My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH: - 277 You Came.

CH: - 277 You Came.

2Avery guessed that his men might not be present outside the room since it was clear from Raghav's condition that he was not going to get up from the cold floor and no one came to his aid. She opened the door and saw that there was no one outside the room and she wanted to leave before anyone came.     0

Her wounds were burning and she felt very tired. Streams of tears were constantly coming out of her eyes. She came out of the room and quickly closed the door so no one quickly finds out about her after she looked around her. She had hardly taken two or three steps when someone caught her. That person wrapped his hand around her waist.     

She shouted. "leave me... Leave you, bastard." She was very scared and in trauma. She started attacking him with a knife. But before that small knife could pierce the person's strong hand, that unknown person stopped her fragile hand in the air with the other hand.     

He immediately brought his lips to her ear, "Relax Love... You are safe now. My dear, you are safe. I am here my dear. " It was the voice and words that she longed for.     

"Alex...." She whispered.     

"Yes, dear Alex. Your husband. " Alex was nothing but whispering sweet words in her ear but his eyes were on her hands. On her wrists, he saw cut marks and bruises from which blood was oozing out. He grabbed the knife and rod from her hand and threw it down. It didn't even take him a moment to recognize that the bottle in her other hand was an Acid bottle. In which there is a small amount of acid at the bottom. He gently took the bottle from her hand and handed it to his bodyguard.     

"Alex...." She whispered again.     

"Yes, my dear. "     

"You came." Her voice was very low.     

"Yes, my dear." Now she didn't need to worry. Now she was safe. She put her whole body weight on him and finally gave up. Her silent cries turned violent and she lost control of her emotions. Her whole body started shaking.     

"It's ok," Alex turned her and rested her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her pathetic body and hugged her tightly. She did not have enough strength in her body to lift her hands to embrace him. If Alex hadn't held her, she would have fallen to the ground by now. It could also be that his arrival triggered all her emotions at one time and the patience she had held till now was over and she surrendered herself to him.     

Ranveer, in front of whom all this scene unfolded, was looking at both of them with shocked eyes. Now all his doubts were cleared and he got the answer to his question. He realizes that not only Alex, but Avery also knows Alex from the beginning. Not only do they know each other, but they are also in a relationship.     

Ranveer's heart was also starting to hurt after seeing Avery weeping. He wanted to console her but he knew it was not his right. He can only see her from a distance. Now he understood the pain of a broken heart. Avery didn't even know about his feelings, but still, his heart was aching badly. What about those girls whose fillings he knew in the past but he never appreciated any girl's fillings and broke many of their hearts from time to time? Again and again. He was a complete playboy who only believed in one-night stands but today he understands the value of true love.     

Breaking the embrace, Alex wrapped one arm around Avery's waist and cupped her cheek with the other. Seeing the cut on both sides of her lips and the visible marks of the fingers on her cheeks made his blood boil and his heart clenched in pain.     

Her dishevelled hair, bruises on her wrists, and marks on her cheeks were all evidence of the misery she had endured. He gently wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.     

Avery said to him in a broken voice as his lips rested on her forehead. "Sa... Save y... Your child."     

His eyes widened at these words and he asked her. "What happened. What happened to our baby? He said looking at her stomach."     

"He....He ga....gave....." She was trying to tell him but suddenly her eyelids began to close.     

"Darling.." Alex started patting her cheek to bring her back to her senses. But it was already too late and her body went fell into his arms.     

"Fuck..." He cursed. Ethan immediately came out from the room where Avery was kept. He had a strip of pills in his hand from which a pill was missing. He showed the strip to Alex.     

"Fuking Hell. We don't have time." Alex yelled and immediately picked Avery up in braider style.     

"ETHAN our men know very well what to do with that bastard just tell them to keep one thing in their heads that he must be alive. He should not be dead."     

"Yes, boss." Ethan delivered Alex's command to their men and he immediately started following Alex. When they came out of the building, dead bodies were lying on both sides of them.     

"How much time do we have?" Ethan said catching Alex's speed.     

"Hardly 25 minutes."     

"Shit It is impossible to reach the hospital so soon."     

"I know." Alex shortly replied.     

"What to do now?" Ranveer didn't know what exactly happened to Avery. And he didn't think it was the right time to ask. Also, it was already clear from Avery's situation that something serious had happened to her.     

"Tell Sebastian to take Mrs. Gracie in the ambulance and come as soon as possible. They will cover half the road and we will cover half the road. And then call Mrs. Gracie and I will tall to her." .     

"yes boss." After speaking with Sebastian, he called Mrs. Gracie and immediately put the mobile on speaker. After Alex gave instructions to Mrs. Grace, he increased his speed even further which was already very high.      

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