showed that everything was normal except for her blood pressure and hemoglobin. If they had to leave today, they should do so quickly because it was already too late.     

He was also tired. After all, he was also a human being. He was missing his wife and daughter very badly. He kept calling Alex but he didn't even pick up his call. He spotted a nurse and called her. He could not go directly in the room but the nurse could go. He asked to go inside the room but she too was hesitant at first but finally, she agreed.     

She knocked on the door earlier but since there was no response, she decided to pretend that she came to check on Avery as Ethan had told her. She twisted the door knob and entered inside. After what she saw, a smile automatically appeared on her lips. She asked Ethan to come inside.     

When Ethan walked into the room and saw the two were sleeping, he made his way towards Alex without thinking.     

He was about to touch Alexander's shoulder to wake him up when Alexander suddenly got up and pulled a gun on Ethan. Seeing this, the nurse got scared, the notepad fell from her hand and a scream came out of her mouth.     

Alexander looked first at the nurse and then at his wife, whose sleep had been disturbed by the noise, and she was slowly opening her eyes. He clinch his jaw and asked the nurse to get out.     

Ethan was already standing in his place with his hands up, "Relax Alex."     

Alex was alarmed by the time the nurse opened the door. He knew that some unknown person had entered inside. But he wanted to see that person move so he stayed down.     

Avery slowly began to open her eyes. After opening her eyes, there was white sealing in front of her eyes. She moved her eyes around. She was in the hospital room and her husband was sitting beside her. Apart from Alexander, there was also Ethan present in the room. She did not know how she came to the hospital but it was certain that her husband brought her to the hospital. She looked at her husband. She licked her dry lips with her tongue which only Alex saw.      

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