My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-280 Mommy I Am Dead.

CH-280 Mommy I Am Dead.

3After she got out, Alex immediately closed the door from inside. Avery's body was covered under a blanket and her clothes were placed on a side stool.      1

He sat on the bench next to the patient's cot. His little lover was motionless on the patient's cot. The dry blood on her lips was now wiped off but there was still a mark on her cheek where the ointment was applied     

He bent his body and placed his lips on her forehead. He caressed her forehead very lovingly and then lifted the blanket from her body. She was only in panty and a bra. His eyes immediately fixed on her left cleavage where it was already bandaged. Then he looked at her thighs. The doctor was right. There were dark purple and black bruises. He realized that these bruises were caused by someone forcibly holding her thigh for a long time. Alex then decides that whoever did this to his little wife was going to pay for it. He was going to cut off that person's hands.     

He took her delicate hand in his. Her wrists were also bandaged beforehand. He looked at her ankle. They were also wrapped with bandages. He kissed her palm and closed his eyes taking her small hand in his big one. A single drop of tear came out of his eye which he immediately wiped away. Then he opened his eyes which were bloodshot. He then placed his free hand on Avery's stomach, "It is good that nothing happened to you, otherwise, it would have been very difficult for me to take care of your mother." He moved his gaze over her entire body. He did not see any sign of sexual assault there. But still, he needed to confirm it from Avery. He then kissed her belly and covered her till her chin then came out.     


Avery was shifted to the VIP room after Mrs Gracie personally did some tests on her. Mrs Gracie still didn't know exactly what had happened to Avery, but being an experienced doctor, she knew that someone had forced Avery. But she also did not see any signs of sexual assault on Avery's body but for a precaution and as a duty of the doctor she asked permission to Ales the for performing test. But Alex flatly refused her. He didn't care if Avery was sexually assaulted or not because under any circumstances his love would not fail. And this thing he was going to ask her himself.     

Alex had already informed Vijay Pratap about Avery and he had asked him to bring Mrs Millar and Liam directly to the airport. They were going back tonight.     

Vijay Pratap had not told his daughter about Avery's kidnapping because he didn't know how to tell her. Unknowingly he had full faith in Alex that he would bring his granddaughter back safely. Also, He was very ashamed of himself.     

He only told Mrs Millar that Avery was not feeling well and Alex took her to the hospital. At that time, Mrs Millar asked him how he knew about Alex, to which he replied that Avery introduced the two of them. Mrs Miller couldn't believe it because she knew Avery couldn't do anything like that on her own. And she was also feeling restless from this morning for which she did not know the reason. She later ignored it thinking that it might be because of the change in surroundings that she was experiencing right now.     

Alex was outside Avery's room talking to someone on the phone. When he ended the phone call, Ranveer immediately questioned him, "Who are you? You are not an uncommon person."     

"You are an undercover officer. This is your job. not mine." A devilish smirk appeared on Alex's face and then again he continued with his word. "I know I'm a very sailfish person when it comes to Avery. And this is not the first time that I am facing someone who likes my wife and someone like you who start loving her without checking her background.     

Ranveer had never seen a person like Alex till today, "Aren't you feel jealous of that person who likes your wife?"     

"Why should I?"     

"Because this is normal," Ranveer said in surprise.     

"I think you didn't hear me completely. Avery is a gem that you can see but only I have the right to touch that gem. And if anyone tries to touch, I am always ready to cut that person's hand. She is a rose with thorns all around her. "     

"You love her so much but what if she didn't choose you back?"     

"Do I am gonna say this is the biggest lie in this world. " Alex's voice increased at the end due to which Ranveer took a step back.     

Alex took a deep breath and ran his hand through his messy hair. "As I said before I am a very selfish person when it comes to Avery and would have do anything to win her love but still I want to give you a advice which is completely opposite of this. Sometimes we have to give a chance to those who love us." After saying this he went to Avery's room.     

Ranveer understood the hidden meaning in Alex's words. He turned his feet and left because there was nothing left for him. He was chasing a kite whose string was in the hand of another person. That kite belonged to another person.     

Alex was sitting on the stool next to Avery's bed. She was now in a hospital gown. Her hand was in his hand which he was rubbing with his thumb.     


"Mommy, I am going far away from you. You will never see me again." She had been following this sweet voice for a long time. She knew that the voice was her baby but she could not see her baby. She could only hear the sweet voice. There was darkness around her.     

"Baby, please don't do this. Please come to Mommy."     

" No, You could not save me. So I am going far away from you. You will never find me."     

She was desperate to meet her baby but her baby was drifting away from her. She called once again. " Baby where are you? Please come to Mommy. Mommy is so sorry baby."     

"I went too far, Mommy. Don't look for me. I'm dead now."     

"NOoo.... "     

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