My Husband is My Professor and Boss



3"Yes boss " After speaking with Sebastian, he called Mrs. Gracie and immediately put the mobile on speaker. After Alex gave some instructions to Mrs. Grace, he increased his speed even further which was already very high. He was literally running. Seeing that the boss is bringing the lady boss, the driver immediately opened the back door of the car.      1

"Ethan you are driving." This was Alex's straightforward order and it meant Ethan knew how fast he have to drive the car.     

Ethan was very best at one thing and that was fast driving. In fact he was the number one racer of Black Market and illegal racing and racing was his passion. His control over driving time was very good. On the back seat Alex sat with Avery on his lap and Ranveer on the passenger seat.     

Alex placed Avery's face on his chest. One of his arms was wrapped around her waist and with the other he pushed the strands of her hair behind her ears. He started rubbing his thumb pad on her lips which were swollen. Then he started moving his finger tip over the mark on her cheek. The slap hit her was so hard that her cheek was torn in two or three places. Alex couldn't put into words how heavy those few hours were for him without he. Now he wants to feel her closeness for every fraction of second.     

He cupped her cheeks very gently and brought his face close to hers. He placed his lips on her dry lips and started kissing her. He first took her lower lip in his and started licking it. Opening her lips with his tongue he kissed her inner lips and then took her upper lip in his. As always, he kept Avery's face at such an angle that the other person would know they were kissing but their lip locking scene would remain private.     

Ranveer very well knew what was happening on the back seat. He could see it in the mirror so he turned his face away and clenched his fists. He could see Alex's undying love for Avery.     

Alex was still kissing his little wife when suddenly his wife moned. He broke the kiss and looked at her. Avery's face was twisted in pain. "Ahhh... " She screamed in a low voice.     

"Oh honey what is happening to you. " Alex asked in a tender voice. Her pain was so much that she regained consciousness at that point. Seeing that she was trying to open her eyes, Alex grabbed her chin and tilted her face upwards. "what is happening." He asked again. The depression was clearly visible in his voice.     

She opened her eyes which soon filled with tears. She put her trembling hand on her stomach and sob came out of her mouth, "my baby... "     

"Oh dear, don't do that. Please tell me and what is happening to you and our baby." Avery's voice was thin but Alex's voice was muscular and clear. As soon as Alex's voice fell on his ears, Raveer looked back.     

"My stomach is hurting a lot." She clenched her stomach. "Please save our baby." she cried.     

So not only they were in a relationship, but Avery was also pregnant. She was going to be the mother of Alex's baby. Good, very good. When Ranveer first saw Avery, he never though that this teenager girl would already be pregnant. He couldn't believe that he had ever thought of spending his whole life with Avery without doing a background check and without thinking if she would say yes to him. He thought that there was more to know about these two. Is there any more suspense left? His heart was burning in the front seat and Alex was trying to take care of Avery in the back seat.     

Among all these only one person was unaffected and that was Ethan. He was concentrating on driving so much that it seemed like there was only one work left for him in the world. But only he knew his true situation.     

Avery buried her face into Alex's chest and began biting his chest. Seeing his little flower in so much pain, Alex started making new strategies to torture Raghav. He wanted to torture Raghav at this moment but he was helpless. He started to move his long fingers in Avery's hair. He started moving his other hand from on her but everything failed in front of her pain and in that the fear of losing the child was different.     

After another five minutes of driving, Ethan spotted a white ambulance and immediately informed Alex. Alex breathed a sigh of relief and got off immediately after the cars stopped on the side of the road. But he was shocked again when Avery told him this. "I feeling something warm in between my leg. oh god my baby hold on my love." She understand what was happening with her. She was losing her child.     

"Nothing will happen. The doctor is already here." He was trying to comfort her but deep inside he was also scared for their baby. He quickly placed her on the bed in the ambulance and informed Dr. Gracie that Avery's blood flow has started already. She asked Alex to wait outside and began treating Avery.     

Ethan was outside the car taking a deep breath. Ranveer was also standing by his side. Ethan took out his mobile phone and called his wife. " Hey dear what are you doing." These were his first words.     

Raveer didn't know what Ethan's wife replied on the other side but he was listening to Ethan's words. "I survived today with great difficulty, because your brother was going to blow my head off with a bullet."     

After Ethan's call ended, Ranveer was looking at him with a question mark. He had many questions in his mind but he didn't know how to ask them.     

"Alex is my wife's elder brother." Ranveer looked at Ethan for a moment and asked the question that was burning in his heart for a long time. "What is Avery and Mr Hill's relationship?"     

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